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RE: Make curating great again!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

As a 'non-fan' of the current curation algorithms, I also suggest a complete overhaul is needed. Giving authors more choice in who receives a reward can only serve to increase the size of the circle jerk (friends helping friends). I think it should be set up more like a lotto system where all/any votes has an equal chance of earning. As an example, say you have 10 total upvotes cast on a particular post. 20% of these voters would earn say 50% of the curation reward and the other 8 voters would receive the remaining reward, as a scaled percentage... all randomly selected. After all, all 10 voters DID show up, didn't they? This could mean that the either the first or last voter to show up would have an equal chance of receiving the largest prize. Why should any one of them be favored because they were more "timely" as compared to all other voters? Many of us have "lives" to live and can't simply camp-out at a keyboard to play ring the brass-bell all day long. An upvote is an upvote whether it is cast at post+1min or post=+2days. Personally, I can't read every post from everyone on my feed everyday, all day, let alone interact with them. A random lotto-type set up would encourage more curation and participaton in discussions, increasing one's odds of getting a more fair slice of the reward-pool pie.


What you suggest won't solve the root issue which is that most users on the platform don't vote for new undiscovered content/authors ( because no one vote for them, it's a vicious circle) so even if you change the formula those early curators will still earn peanuts.

Giving authors more choice in who receives a reward can only serve to increase the size of the circle jerk (friends helping friends)

Everyone will have equal opportunity to upvote those posts. It would be no different from what it is today aside from the fact that you create a good incentive for people to change their voting habit.

The reason nobody votes is because there is no "real" reward... period! Check out my most recent post.

The reward is in the contents of the posts, the ideas, music etc. The reward is in supporting artists so they can make from the heart and not to appease numerical sequenctions. Since life has no meaning outside of the experiences, if you are only consuming content to try and earn pennies, then you have missed the point 😕

The subject is "curation."

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