Big Thanks To More Than 800 Followers! Let's See Where Steem Can Take Us

in #steem7 years ago

I recently surged past a Steem milestone. There are now 824 Steemians following my blog, and that count is rising faster than I expected. Thanks for sticking around, everybody!

This update is to give you all an idea of what I’m working on these days. I’ve been pretty distracted by my personal life lately, so I haven’t posted in here nearly as much as I should. I could also blame the weather, because months of endless rain have really taken a toll on my general mood. But eventually, everything turns around.

Look at that sunset!

In fact, it was the last two days of sunny weather that even made me notice how much I really am affected by the environment around me. The days are getting longer. The weather's getting warmer. The sun is coming out at last. Things are getting better.

What's Up With Olyup?

My newfound optimism is fueling a surge of activity on my mile-long to-do list:

  1. One of the biggest things is writing more contributions for Utopian. I’m in the middle of writing a series of tutorials to contribute there. I plan to make that a regular thing, and I plan to add it on top of my regular blog posts.
  2. The next big thing is an in-person Steem meetup right here in Olympia. I’ve set up a Meetup account, and I just need to find a location. A room at the community center is always an option, but I thought someplace with food and drinks would be more fun. I’ve got at least one other group that I can do a short presentation for about Steem and all its greatness. I’m sure to find some interested people there.
  3. Along with the updates about the projects I’m building and contributing to, I have a long list of ideas for content – posts to write, or videos to make, or serial fiction chapters.
  4. I have a couple book ideas that I'm working on the back burner. One fiction, one non. I admire and envy those authors that can write a book every 3 weeks or whatever, but that’s not me. At least not yet. My word count is plodding along in fits and starts. Practice makes perfect. Thanks in advance to my editor.
  5. I am getting outside and moving around, walking the dog, hitting the park. Why? It’s not drizzling miserable incessant rain over every square inch of as far as the eye can see.

Expect to see more about my open-source tutorial contributions very soon. Then expect posts about the developing Olympic Steem Team not long after that. In between those big updates, I’ll get into some of the ideas on that long list.

Thanks for sticking with me. Let’s see where Steem can take us.

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I am following and will continue to follow as we support one another in our steemit journey. Congrats in reaching another milestone!

Thanks! I am enjoying your work lately, too.

Congratulations! I hope to get there myself one day. Sounds like you have some interesting things in the works... I'll follow you.

Congratulations on 800 followers! Sounds like a great and ambitious list. Good luck!

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