Chat text from the Steemit Inc Town Hall meeting with Justin Sun

in #steem4 years ago

Below is the text of the meeting, saved for posterity on the blockchain:

19:59:45 From : looks like a 15 minute delay
19:59:51 From Crypticat : Let's wait to see what his highness Justin sun has to say first before any negativity
20:00:20 From r0nd0n : I hope this is more than an infomercial
20:00:37 From AusBitbank : And a delay tactic..
20:00:38 From Fearless : I haven't heard anything just yet. Am I supposed to be hearing audio just yet?
20:00:46 From AusBitbank : no
20:00:49 From noisy : hello everyone
20:00:49 From project7 : It’s kinda strange to run chat-based meeting via Zoom. Thought it’s gonna be a video call.
20:00:54 From Fearless : Ok. Thank you.
20:01:12 From @jancharlest : Hello everyone!
20:01:21 From Fredrikaa : @project7 , I think using DLive would trigger too many ^^
20:01:27 From @jancharlest : Greetings from Steem Philippines!
20:01:28 From Moeknows : I think it will be audio plus chat like the others
20:01:43 From revo : Please upvote me
20:01:59 From AusBitbank : follow for follow ?
20:02:02 From revo : :)
20:02:03 From FBA : when tranquility?
20:02:05 From WNY : lol
20:02:08 From AusBitbank : when moon ?
20:02:10 From r0nd0n : is this going to be chat based?
20:02:11 From project7 : Hi Fredrikaa
20:02:14 From r0nd0n : no audio?
20:02:16 From Fearless : funnymeme.jpg
20:02:20 From project7 : I didn’t know the previous meeting
20:02:20 From Moeknows : I honestly think they (tron folks) are still very much noobs to steem.
20:02:25 From SEB-LOL : Hi guys
20:02:40 From louis88 : Audio started?
20:02:41 From r0nd0n : you have a long history of bad, u bad

20:02:52 From r0nd0n : here is the memes..

20:02:53 From Luke Stokes : it’s my 16th anniversary! I may not stay long. :)
20:02:57 From AusBitbank : k anyone else recording this pro tip hide the contact list
20:02:58 From Moeknows : follow me for MASSIVE upvotes!
20:03:12 From @jancharlest : Hello good evening there, good morning here
20:03:16 From Fearless : I'm still not hearing anything. Is this a problem?
20:03:19 From revo : I can't hear anything
20:03:26 From Crypticat : turn on your speakers
20:03:30 From revo : they on
20:03:34 From Fearless : same
20:03:35 From Crypticat : they broken
20:03:44 From @jancharlest : it works fine here
20:03:45 From Moeknows : Hello. Can you introduce yourself too.
20:03:45 From Acid : hello steem
20:03:59 From revo : well this blows
20:04:03 From Moeknows : Sup,Acid
20:04:09 From project7 : Good to see Starkez!
20:04:26 From Fredrikaa : full reunion;)
20:04:34 From @justinparke : Curious to see how this all goes
20:04:35 From revo : oohh I've got audio!
20:04:51 From Acid : imo this has been the smoothest acquisition ever
20:05:03 From Fearless : Finally got my audio working
20:05:05 From @justinparke : Had to download a program just to listen to this.
20:05:51 From Tidos : You dont have to download it. You can also use it directly in browser.
20:06:08 From Jorts : Hi I'm Jorts
20:06:24 From Daniel Burgess : nope, the facts we are stating about you guys fucking the exchanges is staying
20:06:32 From noisy : are we still waiting, or it just my headphones?
20:06:32 From @justinparke : Damn, too late Tidos, but it's fine, need to hear this.
20:06:44 From revo : it's going Noisy
20:07:00 From @justinparke : click on the menu near the speaker symbol
20:07:08 From @justinparke : I had to do a speaker test to get mine working
20:07:35 From sku77-poprocks YT : Good evening Steemians! Justin. Never FEAR, poprocks is HERE!
20:08:01 From Acid : lol
20:08:20 From followbtcnews witness : Exchange funds were NEVER FROZEN
20:08:23 From AusBitbank : As we have consistently told you from day 1, exchange funds were never at risk.
20:08:24 From Acid : their funds were never at any risk of being frozen
20:08:26 From Fredrikaa : There was never a threat of exchange funds.
But I can sympathise with the "safety first" approach.
20:08:38 From Carn : Will you power down though, you control yourself and you should be powering down, Justin
20:08:40 From Acid : way to spin this into psycho reality
20:09:06 From Crypticat : its not your funds
20:09:13 From Crypticat : its for community development
20:09:37 From WNY : It is his funds he purchased them
20:09:38 From Carn : Track record on Tron? lol
20:10:06 From revo : Commit some funds for development
20:10:06 From Crypticat : I disagree with you @WNY
20:10:12 From r0nd0n : would Steemit Inc agree with a max vote of 3 witnesses for all accounts?
20:10:31 From sku77-poprocks YT : bruh... Justin said "if something strange is going on"
20:10:34 From sku77-poprocks YT : kek
20:10:36 From Carn : We don't want a centralized structure
20:10:37 From drakos : should be zero votes
20:10:38 From charlesfuchs : Don’t worry guys, imi here now :)
20:10:40 From r0nd0n : this is the path to decentralization without paying lipservice
20:10:51 From AusBitbank : You froze the exchanges funds
20:11:01 From @justinparke : It's pretty hard to type and also focus on the conversation. You all are very impressive.
20:11:18 From Carn : What Aus said, You froze the exchanges funds
20:11:20 From AusBitbank : You had that idea, we rejected it emphatically
20:11:21 From FBA : no
20:11:32 From Carn : There was no democratic discussion
20:11:34 From Fredrikaa : There is no consensus support for low power down period for exchanges.
20:11:37 From charlesfuchs : Why is the power down such a huge deal?
20:11:37 From WNY : You don't have to agree with me.. It is a fact that he purchased the Steemit Inc stake that belongs to Steemit Inc not you or me or anyone else
20:11:58 From r0nd0n : nobody wants a 3-7 day powerdown for any account
20:11:59 From Crypticat : @WNY those funds were for community development, not to sell for profit
20:12:09 From AusBitbank : Your guarantees mean absolutely nothing to me.
20:12:20 From FBA : secure, yes, power down fast, no
20:12:20 From BlameKing : Your funds are secure. You have already interefered
20:12:21 From Carn : You can give it back rn and your funds and the exchange funds will be secure. You're interfering rn and your funds are secure
20:12:32 From r0nd0n : not being able to see what ausbit deletes makes this chat less exciting
20:12:34 From drakos : what's your develpment roadmap?
20:12:39 From chrisrice : Will you still launch SMT?
20:12:40 From WNY : if you say the Disclaimer on the steemit wallet about section
20:12:43 From sku77-poprocks YT : Yeah Ned committed from a ninja stake, his promise. But Justin Purchased. How did Steemit INC acquire the Ninja Stake? Premine?
20:12:48 From charlesfuchs : I don’t want to fuck him :)
20:12:54 From satren : why a shorter powerdown? personally I am even a friend of 104 weeks
20:13:14 From sku77-poprocks YT : 104 weeks? #HardPass
20:13:20 From Daniel Burgess : shorter powerdown needs to be a non starter. Dont change the chain to fix problems you caused...
20:13:25 From AusBitbank : Yes I've heard lots of stakeholders desire more security for their funds. 104 weeks should do it ()
20:13:41 From revo : The expedited exchange powerdown isn't going to happen.
20:13:42 From Carn : Why stop at 104 weeks?
20:13:47 From abitcoinskeptic : There was talk of creating a complex system where users can select their own powerdown time … the community would support this
20:13:48 From satren : 104 weeks was the powerdown time at the beginning
20:13:55 From Dmilliz : yup they did
20:14:01 From sku77-poprocks YT : 2000 weeks, going once....
20:14:04 From Moeknows : It doesn't show in these talks.
20:14:05 From noisy : @sku77-poprocks YT: premined was planned, even before Steem was announced:
20:14:10 From Carn : Maybe we could link the withdrawal of funds to your death so your relatives can recieve your funds :/
20:14:21 From AusBitbank : Funds can only be unlocked by your great grandchildren, if social credit score is high enough
20:14:33 From revo : lol
20:14:48 From Carn : China apps are the opposite of Steem decentralization
20:15:14 From revo : How's that stuff going to be funded, Justin?
20:15:20 From AusBitbank : The best thing you could do for onboarding, is to actually allow user registrations on steemy
20:15:26 From FBA : where is this multimillion user community?
the tronics forum has <10 users.

