
It doesn't matter - which one you would pick for your blog

I tried this method and it doesn't work. I agreed with dolphin to resteem one my post one week ago. And it didn't work then.

May be something would change now. I don't know

Haven't decided yet! The method of translating?

do you mean translating my posts written in Russian? Then don't worry about those posts - it just a chatting about nothing. They don't get any value to your blog

OK how do you decide what to post about?

I take my inspiration from a life around me. I've seen something and if it's funny or night be useful for others - I would write about

OK makes sense. What do you do for a living?

I'm designer now

What do you design? I heard Elon Musk the CEO of Spacex and Tesla spends around 80 percent of his time designing. He also splits his day up into 5 minute segments - I wonder how that works - the five minute thing.

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