Steemex v0.10 released: GenStage blockchain event producers [open source Elixir library for Steem]

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

This releases adds GenStage event producers, a composable abstraction for consuming data from third-party systems and a behaviour for exchanging events with back-pressure between Elixir processes. GenStage integration makes Steemex usage simpler and easier: just start a GenStage Consumer with a following option: subscribe_to: Steemex.Stage.Blocks.Producer or subscribe_to: Steemex.Stage.Ops.ProducerConsumer. Both producers use BroadcastDispatcher -- every blockchain event will be broadcasted to all subscribed consumers.

GenStage is a great tool for blockchain related tasks and I'm nearly certain that GenStage is here to stay for a long time.

Repos and docs


  • breaking: previous Steemex.Streamer module was removed
  • stream_to config option was removed
  • new Steemex.Stage.Blocks.Producer module
  • new Steemex.Stage.Ops.ProducerConsumer module
  • new supervisor module for GenStage producers
  • basic example of GenStage consumer for steem operation events
  • updated readme

A GenStage consumer example

defmodule Steemex.Stage.Ops.ExampleConsumer do
  use GenStage
  require Logger

  def start_link(args, options \\ []) do
    GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, args, options)

  def init(state) do
    {:consumer, state, subscribe_to: state.subscribe_to}

  def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
    for op <- events do """
      New operation:
      #{inspect op}
    {:noreply, [], state}



  • Investigate using GenStage
  • Add more utility functions
  • Add more types and structs
  • Add transaction broadcast

About Elixir

Elixir is a functional programming language with superior concurrency primitives, distributed computation and fault tolerance capabilities based on Erlang/OTP.
Personally, I am really happy with my bet on Elixir to build cryptotokens related apps and strongly recommend every developer to try it.

Learning resources:



Very cool, keep up the great work! :)

thanks, @cm-steem! :)

Will this be used in future glasnost releases?

Excellent, can't wait! :D

Nice one :) I wasn't aware of that project so far -> Followed.

I don't understand this at all but it sounds interesting!!

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