20:15:27 From AusBitbank : right now your shell of a company is not doing that
20:15:28 From sku77-poprocks YT : TY Noisy, so promises were made by Ned with basically a free stake. If Justin paid for that steem, it's not reasonable to expect him to utilize it in the exact same way Ned promised. Easy to make promises with free premine.
20:15:30 From Coin : maybe dumb contract
20:15:38 From Dan Hensley : Hardfork for quick powerdown is very risky, plus will take 14 weeks I am told from steem devs. Powerdown the exchanges is the best option
20:15:42 From Crypticat : Can a smart contract distinguish between coins that were promised for community development and those that weren't?
20:15:47 From Carn : Steemy can make our own smart contracts though
20:15:50 From fatmotherfucker : Where’s Ned when you need him?
20:15:53 From Dan Hensley : hardfork for quick powerdown is 100% no go IMO
20:15:58 From AusBitbank : not sure, nobody ever needed ned
20:16:00 From project7 : Not many people f**ing care about the Ninja mining narrative.
20:16:02 From charlesfuchs : I like steemy :-/
20:16:10 From followbtcnews witness : What about onboarding new users through ? will that continue?
20:16:18 From flysky+scommunityschools : Hello Justin Sun Good evening to all present
20:16:44 From AusBitbank : It's definitely not because you just want to make money like you told me on video days ago
20:16:47 From sku77-poprocks YT : See I told you Justin believes in you ALL, that's bomb
20:16:47 From chrisrice : thats good that he values the community, if he does.
20:16:48 From abitcoinskeptic : He bought got so many tokens, it seriously compromises the system
20:16:50 From Dan Hensley : So if exchanges are worried about security, a hardfork would be the last thing they would want. Powerdown nautrally is the quickest best option.
20:16:50 From Carn : So he's admitting the recent purchases were him consolidating more Steem?
20:16:52 From charlesfuchs : Well 95% of the steep community disagree with your actions.
20:16:54 From fatmotherfucker : Take your powering down and shove it up your ass, Justin.
20:16:56 From Nachos : justin do you plan on dumping all your steem tokens as soon as you get control of majority witness votes again?
20:17:08 From Dmilliz : atomic swap cross chain
20:17:11 From Whatsup : is there a problem of him buying steem
20:17:19 From Coin : yeah that is really bad
20:17:28 From Coin : naw no friends
20:17:32 From Whatsup : How dare you
20:17:36 From Carn : People get scared away when someone takes over a blockchain and exchanges lock their funds because of bribes
20:17:36 From isaria : funds are no longer frozen, right?
20:17:47 From Coin : only way is by no friends
20:17:49 From AusBitbank : Funds are not frozen
20:17:56 From fatmotherfucker : They can power down NOW.
20:17:57 From fatmotherfucker : 13 weeks.
20:17:59 From inertia : stalemate it is
20:18:00 From Coin : every man for themselves
20:18:01 From fatmotherfucker : Not difficult to understand.
20:18:02 From Crypticat : its only those funds
20:18:08 From AusBitbank : they were safe until you powered them up on the exchanges
20:18:11 From sku77-poprocks YT : no it's good, especially when the token was trending down. It's like someone saying they love steem, but putting their money where their mouth is. I'm floored.
20:18:16 From fatmotherfucker : You said the other day you are only here to sell. That is a fact, Justin. Care to comment?
20:18:22 From charlesfuchs : Steem funds were safe until last week :-/
20:18:24 From Carn : Nobody is happy until you powerdown and withdraw your votes
20:18:34 From r0nd0n : powered up funds are super safe
20:18:40 From FBA : no special privileges for rich people!
20:18:48 From Coin : you see what friends got u
20:18:48 From edicted : How are all my Jackals doing?
20:18:51 From fatmotherfucker : Because you tricked them?
20:18:55 From sku77-poprocks YT : lol r0nd0n 😭
20:18:58 From Enjar : The exchanges have issues you with not us.
20:18:58 From Fredrikaa : I can make that announcement right now. I would never support any fork that would limit exchange funds :D
20:19:00 From Carn : They are always safe though...
20:19:01 From revo : Exchanges ARE secure. What are you talking about?
20:19:04 From followbtcnews witness : Bittrex is 100% Liquid
20:19:08 From fatmotherfucker : Seems like CZ wants nothing to do with you at this point since you fucked him.
20:19:21 From Nachos : why arent the exchanges speaking for themselves we have no idea if anything we discuss in here actually gets to exhanges eyes
20:19:22 From AusBitbank : After you decide to stop lying to them, I'm sure they will regain confidence
20:19:24 From FBA : we were doing fine until rich folks screwed it up, IMO.
20:19:27 From r0nd0n : do you like CZ or do you want to fuck them?
20:19:28 From abitcoinskeptic : Justin do you like CZ or just want to fuck him?
20:19:29 From Carn : The exchanges are safe. Whether they power down or not, their funds are safe
20:19:29 From fatmotherfucker : This guy doesn’t even understand the Steem blockchain folks.
20:19:35 From Daniel Burgess : this is lip service, there funds arent frozen they staked them...powerdown now and wait the 13 weeks like is required
20:19:35 From drakos : exchanges funds will NEVER EVER be frozen, start their powerdown asap
20:19:43 From Dan Hensley : Powerdown = Quickest most secure solution
20:19:48 From fatmotherfucker : EXCHANGE FUNDS WERE NEVER FROZEN.
20:19:48 From AusBitbank : the current top 20 or the new ones you're voting in
20:19:49 From Coin : what
20:19:50 From Coin : why
20:19:54 From revo : Not frozen
20:19:56 From Coin : lol
20:19:56 From AusBitbank : YOUR FUNDS ARE NOT FROZEN.
20:19:58 From Jorts : Soft fork.
20:20:02 From Coin : they will do it again
20:20:03 From Nachos : your funds arent frozen anymore you reversed that
20:20:06 From Moeknows : The "top 20" is fluid.
20:20:10 From fatmotherfucker : You’re here to dump. You bought cheap. You don’t care.
20:20:18 From edicted : Just last night he bribed the SCT community with witness votes if they support him.
