Time to be a better Role Model and focus on my own comments!

in #steem7 years ago

I try to be a role-model steemian, but feel like I've been terrible recently, I've been ignoring most of the comments left for me and have never really consistently upvoted them. Not because I wanted to ignore them or planned too. I read them all and enjoyed them, but just never got around to replying.


It's time to change that and I need to keep uping my game. I think it's important for anyone giving advice or suggestion to people to model those good behaviors. As my reputation and following keep increasing I hope to be a positive role-model. I try to help, support and advice new members and new communities here on steemit and this role has become a new passion of mine here.



There was a 2 week period when I just couldn't keep up and haven't been properly responding to my comments. For someone who's always telling everyone new around here that their best way to get started is commenting as much as they can, it's kinda an ass-hole move to ignore my own. So that's going to change and it already has, I've caught up on all my active posts. I also plan to start following more people who come by and comment regularly on my posts.


Comment Voting

While I'm at it, I've never been much of a comment voter, but that's going to change now as well. I've always found my voting power so low and just didn't feel like I could properly reward anyone anyways, but as I approach dolphin status I finally feel like I can start properly showing my appreciation. My 5% vote is worth $0.02 currently, but I'm still waiting on some delegations to come back to me, so it should be about double very soon. I know it's not huge but I feel it's a good start and maybe enough to help some people get started. Heck if it's a really good comment and I drop a 100% vote, that would be over $0.50.


The pledge

So starting now any "good" comment that is left for me will get an upvote from me and also a proper reply. My plan is to review my comments before making my next post, I think that will be a good way to stay on track and stay on top of everything.

The Challenge

I know most people are probably already doing this, but I do challenge people to stay up to date with replying to your comments. Also be sure to reward some of the best comments with upvotes and even better with follows. There are a lot of great underappreciated new members here struggling to get noticed so give them a chance. It's pretty easy to just unfollow them if it doesn't work out, but just maybe you'll find some great new content to read.

Anyways, off to leave more comments and find some more to reply too!

Footer by @bearone


You raise an important issue. replying comment is the best way to communicate with fellow steemians. I will also need to improve this section.

Yeah, It's probably good practice for everyone.

Yes. But it might not be proportional to the amount of money you get back, but it will have benefits as it strengthens the steemit community.

I know I can improve on upvoting comments.

When someone takes time out of their day to read my post and provide a thoughtful comment it means a lot. Thanks for what you do in the SSG community and as veteran to Steemit!

Yeah, the upvoting was always hard, just trying to have enough power, and 5-10% never even added a cent so it just seamed pointless, but at least it's a couple cents and doesn't seam like a total waste.

I am in the same shoes.

Some days I am doing real good with answering some days pretty bad.

I also try to to be curious and not always make people come to me and instead I comment on their posts but that is the same some days I am good some days I am bad.

Yeah, I'm usually a pretty active commenter on other post, there really is so many interesting things to read out in the wide world of steemit.

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

I think this is a great idea, and I wish more people realized the value in things like this. I upvote all the real comments people leave for me and reply to them if warranted. It feels like the least I can do for someone who bothered to read what I wrote and internalize it enough to formulate a response.

Also, if you think keeping your voting power up is hard, try it without a slider! Luckily I don't get very many comments on my posts, so it doesn't deplete me too badly.

Yeah, I can't image how hard without a slider, when I was slider-less I just voted away and usually sat around 20-40% VP, It was a lost cause...lol.

I know it must be tough responding to every single comment if you have a lot. What I find works best when it comes to replies whether they be comments or even responding to email is to respond as soon as I read them. If I read them and put it off they more often than not get responded to in an untimely fashion. Try giving that a go. :) best of luck to you :)

Yeah, that's great advice, often I find myself just 'checking' them and telling myself I'll come back and reply and we all know how often that actually happens.

comments can get overwhelming, its a good thing though. the fact that someone cares enough to comment on a post let alone read it is worth more then an upvote imo.
After a while on here it is easy to see who is actually getting upvotes from people interacting with content compared to people paying for upvotes or in a colusion (circle jerk) with other voters to basically self upvote.
As of right now while steemit is still new (in idea) the pay for votes and colusion will pay off but in the long run the numbers of users and actual interaction will pay off imo.
Take what i say with a grain of salt as im the drunk guy with a warped perception of steemality as of anecdotal evidence i hold from myself and others from the begining.
Luv ur work and keep it up, i think you might have less time to spend posting but you will be rewarded with some amazing conversations in the comment sections of your posts.

Are you drunk again tonight man? I'm starting to worry about you.
For real though, I think your right once there are lots of people around here and it's much more active, I think we'll see content get more rewarded on it's actual value instead of who it's coming from and your friends are.

I might be.
I am hoping so too, it might take a couple years till the premine trickel down actually starts working but once it does real interactions (views and comments ect) will be what makes the real money. I mean of corse the constant whale premine circle jerk will still be going on and anyone that has risen to a high pay out level has been flagged down by the premine mob but at some point they wont have the power to do anything about it. (i hope)
Yeah i might be a little drunk, i ran out of chaser.
wait, i drink vodka raw no chaser, what am i talking about.
Yeah im a bit drunk, its my weekend.

Since I'm practically new to Steemit I still have a relatively small network and it's easy to respond to comments. And I am getting the feel for the type and quality of some of the comments I get. Some are brief, cordial to leaving a good thoughtful comment and worthwhile upvoting. I already practice this to some extent on YouTube but on Steemit I see it can be critical in encouraging not only quality content but Quality comments and replies too. I see it can getting tough going over hundreds of comments then running out of bandwidth, yikes! been there so I have to be more judicious about upvoting which good comment.

Yeah, bandwidth isn't a problem any more once you have alot of SP, but that would be annoying for sure. Yeah it can certainly be overwhelming. Unfortunately, I totally gave up on my youtube reply's

thx for posting plz upvote.

Just kidding. But yeah, on the rare occasions I make posts, I struggle with replying to comments. Honestly I rarely know what to say on others' posts, and so when someone responds to me the pressure is on.

Right exactly, some times, it's just thank you, but that's kinda lame, but I guess it's something.

Yeah I always answer all the comments on my previous posts before moving on to the next. Its good practice

I feel like I used to all the time, but just had that little hiccup.

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