Finding Yourself in a World Full of Noise

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

By Chinenye Nzom

So my brother and I were discussing a while ago and he told me that he was reading a post, and someone asked how did you become successful sir? The person replied with "I conquered myself" and someone else replied Pele o... Cheng fu😂

Truth is so many people out there share incomplete stories. They say find yourself, tame yourself, conquer yourself. But they don't really help you through the journey and give you the details on how to make the journey worthwhile

Someone may say, I didn't get lost.

But hey, there is something important about getting to know yourself better and better as the days goes by. Why? There is so much noise in the world!

Different technologies are stemming up every day. Diversity and confusions are everywhere. But once you know who you are and what you want, it saves you the stress. It makes your life much more easier.

The first question you need to ask yourself is:

What do I want?

It's just one thing. Just one.

For me when I asked myself this question, I realised that I just want to be happy. So for me, it is Joy.

Unfortunately, many people don't know what they want. And some of us are quite dreamy, we want much more than one thing.

So if you know me, you'll see that everything I do revolves around being happy and making others happy.

I love to play, take pictures, go out, help people out of depression and all. So you need to ask yourself that question too: What do you want?

Is it money? Fame? Marriage?

You need to identify that One thing and start working towards it.

No one can answer it for you. Because it's only you that lives inside of you 🤷🏽‍♀. So you need to do a whole lot of reflection and ask yourself what you really want.

The next thing is finding what you need to do to get what you want.

So if it is money, you need to get a job, start a business, start networking with high business profile people.

This is called the Lead Measure - What YOU need to do to get exactly what you want.

Notice my caps with the YOU!. YOU have to do this by yourself, and maybe with the help of one or two persons so they can give you honest audit on what excites you.

So for me, I realised that when people around me are happy, I get extremely happy. So I started hanging out more often with happy people, make people laugh and all that. Creating safe spaces for me and other people that are going through so much.

So the bottom line is there is this one thing we all are craving for. And all we need to do is know and understand it and start finding ways to satisfy it

That's one very important way to find yourself

The Next Is To Not Compare Yourself with others.

Truth is we are all different! We have different journeys, different destinations and so on. I see so many people compare themselves with their mates and later end up being depressed.

As much as you have one thing you want to achieve in life, so does every other person too, and imagine all I want is joy and all you want is money. And you keep following all I do, comparing yourself with me. Truth is you may not get to your destination as fast as you should.

We all have our goals and dreams, you can get inspired by someone else. But please stay on your lane!

For instance, recently so many young people have been travelling out of the country and maybe it's not time for you to go yet, maybe you still need to learn some skills that will make you useful over there. But then you start saying 'God when?' you start thinking and feeling less than yourself, because of comparison. You start having self esteem issues.

Truth is your friend is enjoying his/her life, you're the one just stressing yourself.

Thinking and over thinking and getting depressed will not get you there. It will actually deter your chances. Because from there psychosis and schizophrenia can creep in. May we not loose touch with our world

I'm still on my journey of finding myself, because as I grow older, what I want changes. What excites me changes. So I need to find what will make me stay joyful at this time. So it's a continuous and continuing process.

And truth is what causes depression in young people today is the fact that we feel that time is against us. We are slacking! Our mates are flying.

And it's facade!

It's just pictures on the media. It's just PR. it's just fine clothes on IG. You're better than most of these people fam.

I know most of us have heard this over and over again. But then we need to keep emphasizing these things.

I think I have found myself and I know that my life is about Joy and also about helping people to get Joyful, and that exactly what I'm doing.

Know exactly what you want. If you'll love to go international, check out for opportunities, check out scholarship websites. You'll see so many opportunities

But the issue is that we prefer complaining and feeling sad than putting in the work. You have never applied for any opportunity, but you feel bad that you weren't chosen. How does that even work?

You see people pursuing their goals with so much sweat, but you just chill and enjoy life. And when they get awards, you envy them. You can't grow like that, fam. You cant discover yourself like that

You have to ask them questions. How did you do this and that. How can I do this and that? That way you're already on the journey. You may ask, What if they don't answer me? It means you have not been good to them. Massage their ego, be humble and listen because nobody is an island.

There is so much noise in the world. So much! And only if you're able to find yourself, know what you want, get people around you to push you up, cheer you on and encourage you. You'd feel better.

Just to step away from the topic "Find Yourself In a World Full Of Noise"

I just want to talk about Depression generally. Aside the fact that people compare themselves with others on social media (seeing pictures on IG and getting depressed), there is also another strong source of depression which stems from Losing a Loved One.

When someone that is very dear to you dies and the world feels like its going to come crashing down on all sides.

I lost my mum in January and trust me things haven't been easy. But then I always talk to people who come to me telling me not to feel depressed despite the fact that they lost someone very close to them or someone very important in their lives. I tell them that : Ok, think about if this person was here with you. And so far as the person was close to you, they would always want the best for you right?. Think of those things the person would love to see you doing and start doing them. So that wherever they are, if they could see you they would be happy. Do you understand?

So if you lost someone that is very dear to you, someone that cared for you, someone that was nice to you, ensure that you do those things that you believe they would be happy to see you doing and things you also enjoy doing. Make those people proud of you, even though they are not with you. That's the best way to remember them.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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