I sure like these Platinum Coins...

in #steem2 years ago (edited)

These Platinum Coins, are Works of Art, with a Face Value that will be Stable...

That's not to say the Value of Collector Coinage can't exceed the Face Value...

I never really paid that much attention to U.S. Platinum Coins, but they sure have my attention now...

Their $100 Face Values will be good on the other side of what I see heading our way...

Once the Announcement is made of a Monetary Correction, these $100 Platinum Coins will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

I consider Platinum and Palladium Coins to be Collector Coins...

The Value of Collector Coins will exceed their Face Values, but not their Melt Values...

The Melt Values of our Coinage, must always be lower than the Face Values...

This tells me that our One Ounce Palladium Coins need to have their Face Values raised...
The Face Value of our One Ounce Palladium Coins are only $25...

That's way too close to their Melt Values, after the Monetary Correction...

A $25 Coin will have the Spending Power of 2,500 of today's Fiat USD's...

The Melt Value of Palladium stands at 2,353.00 at the time of this writing...

I think the Face Value of our One Ounce Palladium Coins should be raised to $100, instead of the current $25...

That should keep the Melt Value, well under their Face Value...


Who's into Platinum Coins...???

If I had unlimited Money, I'd be starting my Platinum Coin Collection now, before the Monetary Correction is announced...

$100 Platinum Coins are selling well under our $100 Gold Coins, and should be worth another look...


I'll continue Spending Paper Fiat USD's for my Day to Day needs, so that I can get back more Common U.S. Coinage back with my Change...

My Wild Imagination tells me, our Common U.S. Coinage, will experience a 100 Fold increase in Spending Power...

People who use their Debit Cards, don't get back our Common Coinage as Change, and I'm seeing more and more people missing out on a Great Opportunity...

I've been Spending Physical Fiat USD's for years, so I can get back our Common U.S. Coinage as Change...

I figure that when the Fiat USD's "Crash and Burn" our Common U.S. Coinage will still be good, even if I'm totally wrong about Correcting our U.S. Silver and Gold Coinage...

Always feel free to question anything I write, including Steem Power...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

March 31, 2022... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


I would collect the first one, not so much for its face value, but for its design

It is nice... I still have a lot of Platinum Coins to show... I'm sure you're going to like many of them...

As per as my understanding your post tells that Platinum Coins are not must buy

I think the $100 Platinum Coins are a much better buy than the $100 Gold Coins... They cost less, but the Spending Power will be the same, if my Vision turns out to be correct...

So hard work from you
I am very impressed with your excellent post about platinum coin's

Thanks... Your photos of the Sunflowers were impressive too...

Thanks dear

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