20:20:19 From r0nd0n : 22.2 isn't in effect anymore
20:20:19 From Indigo Ocean : Aren't the community witnesses already running the previous version that has the funds unlocked?
20:20:21 From Carn : WOW, thanks for saying you won't take more hostile action
20:20:32 From Jorts : Already took hostile action.
20:20:33 From charlesfuchs : “I’m a business man, I just want profit” Justin
20:20:35 From fatmotherfucker : Clueless. We made you safer.
20:20:36 From Indigo Ocean : Once he powers down he can move the funds
20:20:38 From project7 : His point seems about the “possibility"
20:20:41 From Coin : we all are
20:20:47 From project7 : 22.2 showed that that can happen anytume
20:20:47 From sku77-poprocks YT : that's a deep concession at this point, kudos JS
20:20:55 From phbr : Question: Then Justin Sun would be ok that the Steemit inc accounts have no voting rights?
20:20:59 From fatmotherfucker : Your track record is SHIT
20:21:00 From AusBitbank : We did, its terrible
20:21:04 From edicted : TRACK RECORD != TRUSTLESS
20:21:06 From Nachos : how much did you buy these steem tokens from ned surely not at market rates
20:21:07 From @patrickulrich : What!? You voted in SR.
20:21:11 From fatmotherfucker : Are you referring to your BEATING OF YOUR EMPLOYEES???
20:21:11 From Carn : Lol, he says we never interfere when they did
20:21:15 From revo : We want to know how you will promote development. Where's that money coming from?
20:21:19 From AusBitbank : You interfered with SR voting on tron the week you announced the steemy buy
20:21:24 From r0nd0n : we need a path forward that allows us to not trust you, and allows you to not trust us
20:21:27 From inertia : * some restrictions apply
20:21:28 From Dan Hensley : Powerdown exchanges, remove sock puppets, decline voting rights. That is the redline for the community
20:21:30 From Donald Porter : There’s no faster action but to power down.
20:21:32 From charlesfuchs : I did check your tack record in iron. You voted all your buddies in as super representatives to pass the laws.
20:21:35 From r0nd0n : that's what blockchain is supposed to do
20:21:36 From Fredrikaa : We need to learn from the last month and improve Steem so neither 22.2 or 22.5 is possible.
20:21:38 From Indigo Ocean : I agree with Dan.
20:21:45 From Jorts : Justin Sun used the ZION fund which was not supposed to vote for Tron Super Representatives to vote for Tron Super Representatives that he has ties to
20:21:46 From sku77-poprocks YT : lloll @inertia 🤣🤣🤣
20:21:46 From Coin : been going up since you showed up
20:21:53 From fatmotherfucker : What a joke.
20:21:54 From AusBitbank : 100 JILLION DOLLARS
20:21:59 From FBA : how do you expect a chain with fees to compete with steem?
20:22:00 From Donald Porter : Sounds great. Power down.
20:22:04 From Pen : He does understand not frozen does not mean insta powerdown?
20:22:05 From charlesfuchs : Just all talk WTH.
20:22:07 From Indigo Ocean : Powerdown and Justin and the exchanges can do what they want with the coins.
20:22:17 From Indigo Ocean : The version running now supports that.
20:22:17 From charlesfuchs : Who were the hackers on steam?
20:22:18 From fatmotherfucker : Ie. AT WHAT POINT ARE U DUMPING ON US???
20:22:25 From Acid :
20:22:27 From Nachos : there was no hackers
20:22:34 From fatmotherfucker : Rumors? Nonsense.
20:22:36 From Jorts : CS:GO Hackers. Aimbot, wallhax
20:22:44 From FBA : 222 is dead, nobody is running it?
20:22:47 From sku77-poprocks YT : script kiddies
20:22:48 From fatmotherfucker : 4444l
20:22:49 From edicted : Sun Can't dump on us. If he hardforks we have to counter-hardfork.
20:22:54 From AusBitbank : we have verified, you admitted it
20:22:56 From charlesfuchs : Its funny, no one has a misunderstanding, its like the only person that don’t understand is tron people
20:23:03 From AusBitbank : it gets hard to track all those lies tho
20:23:06 From Donald Porter : Rumors are rumors— fact is you have to power down now a HF would take 14wks or more.
20:23:13 From fatmotherfucker : Nobody cares about Tron….
20:23:21 From fatmotherfucker : We know your history, snake.
20:23:39 From inertia : Were the SRs in fact stealing fees from contracts?
20:23:44 From sku77-poprocks YT : @fatmotherfucker cares about Tron. that's why hes here
20:23:44 From Snekky : Hello all!
20:23:46 From charlesfuchs : You used your voting power in tron many times to pass your super representatives in tron. Wth
20:23:49 From feruz : Can we talk about Steemit’s commitment on Steem development? What are their plans on promised tokens?
20:23:53 From flysky+scommunityschools : hi
20:23:59 From revo : Why are we talking about TRON?
20:24:01 From edicted : Remember when you were testing electing super reps right before we froze your steem account?
20:24:05 From Crypticat : Justin I don't trust you
20:24:11 From Jorts : 0.22.4444 is 0.22.1 reporting the wrong version
20:24:23 From charlesfuchs : So tron is a dictatorship lol
20:24:24 From BlameKing : So you only intervene when you want something
20:24:31 From sku77-poprocks YT : #ItrustJustinSun 😭🤷‍♂️😭
20:24:35 From sku77-poprocks YT : lmfao
20:24:36 From fatmotherfucker : DO YOU LIKE JUSTIN SUN, OR YOU JUST WANT TO FUCK HIM????
20:24:39 From Indigo Ocean : I don't think anyone is currently running a version that locks the STINC coins.
20:24:56 From Jorts : ZION account was the premine that they said they wouldn't use to vote.
20:24:59 From r0nd0n : can we talk about a trustless path forward instead of tron?
20:25:07 From Dan Hensley : If Zion account elected all consensus witnesses and overtook the Tron network. Tron hodlers would not be ok with that
20:25:07 From Carn : Sun, you wouldn't have to work so hard to defend yourself rn if you weren't in the wrong
20:25:09 From Donald Porter : Wouldn’t be surprised if CZ powers down without your consent. This is a waste of time.
20:25:16 From inertia : (Except Shane)
20:25:21 From sku77-poprocks YT : @fatmotherfucker I choose "D" All of these choices
20:25:21 From Dan Hensley : SRs

