Help Steem! Vote for "Steem" to get listed on "Netcoins".

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Hello guys.
Hope you all are doing good.

Steem to get listed on Netcoins.



Netcoins is a Canada based Blockchain company which has helped thousands of customers buy and sell Bitcoin. Their Virtual Bitcoin ATM software provides retailers and individual professionals an awesome way to sell Bitcoin in store. Best of all? It's free to become a reseller!

All we know that a contest is going on in which Steem has been selected for nomination with other coins like PAC Coin, Verge, etc. But as we all know that a contest is based on voting, coin with large votes will win the contest. All of us know that SteemIt has near about 1 million users so if all of us will vote, there is no chance of losing the contest. But there are only 8.6 K users who have successfully voted for steem. It means that only these users care for steem. No 1% users of steemIt have voted for steem.

Steem is on #1 ranking on that list with 8684 votes and also Verge brings a competition to steem with 8604 votes. We are on top of the list but we shouldn't think that we have won the contest. The contest is running for next 1 day and few hours so nothing to predict what will happen. So we should care for it and remain in touch with it.
We all should care about steem and bring it to the moon.

I have already blogged two (1 , 2) posts from last 2 days about this contest. Now this is 3rd time i blogged about that.

If you don't know how to vote, below are the steps to vote:

  • Click on this link
  • Search for "Steem" or Scroll down.
  • After searching, there appears a small box asking for entering e-mail.
  • Submit your e-mail then click on "Vote".
  • Then click on Send Confirmation Email.**
  • Now go to your E-mail and confirm your vote.
  • That is it, you have voted successfully.
  • Remember that you can vote multiple times by using different browsers or a VPN with different e-mails. Also remember you can vote again after 24 hours. Your vote is valuable, so don't waste your vote.

    I hope all of you will vote for steem so that it will get listed on Netcoins.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63004.58
ETH 2548.62
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81