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RE: If Steem were a country, it would be the most unequal society in the world

in #steem6 years ago

I see Steemit as a concrete example of where the politics of crypto could take us in the future. The platform attracts a lot of libertarian anarcho-capitalists because they have a fantasy of freedom without government, but with the uneven distribution we see that cryptospaces, in the end, just mimic real world conditions and empower a small monied elite. Its neofeudal neoliberalism, - can we say that Steemit is really just a ponzi scheme? Dan bailed to go create an even bigger scheme and Ned is just fiddling about with SMTs for like two years, meanwhile we see the rise of a criminal oligarch class like @haejin and many others who are just gaming the system .. like people do in the real world. So is Steemit just reflecting human nature then, "red in tooth and claw", is it Darwinian of the strong kill the weak? Is that all human nature is in the end? Somehow I'm left feeling the mantra of decentralization around crypto is a lie and a myth promoted by dreamers who long for some Silicon Valley technofix, but with your GINI model, we can see how the world would look if Silicon Valley took over .. so Steemit is a view of where we are going and it looks pretty grim ...

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