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RE: Why are replies to comments limited to 6 deep?

in #steem8 years ago

No real idea, but I would assume its because the UI for deeper threads starts to get unwieldy. On the data side threads are likely recursive and could ostensibly support N levels, but having hacked together a few comment systems before the UI is always the tricky part ;)


Someone remind me to adjust my vote here (or down vote the parent for me). I didn't realize I was logged in as @dan. Above comment deserves some funds, but not $1000!

Just implement ASAP this ...

"As we know after 4 July the payouts will happen about 24 hours after voting… What make sense to me is that the vote should be time % weighted… If I vote now and I take my vote back after 1 minute 100% of my vote power should be taken back(it could be even be a miss-click)…If I do it after 12 hours then 50% should be taken back, if I take it back 1 hour before cashout only about 4% voting power should taken back (1/24)… What do you think?"

Darn, so close ;)

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