Steem It the way you are

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Time for me to take a hike, back in to the real world, away from the virtuality of the Steem realm. It has been an interresting experience. And it might be that I'll return here soon, or it might take longer than that. Maybe when the Dollar sign can be changed into Euro, I start to feel really at home at Steem It. In the meanwhile I will have a look at the steem and graphene sourcecode at Github. And go deeper into the possibilities of subchaining within the steem realm. But all in good time. Other real world things came onto my path, rising new challenges that need to be solved quickly.

This end, for the time being, was a rollercoaster trip in the world of Blockchains. Starting somewhere around 2009, where WXwidgets still made the GUI for Bitcoin and I thought nothing of it. Not saying that was smart, it just was like that. After that since 2014, after I moved all computers overhere to GNU Linux, started compiling and hackin' and slashin' away at lots of C-code. Even thought I do not 'C' that well. (Yes, I do wear glasses or contacts.) Love Open Source, and had a good time in several communities. At NXT for the Monetary System made TORUM, Slothcoin (SHA3) and more. Finally ending with one of the best ideas I think blockchain technology has brought about. So far.

With the Graphene motor running things like Bitshares, that will rise too, soon I guess, 'Steem It' really is a great innovation. And I do hope to return and blog some more. Even in Netherish, or my native tongue OalDamster dialect. And then with Steem Backed Euro {SBE}, who will say? Done lots of promotion, on Minds, with the DOGErain app, at Twitter, Facebook and my blog at Tumbler. Also to get more Europeans in and off course Netherish and Oldambtsters. Have gotten no feedback how that worked out, so far. But maybe you'll soon see more of them here at Steem It.

Endorsed one young talent and looked for those artists that are in Steem It too, deeply hidden away maybe. Not the popular most upvoted, because there is a certain dominance there that differs from my perception. But on the other side, anything is possible at Steem It, so I'll have a look in now and then. Curious into what direction it will develope and what might be forked into something new. Thinking about something that can be incorporated into any social media system, blog, game and what not. And as far as I came to understand so far, Steem has got it to make it.

Still have some Steem Backed Dollar left, tried to trade them but could not just yet, so I'll give it another shot. Move it to Steem Power and let it be my small two year investment in the Steem Realm. Powering up one more time, for the time being. Wanted to make a VLOG but it all went from bad to worse, so that too gave me a TAO synchronicity sign. That it is time to face the challenges that came onto my path recently. So it be...

Time is ticking and I'm on a schedule, so I'll be saying bye for now. Happy Steeming dear fellow Steemer it was a fun ride so far and maybe we'll meet again, do not know where, do not know when. And there is really no real secret to Steeming, just do it being true to who you are, a unique and equal valued human being.

Wishing peace on earth and all being well.



To round it all off for the time being: a cross reference POE Blog at the Slick.CF website:

Until next time, have a good weekend!

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