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RE: FOMO on CryptoKitties? Steem can do way more!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

First I thought about introducing the idea of 'Steemy Pussies' for the Steem blockchain, but my better half talked me out off that one. And I think she was right about it being quite suggestive... Well, way too suggestive actually.

But the Steem blockchain has the potential, without breaking a sweat, to be used with online gaming. Especially with the SMTs coming in 2018 this could become huge. Online games having each their own SMT.

So, okay, maybe 'Steemy Pussies' might give a wrong impression... But as cute as kittens are...?


CryptoPuppies, they do not get congested by etherized furry hairballs. Would like to see the creators of Creatures do their thing with the Steem blockchain as a backbone. CryptoNorns, they could be called. And in 2018 that game developer could use a special SMT for it. Same would do for CryptoPuppies!

Where every other blockchain gets congested, Steem would move on. Would sure love to see some talented developer pick up on this idea... CryptoPuppies, feed them, charish them, breed them and trade them. It could be done I guess. says it can...



CryptoPuppies is a winner! The graphics in ck is pretty boring too. All the cats looks almost similar. If you could breed a chiahuahua with a German shepard and they got pups (i.e cp) it would be cooler:)

Now that would be an amazing breed, hahaha. Or aShihTzu and a Rotweiler, in such a way that they indeed look like you could expect from such a breed.

Let somebody pick this up and make it happen!

CryptoPuppies, it's barking fun for the whole family!

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