20:25:24 From FBA : you gonna power up some steem and be one of us?
20:25:33 From fatmotherfucker : He has been.
20:25:34 From charlesfuchs : Why are we talking about tron?? You used power in tron many times too. This isn’t dos… its a dictatorship
20:25:34 From Jorts : Carn lol. How's Justin's cock taste
20:25:35 From noisy : LOL...
20:25:39 From fatmotherfucker : FUCK TRON.
20:25:41 From fatmotherfucker : MOVE ON.
20:25:45 From fatmotherfucker : WINDBAG
20:25:50 From Donald Porter : Super reps are figure heads.
20:25:56 From r0nd0n : I have a feeling I know who fatmotherfucker is
20:25:56 From Donald Porter : get real.
20:26:00 From AusBitbank : that doesn't make it better
20:26:00 From Anonymous : It also take 3 seconds to restore governance on the Steem blockchain!
20:26:01 From Indigo Ocean : What is Justin teams argument for not simply powering down? Seems like that takes care of everything.
20:26:07 From revo : Get hm back on to Steem, starkz
20:26:10 From sku77-poprocks YT : lol r0n
20:26:13 From FBA : eli never did,...
20:26:14 From AusBitbank : you're just showing how clueless you are about what the issue is here
20:26:18 From inertia : Pop Suckets Go Home
20:26:20 From Crypticat : Can't trust peoples names here
20:26:20 From AusBitbank : carry on I guess
20:26:30 From Crypticat : can name yourself whatever you want
20:26:30 From Snekky : Justin, why do you say you want to protect the steem blockchain and you still try to force a fast HF for a fast powerdown knowing that will put everything at risk?
20:26:34 From Jorts : Sockpuppets on Steem.
20:26:39 From abitcoinskeptic : 저스틴손 어빠 사랑해요!!!
20:26:44 From paintingclub : Any real updates?
20:26:54 From charlesfuchs : That’s not how a dpos works. smh
20:27:00 From Carn : When will he powerdown?
20:27:08 From revo : Will he commit to putting something aside for development?
20:27:14 From chrisrice : why do you call Steem "Steemit blockchain" ?
20:27:16 From Coin : lol
20:27:22 From Daniel Burgess : so basically this kid just said they dont interfere with tron unless they have an agenda or to punish SR's...that is exactly what we dont want here
20:27:26 From sku77-poprocks YT : @paintingclub yes, hes wants to not interfere with governance and take no action so long as his funds are his.
20:27:26 From r0nd0n : isn't that what he just addressed?
20:27:32 From Coin : stay on your toes boys
20:27:35 From Crypticat : apologize!
20:27:36 From Donald Porter : the power of Steem Blockchain governance is what got us here and we are talking about Trons lack of decentralized governance?
20:27:38 From fatmotherfucker : Here comes the ass kissing.
20:27:43 From fatmotherfucker : Roll over sheep!
20:27:43 From Crypticat : yes thats right, apologize!
20:27:47 From Coin : no never apologize!
20:27:52 From AusBitbank : Retract your lies about us then
20:27:56 From Mitchell Moos : Hi everyone, Mitchell Moos here, reporter from Crypto Briefing
20:27:59 From Indigo Ocean : This is the problem when someone thinks they just bought a decentralized blockchain
20:28:00 From Crypticat : no rumours
20:28:03 From Crypticat : only truths
20:28:03 From fatmotherfucker : We heard you beat your employees.
20:28:04 From paintingclub : lol
20:28:09 From Enjar : No misunderstanding. You have massive control issues.
20:28:17 From Nachos : you think calling voted witnesses on twitter is just a misunderstanding
20:28:17 From ag : It is just a misunderstanding please remove all the sock puppets.
20:28:27 From chrisrice : Its good to have Zoom meetings.
20:28:27 From fatmotherfucker : The media has been pretty spot on.
20:28:35 From Donald Porter : Nobody cares— the facts are on the blockchain.
20:28:41 From fatmotherfucker : This isn’t Fox news.
20:28:42 From Fearless : "Fake news?"
20:28:44 From fatmotherfucker : Coindesk?
20:28:45 From charlesfuchs : You passed rumors… where are all the steam hackers at????
20:28:46 From fatmotherfucker : Legit.
20:28:48 From Carn : The media is telling the truth about Steem
20:28:51 From Donald Porter : Immutable .
20:28:51 From revo : What's the CCP's view on this?
20:29:01 From fatmotherfucker : What about CZ being pissed at you?
20:29:03 From Daniel Burgess : you keep saying fake news and rumors and believe you for news? fuck that we know the news
20:29:05 From Mitchell Moos : Don't think we've been spreading lies. Mostly seems like you are engaging in some pretty... controversial stuff
20:29:06 From sku77-poprocks YT : @Enjar, so you don't want to control keys to Crypto you purchased. please send your keys in DM. I'll send it back I promise winks
20:29:07 From Fearless : That was ironic... not to be taken seriously
20:29:08 From Dan Hensley : Lots of FUD out there Justin. You can see why Steem Witnesses had to soft fork to protect our chain
20:29:09 From Daniel Burgess : you lie all the time Justin Sun
20:29:13 From Crypticat : does coindesk like you, or do they just want to fuck you?
20:29:16 From edicted : what fake news are we even talking about
20:29:17 From Donald Porter : CZ is gonna power down without you bruh
20:29:18 From AusBitbank : I cannot trust you personally for the truth. I suspect its all the constant lies that you're still spreading
20:29:20 From chrisrice : is the Twitter account spreading fake news and rumors?
20:29:20 From drakos : media spread rumors? justin sun spread rumor hackers froze his funds.... ummmm
20:29:29 From Indigo Ocean : This is not a productive discussion
20:29:30 From fatmotherfucker : ^^^
20:29:34 From Carn : When will he retract the hacker statement?
20:29:35 From Nachos : gee i wonder why they dont believe you tron overlord over steemians
20:29:35 From Donald Porter : Y’all “don’t hang like that”
20:29:39 From Daniel Burgess : quit kissing his ass @3speak
20:29:42 From charlesfuchs : The tron fund caused all the FUD first. Smh
20:29:43 From Daniel Burgess : call him out on his bullshit
20:29:52 From Acid : it was never meant to be @indigo
20:29:56 From chrisrice : Who is interviewing him?
20:29:57 From Donald Porter : Is blockbrothers here?
20:30:00 From Coin : anyone is free to come or go
20:30:01 From inertia : Will you be naming Ned in Sacramento Superior Court or some other jurisdiction?
20:30:02 From Indigo Ocean : Can we just lay out what both sides want then give thumbs up and down on those asks?
20:30:06 From phbr : this is called Diplomacy Daniel Burgess
20:30:07 From Daniel Burgess : idk but its all ass kissing
20:30:16 From Carn : Don't bring your Tron record into this, it doesn't help you one bit
20:30:22 From edicted : It doesn't matter that you haven't done it. It matters that you CAN do it.
20:30:23 From ag : and yet it's happening here
