Decentralized electricity: what will help the detachment?

in #steem7 years ago


Blockchain  a long time went beyond the financial system and money - this is not the only thing that can be created on its basis. Perhaps soon, this definition will become akin to the concept of the Internet and every small one will know what it is. Probably, there is no need now to go too far into the details of a relatively new technology - much has already been written about it by more competent people.

In my understanding, the block system is a distributed electronic accounting system (database) operating on the principle of P2P (from user to user). In other words, transactions / actions between individuals or objects are recorded in it without the participation of central servers, and thus, effective interaction is ensured.

Where can I apply the blockchain ? It allows you to more securely buy / sell goods around the world, confirming ownership, its permanence is excellent for contracting, proof of authenticity / authorship and transparent voting. It is actively used by the gaming industry, social structures, labor exchanges, charitable funds, media, real estate and even the food industry - to control the supply chain of products. He did not pass over a giant like the electric power industry. And why is he here and do you need it to her?

Why electric power blockchain ?

Conventionally, the use of blockade in this area can be divided into two areas.  Block to pay for electricity and interact with customers / suppliers;
Blochechan for buying / selling electricity between individuals / equipment.

Energy supplier companies have to constantly interact with a huge number of customers and process their applications. And sometimes the time for resolving issues is prolonged for a long time. In addition, such a management system requires constant monitoring and maintenance of the database. Blockchain  is able to take these problems on itself, while processing data in an automatic mode.


Electric power industry is the largest branch, and it considerably surpasses the financial one. Electricity is a real commodity, and money is only a means.

Why is this possible?

Blokchein is able not only to change the management method in companies supplying electricity, but also the entire region as a whole. Technologies develop in all directions and the IT sphere is just a shell. At the heart of everything are real resources and ways to get them.

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