The Steeminati's SteemConsole is coming .... First Peek!.. Looking for Alpha testers!

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I've always admired the work of, and been fortunate to learn from a bunch of people on Steem and before I I start I want to thank this group...See the list at the end of the post...

I've been developing a Web based Tool called the SteemConsole to help the Steeminati give coverage Support to each other without using completely automated bots. It's not ready for release to the general public yet, but it's getting there....Here's a snapshot:

What's the difference between the SteemConsole and a site like SteemAuto, is Analogous to a cyborg vs. a robot.

A cyborg is human who has mechanical parts for enhancement, but everything is coordinated and controlled by a human brain, so that there is thought and emotion and the concept of right and wrong can come into play. A robot or the other hand is completely automated and can do things faster and exactly the same way every time.
A cyborg may take a little longer, but it can adapt to problems, a robot just breaks. A cyborg knows can adapt and use different tools and can modify its behavior based on environment a robot is only as good in the boundries it was set up for.

The SteemConsole does not look to replace other tools it looks to coop them to better use.

I got that from writing many systems over the Years and just cannibalized code from my own software systems and what I've been able to suss out

The reason I have yet to put it out to open source on Github is straight forward, once it's there control starts to be lost and I have to support people with answers, and I like you only have so many hours in a day (the reason for the tool in the first place).

In addition I have learned some stuff from working on many systems. For instance, I have a piece of software that's licensed by a few companies to run there businesses.

It's called Efficacy(c),
it's named such because it's designed not to be the most efficient at everything, but instead the best way to get something done based on how much return your going to get out of it. Essentially it eases the most difficult time consuming tasks so that your more productive and leaves things that you use rarely and can do relatively quickly alone.

To that end components of that software interfaces with many vendors for both up and down channels

What I learned is pretty telling:
I have the problem with amazon MWS all the time vs. eBay and NewEggs APIs....

It's obvious that the Amazon developers are driven by sales and subscribe to the go fast and break things design attitude.
I find that people designing and programming in an Agile environment like Scrum make for the most part (not all) make the worst designs, code, and technical support documents. Plus the software/systems results usually in a alot of spaghetti bloatware.
Looking for just Do-rae-me can get you money but it does not fuel the soul and does not last!

That's the major disadvantage to decentralized open source projects for the most part.
There is a lack of a uniform vision that guides the product path, internal and external documentatiom.
Committees are great for codifying standards after a shake out.
But during design and development the old saying "to many cooks spoil the broth", comes into play.

Just my 2 cents from someone who's been in the field since 1980.
Yea, I'm a mangy old junkyard dog, but I still can bite...

been working on a group app for my team....

beauty of it can be run on localhost on any windows machine with the free to use version of visual studio or placed on a iis express or apache server running old school classic asp, an access runtime odbc driver and In any browser that supports javascript.

it's lightning fast, and small footprint and packs a wallop serving the purposes of streamlining the mundane...
A few grease monkey javascripts stored in an Orthogonal Access database less than 10 mb in size powers this and stores all the running contest info for the SteemDecathlon....

Almost ready to release a Non-SteemDecathlon alpha version for a select group to test.
If your interested in trying it out by being part of the Alpha please leave a comment below.
I'll get back to you with details.

And Note it will be limited, and you will have certain limitations, because it's not ready for prime time yet!
for others beside the Steeminati to use

Here's the list of Steemians I've learned from and admire the work of (it is not all inclusive. @steemchiller, @utopian-io, @steemcommunity, @improv, @abh12345, @shoemanchu, @steemsql, @freewritehouse, @treeplanter, @contestkings, @larrythelion, @steembasicincome, @paulag, @aggroed, @rentmoney, @dosdudes, @steemitboard, @minnowbooster, @steemcleaners, @steem-bounty, @artzone, @fibra59, @binance-hot, @booster, @steempytutorials, @photocontests4, @dtube, @photocontests, @hugewhale, @raise-me-up, @sneaky-ninja, @ned, @newhope, @resteemy, @blockbrothers, @hugewhale, @raise-me-up, @jerrybanfield, @smartsteem, @tipu, @dragosroua





\So wha-a u-think??


Thank you @NewHope

Looks promising. Count me in if I could be of any assistance

Posted using Partiko Android

My pleasure brother from another mother

Looks sharp Rich can’t wait to try it out

Posted using Partiko iOS

You just continue your onboarding and we will get you there.....

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

addme test users

please add me to your test list, you have a haversack of skill dude and I will galdly do what I can to help

be my pleasure....
working on the password protection piece right now tonight...
Tell a few of your brethren, the more the merrier....
Working on some auto configuation pages....
So you can set up personalized launchers launchers
And looking to overload the right mouse click to include extra tools.
i.e. for creation, editing and tracking.
Kind of like some of the password, and spell check tool add-ons and old school bookmarklets.

sure i will spread the word, just resteemed and shared on twitter :-)

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