20:30:38 From sku77-poprocks YT : I'm feeling great about the progress being made here. It takes 2 sides to talk. Building a solid foundation toward reconciliation
20:30:45 From charlesfuchs : What? You did use voting power in tron to pass stuff all the time.
20:30:50 From sku77-poprocks YT : #StayPositive
20:30:52 From flysky+scommunityschools : aistibank do you have facts to make such statetment shar it with us so we know it too
20:30:56 From Indigo Ocean : The only problem exchanges is having is that they chose to powerup so they could vote.
20:30:59 From abitcoinskeptic : why is he spreading the idea that witnesses will just start freezing everything
20:31:07 From followbtcnews witness : No exchange funds have ever been frozen or even been discussed about
20:31:10 From abitcoinskeptic : this is the first time in history it happened and they have always been able to do it
20:31:13 From Indigo Ocean : No one froze exchange funds. They "froze" them.
20:31:16 From inertia : Don't be scared. 22.6 is fake news.
20:31:17 From revo : Why would the exchanges be scared?
20:31:24 From flysky+scommunityschools : failure to communicate
20:31:28 From Coin : exactly
20:31:31 From Donald Porter : The exchanges have veto power over new HF
20:31:32 From Indigo Ocean : This miscommunication if you led the exchanges to believe there wasn't a 13 week powerdown period
20:31:33 From Nachos : because it goes with his narrative about original witnesses were hackers
20:31:35 From Donald Porter : this is Bs
20:31:37 From Fredrikaa : 22.6 was not a consensus witness and also it did not block transactions, fyi.
20:31:38 From AusBitbank : Pretty much anything I'm claiming is documented on either my steem profile or my twitter.
20:31:53 From Carn : When will he retract the hacker statement?
20:31:56 From Coin : no more top 20 all being friends
20:31:57 From Donald Porter : There’s no way to fork out the exchanges they won’t accept the fork. That’s a mute argument
20:31:57 From Hansen : Let's try to build bridges here, guys.
20:32:04 From fatmotherfucker : When will he retract the hacker statement?
20:32:05 From phbr : question
20:32:08 From noisy : WHAT are plans for DECLINING VOTING RIGHTS?
20:32:09 From jaydih : Can we think about reducing number of witness votes per stake?
20:32:14 From FBA : no special privileges for the rich folks, sorry.
20:32:16 From fatmotherfucker : When will he retract the hacker statement?
20:32:17 From AusBitbank : Will you acknowledge any sort of prior obligation over the Steemit Inc stake for onboarding, user registrations, future development ?
20:32:18 From Carn : When will he retract the hacker statement?
20:32:19 From fatmotherfucker : Easy question.
20:32:19 From charlesfuchs : Moving forward. Just let the exchanges poowerdown and take your sock puppets out. That’s it.
20:32:20 From Indigo Ocean : Bridge would be, powerdown.
20:32:21 From flysky+scommunityschools : exactly
20:32:25 From project7 : All these drama started from 22.2
20:32:26 From edicted : When will he retract the hacker statement?
20:32:28 From Donald Porter : Yeah focus on the power down
20:32:28 From project7 : let’s move on guys
20:32:29 From Yes : This is how DPOS works....
20:32:31 From chrisrice : Why did he call Steem "Steemit blockchain"?
20:32:32 From phbr : is he willing to keep the "no vote allowed" on the steem accounts?
20:32:39 From revo : What does he want us to do for him to remove his witnesses?
20:32:41 From mysteriousmanofmystery : Justin Sun make me rich!!!!
20:32:42 From phbr : is he willing to keep the "no vote allowed" on the steem accounts?
20:32:42 From Daniel Burgess : you are only focussing on kissing his ass, call him out on all that shit he said thats all anti steem and you just let him say
20:32:44 From mysteriousmanofmystery : haha
20:32:47 From Fredrikaa : please make it better for EU time ^^
20:32:47 From Indigo Ocean : Move on from what? There isn't even any discussion yet. Power down.
20:32:48 From chrisrice : Every week is good 😀
20:32:49 From Donald Porter : DPOS power levers > 9,000
20:32:49 From edicted : The drama started when Steemit Inc was sold
20:32:50 From Moeknows : he said he would decline voting rights, didn't he?
20:32:56 From AusBitbank : When will you retract the statements calling us malicious hackers, for doing our jobs and protecting the network from your hostile takeover ?
20:32:58 From sku77-poprocks YT : Every week? wow the man is committed to you ALL
20:33:00 From Carn : Why waste our time every week on empty words?
20:33:08 From flysky+scommunityschools : I think community is holding back with real questionss
20:33:09 From abitcoinskeptic : Go Donald!
20:33:12 From FBA : when smteees! and tranquility?
20:33:12 From ShadowsPub : would you do some of the townhalls on discord where people can access it more?
20:33:17 From phbr : Question: is he willing to keep the "no vote allowed" on the steem accounts?
20:33:20 From fatmotherfucker : It is centralized. Just Ned #2.
20:33:28 From charlesfuchs : Lets just move forward…. Go to the changes and tell them to poowerdown and put the witness back and wee can go from there. That’s it.
20:33:35 From fatmotherfucker : He’s going to decentralize by dumping on the market. Like he said.
20:33:36 From Donald Porter : I have owned Tron— there’s no comparison in governance
20:33:43 From Daniel Burgess : From charlesfuchs to Everyone: 06:33 PM
Lets just move forward…. Go to the changes and tell them to poowerdown and put the witness back and wee can go from there. That’s it.
20:34:09 From sku77-poprocks YT : Justin can you come to MSP Waves on The Steem PAL discord, that would be epic. #FaceTheNation
20:34:10 From followbtcnews witness :
"Will you acknowledge any sort of prior obligation over the Steemit Inc stake for onboarding, user registrations, future development ?"
20:34:13 From Fearless : When will the exchanges start their powerdowns?
20:34:19 From feruz : Can we talk about Steemit’s commitment on Steem development? What are their plans on promised tokens?
20:34:22 From AusBitbank : Are they familiar with the decline_voting_rights operation yet ?
20:34:23 From Acid : can't wait to hear the tone of the next town hall when his sockpuppet witnesses are way down the list
20:34:26 From Carn : Can Justin talk to Marty?
20:34:36 From chrisrice : What happened to "Pop Network" ?
20:34:42 From Fearless : Does Justin like memes?
20:34:43 From Indigo Ocean : I don't mind him dumping on the market. Powerdown and sell as quickly as you want. Too bad we lose the STINC coins that were supposed to go to development, but that's no reason to risk the chain trying to do an emergency fork to allow a quicker powerdown because exchanges were dumb enough to powerup.
20:34:45 From Fredrikaa : Can we not take more questions about Tron?

Q: Can you share more about the Steem accelerator program you mentioned in the first announcement?
20:34:51 From fatmotherfucker : Bring in Marty!!!!
20:35:01 From edicted : lol why we calling him marty now
20:35:01 From FBA : that is a big improvement.
never did know what adrarchy was doing.
20:35:05 From revo : Less Tron, more Steem
20:35:07 From sku77-poprocks YT : Bring In poprocks.
20:35:08 From Dan Hensley : Top witnesses make a public announcement to protect exchanges - exchanges powerdown, INC accounts decline voting rights. Seems to be the logical step forward
20:35:15 From sku77-poprocks YT : 😭🤷‍♂️😭
20:35:15 From Fearless : "Marty" Marky Mark
20:35:19 From charlesfuchs : The ball is in your court Justin. Tell the exchanges to power down, take your sock puppets out… we then can move forward!
20:35:19 From drakos : what's his plan for steem in his roadmap? development?
20:35:22 From Snekky : JustJustin, why do you say you want to protect the steem blockchain and you still try to force a fast HF for a fast powerdown knowing that will put everything at risk?
20:35:31 From fatmotherfucker : To dump.
20:35:32 From Indigo Ocean : No go on shortening the powerdown period
20:35:34 From AusBitbank : Exchanges can power down, they should, do it now
20:35:34 From sku77-poprocks YT : Wen Moon?
20:35:38 From Krystle : When will they remove votes from sock puppets - not will they - cause they will always say yes, but nothing has changed - actions speak louder than words - unvote the fake accounts
20:35:44 From r0nd0n : exchanges can powerdown right now
20:35:44 From drakos : how does powering down and transfering to the exchanges help us at all?
20:35:50 From r0nd0n : there's nothign stopping them
20:35:51 From fatmotherfucker : Remove your sock puppets now.
20:35:54 From Donald Porter : Explain that the exchanges can not be forked out. Their funds are SAFU due to the same blockchain governance.
20:35:55 From Carn : We don't care about Tron, we're talking about Steem which you apparently don't know anything about
20:35:56 From inertia : Power up so you can have four witnesses that can veto.
20:36:04 From AusBitbank : Not interested in rushed forks to reduce powerdowns to bail your ex-mates out of their crimes
20:36:07 From Jorts : How about we talk about how Justin Sun collaborated with exchanges to attack the Steem network?
20:36:13 From Mitchell Moos : Huobi + Binance bail out
20:36:19 From Carn : Exchanges shouldn't be able to use customer funds
20:36:20 From abitcoinskeptic : 3 days doesn't work. does Justin understand this or does he just want to fuck steem?
20:36:20 From sku77-poprocks YT : Is someone recording this?
20:36:21 From Daniel Burgess : lowering the powerdown period needs to be a non starter. 13 weeks is where it needs to stay, move off it, quit trying to cover your ass
20:36:23 From Jorts : And is still attacking the network
20:36:23 From r0nd0n : rushed forks threaten the chain
20:36:26 From charlesfuchs : Why is the power down such an huge issue… what is “really” going soon Justin. hmmmm
20:36:28 From drakos : i'm recording, others too
20:36:29 From followbtcnews witness : "Will you acknowledge any sort of prior obligation over the Steemit Inc stake for onboarding, user registrations, future development ?"
20:36:31 From Krystle : The exchanges money WAS never under threat - no real elected witness would ever vote to steal random peoples money - this is an irrational fear bought on from dodgy actions
20:36:34 From Dan Hensley : Top witnesses make a public announcement to protect exchanges - exchanges powerdown, INC accounts decline voting rights. Seems to be the logical step forward
20:36:34 From FBA : longer power down is security against fat fingered key leaks.
put your active key in a memo and see what happens
20:36:49 From Huy : RC economics requires minimum power down time of 5 days
20:36:49 From Dan Hensley : Exchanges were always safu
20:36:50 From flysky+scommunityschools : 7 days or 2 weeks power down
20:36:50 From project7 : Longer power down will cease the price —> this is the ridiculous mind set. We want to reduce the power down period
20:36:51 From Donald Porter : It would still take too long
20:36:59 From Indigo Ocean : That's actually a good situation, Inertia. If Justin has 4 witnesses in the top 20 there is the ability to block hardforks he disagrees with.
20:37:01 From AusBitbank : yeah minimum of 4 weeks was the last debate, if that works out we can look at reducing further. Not an instant overnight change
20:37:02 From chrisrice : What happened to "Pop Network" ?
20:37:02 From Nachos : maybe justin should just loan the exchanges the money they powered up for 13 weeks so they can start powering down now
20:37:11 From Indigo Ocean : That may be the compromise that can possibly work.
20:37:13 From drakos : reducing power down = security risk
20:37:23 From AusBitbank : You've been pushing a hostile agenda since day 1
20:37:27 From sku77-poprocks YT : Well Boom there you have it!
20:37:32 From FBA : steem went over 4usd with 104 week power down.
20:37:32 From Donald Porter : Exactly!
20:37:35 From AusBitbank : You refuse to acknowledge, or retract your lies
20:37:47 From Coin : you gotta do it
20:37:53 From Yes : make sure to use all caps guys...
20:37:53 From AusBitbank : How can we negotiate in good faith with a proven lying manipulator ?
20:37:56 From Coin : nobody can did it for you
20:38:08 From abitcoinskeptic : He can leave 4 witnesses behind until he feels safe with his money. Having 20 creates serious mistrust
20:38:18 From Indigo Ocean : Yep
20:38:19 From r0nd0n : ausbit, we put it in code
20:38:22 From charlesfuchs : Fuck it, I’ll buy $20 million in steem and put 20 of my friends as witnesses… LOL
20:38:25 From Yes : < proven lying manipulator

vitalik said PoS 5 years ago and I don't hear you saying anything about that
20:38:26 From Mitchell Moos : 4/20 seems interesting
20:38:30 From FBA : honesty will be required to steem on.
20:38:31 From Donald Porter : The HF is too risk and would take too long— the only way for the exchanges to get liquid again is to undo their own actions
20:38:45 From r0nd0n : if the steem blockchain can't provide a trustless solution, it's broken and we need to move on
20:38:54 From Indigo Ocean : 4/20 might be the compromise we can live with when there is a lack of trust
20:38:55 From AusBitbank : we cant put anything in code if he wont negotiate, pushing code without his approval will be a "hostile attack" and justify his further crimes
20:39:02 From sku77-poprocks YT : Dam, Justin is Cultured AF
20:39:06 From Hansen : 3 day powerdown is too short. A regular powerdown should suffice however I also feel Justin should have some secure measures put in place that his stake won't be touched again. Compromise, I guess. It's a real delicate matter...
20:39:07 From sku77-poprocks YT : 😭🤷‍♂️😭
20:39:08 From Krystle : why wont you apologise to the community for calling their elected representatives criminal hackers? you say you want to mend things - perhaps stop attacking and lying about our leaders
20:39:19 From Indigo Ocean : No changes to powerdown for sure
20:39:20 From Carn : Justin Sun, you're acting like a communist dictator rn
20:39:21 From Yes : 33% of steemit tried to delete his coins... how is that not an attack?
20:39:23 From Donald Porter : Governance or not we can not make it faster in a shorter time than if three power down now without raising risk
20:39:27 From abitcoinskeptic : 4/20 stops him from wrecking things and stops us from wrecking him. It is reasonable so lets talk how to get there
20:39:36 From r0nd0n : nobody tried to delete his coins
20:39:38 From r0nd0n : that's a lie
20:39:45 From abitcoinskeptic : then we can get all excited about the future when talking about how to remove the remaining 4
20:39:47 From Yes : make them useless...
20:39:47 From drakos : love the lecture about the founding fathers
20:39:51 From chrisrice : What happened to "Pop Network" ?
20:39:53 From Coin : by the people stupid
20:39:53 From revo : The freezing is because of previous commitment. Will you honor even some of that commitment?
20:39:54 From Donald Porter : Steem is not your avg blockchain
20:39:57 From Yes : making them not able to vote is the same as deleting them
20:39:58 From ag : Article the fifth... No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
20:40:03 From Mitchell Moos : His funds were frozen until there was more clarity around how they'd get used in 22.2
20:40:04 From drakos : pop network got screwed, to put it mildly
20:40:04 From sku77-poprocks YT : blatant lie, frozen not disappear
20:40:09 From Indigo Ocean : They weren't useless, Yes. Obviously they allowed him to vote on witnesses and also earn more coins.
20:40:15 From ag : these sock puppets are like soldiers quartered in our homes
20:40:17 From Yes : you can't sell them on an exchange if they can't vote
20:40:21 From charlesfuchs : Democratic? Your actions proved dictatorship.
20:40:22 From Mitchell Moos : POP Network got rekt
20:40:24 From Yes : there's no way to sell them... unless OTC
20:40:26 From Coin : welcome to the bucket
20:40:26 From Yes : it makes no sense
20:40:26 From fatmotherfucker : Like a dog pissing on a tree.
20:40:27 From @jancharlest : You should be doing this not just saying it
20:40:29 From chrisrice : What happened to "Pop Network" ?
20:40:31 From Donald Porter : And the experiment in DPOS is a clear success
20:40:33 From phbr : is he willing to keep the "no vote allowed function" on the steem accounts?
20:40:41 From AusBitbank : I'd love for you to de-escalate, and to respond to communications
20:40:43 From Mitchell Moos : decline voting rights
20:40:43 From Krystle : SAY sorry to witnesses for calling them hackers NOW!
20:40:46 From AusBitbank : that'd be great, we agree
20:40:48 From Krystle : that might fix some things
20:40:50 From charlesfuchs : Never listen what a person says, look at what they do. done.
20:40:52 From Indigo Ocean : Yes, you're misunderstanding how that works. It's not an NFT. The coins are still fungible.
20:40:53 From Acid : he's still not even in the steemit owned slack.. nice comms
20:40:54 From fatmotherfucker : WITNESSES ARE NOT HACKERS
20:40:54 From AusBitbank : yes, please stop miscommunicating
20:40:57 From revo : Was "hackers" a miscommunication?
20:40:59 From fatmotherfucker : WITNESSES ARE NOT HACKERS
20:41:00 From FBA : lol,...socialust, Socialusts use gov't thugs to attain their goals.
communism launched decrying gov't force.
don't let your fake history lessons in gov't skills make a fool of you, IMO.
20:41:03 From fatmotherfucker : WITNESSES ARE NOT HACKERS
20:41:05 From sku77-poprocks YT : Sadly, I don't see an apology coming in this stream
20:41:06 From r0nd0n : what would it take to get your fake witnesses to stop block production?
20:41:08 From BlameKing : Why did the communications not start from the beginning?
20:41:08 From edicted : I believe in you Justin.
You will find a way out.
20:41:14 From fatmotherfucker : WITNESSES ARE NOT HACKERS - SAY IT.
20:41:19 From sku77-poprocks YT : Justin great talk
20:41:20 From fatmotherfucker : WITNESSES ARE NOT HACKERS - SAY IT.
20:41:21 From abitcoinskeptic : he can retract the statement after this is solved
20:41:21 From Hansen : Declining voting rights for the Steemit account would be a great step in the right direction.
20:41:23 From Yes : because the community started this for no reason
20:41:24 From fatmotherfucker : WITNESSES ARE NOT HACKERS - SAY IT.
20:41:25 From Coin : peace out hackers
20:41:26 From chrisrice : What happened to "Pop Network" ?
20:41:27 From Daniel Burgess : what?
20:41:29 From Daniel Burgess : this was a joke
20:41:31 From AusBitbank : ….
20:41:31 From edicted : thank you friend
20:41:32 From Krystle : more bs and happy words meaning nothing
20:41:34 From Carn : Goodbye hackers
20:41:34 From charlesfuchs : Why did you change your steem post bribing people??
20:41:34 From revo : I'm going to do some hacking now
20:41:35 From edicted : so much progress
20:41:37 From Indigo Ocean : What was that conversation about?
20:41:38 From Whatsup : bye everyone
20:41:39 From AusBitbank : I stayed up all night for a witness negotiation
20:41:40 From AusBitbank : thanks
20:41:41 From fatmotherfucker : Fuck off Eli. Worthless secretary.
20:41:41 From Hansen : Thanks for your time, Justin.
20:41:42 From abitcoinskeptic : thank you justin
20:41:44 From fatmotherfucker : ELI SHILL
20:41:48 From FBA : well, that half hour will never come back,...
20:41:48 From Daniel Burgess : progress?
20:41:49 From charlesfuchs : We are all hackers here I guess? :(
20:41:50 From Whatsup : it's all fixed
20:41:50 From Galaxy S9+ : bye hackers
20:41:51 From fatmotherfucker : FUCK OFF SHILL
20:41:53 From Coin : keep fighting
20:41:54 From AusBitbank : much progress
20:41:55 From Indigo Ocean : LOL!
20:41:56 From Krystle : refusing to acknowledge your own mistakes - only reflects poorly on you
20:41:57 From AusBitbank : a++
20:41:57 From BlameKing : What exactrly moved forward?
20:41:57 From revo : hack on!
20:41:58 From Snekky : Progress? really?
20:41:59 From charlesfuchs : Later hackerrs
20:41:59 From Daniel Burgess : get fucked justin
20:41:59 From AusBitbank : battery flat
20:42:00 From chrisrice : thank you.
20:42:01 From sku77-poprocks YT : Beautiful Voice Of Reason Speaking RN
20:42:04 From charlesfuchs : Fucking waste of time
20:42:05 From Coin : hack on
20:42:07 From isaria : Thanks
20:42:09 From Carn : Goodbye hackers
20:42:10 From @jancharlest : lol
20:42:14 From Galaxy S9+ : hack on hackers
20:42:14 From @jancharlest : ep
20:42:16 From r0nd0n : thanks hackers
20:42:17 From Indigo Ocean : ROFL. That was a meeting?!
20:42:20 From AusBitbank : wow
20:42:22 From charlesfuchs : This was a fucking waste
20:42:22 From drakos : waste of time
20:42:23 From Krystle : this was beyond fucked
20:42:24 From sku77-poprocks YT : love you all
20:42:26 From Galaxy S9+ : die a slow and painful death
20:42:27 From @jancharlest : lmao
20:42:28 From owner : retarded
20:42:28 From AusBitbank : I'm gonna record reactions for a bit
20:42:31 From sku77-poprocks YT : especially fatfucker
20:42:39 From AusBitbank : you're on tv steemians :)
20:42:40 From charlesfuchs : That fuckin sucked
20:42:40 From sku77-poprocks YT : loool
20:42:41 From Krystle : and what happened to the witness meeting and negotiations
20:42:46 From r0nd0n : hi mom
20:42:51 From AusBitbank : mmm good question
20:42:54 From abitcoinskeptic : I don't think this was a waste of time. communication is essential to finding solution
20:42:55 From louis88 : that was everything?
20:42:55 From Fredrikaa : use steempress
20:42:56 From Indigo Ocean : I can't stop laughing! My dog is looking at me sideways!
20:43:03 From abitcoinskeptic : was anything decided - no
20:43:06 From Snekky : I knew I should have baked an applepie instead of staying awake. FML LOL
20:43:10 From charlesfuchs : Bye everyone, hahahaha
20:43:10 From roleerob : Good, clear and consistent communication is essential.
20:43:10 From AusBitbank : ^^
20:43:12 From FBA : tschuss
20:43:13 From : use
20:43:15 From Jorts : 8=============D
20:43:18 From abitcoinskeptic : but at least they can talk to eachother like respectful adults
20:43:20 From Indigo Ocean : Decided? I'm pretty sure nothing was even discussed abitcoinskeptic
20:43:21 From r0nd0n : do we know what it would take to get his witnesses off the blockchain? no
20:43:21 From sku77-poprocks YT : witness meeting with Justin in PAL discord #LetsGo
20:43:23 From Donald Porter : This was weak, see you guys on Steem
20:43:24 From Fearless : We really need to ask Justin Sun directly, the hard questions that we're wanting answers to
20:43:25 From AusBitbank : okay I'll upload and then im passing out I guess, thanks for comin guys
20:43:30 From Krystle : yeah but cherry picking responses to pretend you haven't been lying is fucked
20:43:45 From sku77-poprocks YT : stay positive everyone
20:43:49 From r0nd0n : thanks aus
20:43:50 From Indigo Ocean : goodnight
20:43:53 From r0nd0n : I hope you muted slack
20:43:59 From sku77-poprocks YT : where there's a will there's a way, like Sprite
20:44:00 From Krystle : lol
20:44:09 From roleerob : Good night.
20:44:12 From guruvaj : till next time,bye
20:44:16 From edicted : Justin need to know as soon as he pushes that hardfork that is no longer the steem blockchain


"20:14:21 From AusBitbank : Funds can only be unlocked by your great grandchildren, if social credit score is high enough"

I'm in.


I listened to the whole thing in full as I felt it was kind of my duty. However, I came to Steem to focus on content creation, and I am certainly not a crypto or blockchain guy, and I honestly found the meeting very boring. I was hoping it would grab my attention like a decent podcast, but I just wasn't engaged. I have been forcing myself to learn more about crypto and the blockchain these last weeks than I have ever wanted to know.

The stuff having at the highest levels of the blockchain are beyond my reality, but I have to defer to the community at large, and I think it's very obvious where the community stands. I can't wait to some day refocus my efforts on creating good content and luring more eyes my posts like Steem used to be.

Good idea to simply focus on good content creation. This too shall pass.

A lot of emotions in the comments during the zoom meeting. Would you agree for Justin's plan? What's your thoughts about the meeting?

What are these guys smoking?
We're doomed.

Highly rEsteemed!

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