Breaking Facebook's Bond (Part 3)

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty free at last. Well almost...

My #deletefacebook procedure is almost completed.

It surprised me to find that they offer a 30 day change your mind period. During that time it is as simple as logging into your FB account to cancel the deletion.

The deletion of the Facebook app, from my phone, gives me some confidence to make it through this final stage of kicking the FB monkey from my back.

One of the main reasons for keeping my toes in the Facebook waters was to expose FBers to the steem blockchain. My postings on steem would be mirrored on FB with the intention of exposing them to a steem portal like steemit. Yet my views of steem recruitment has changed over the last while.

It started when noticing how many of those on my follow list went missing in direct relation to the dtop in steem's value.

My feeling to their absence has become Good riddance!

Are they bringing any value to the blockchain if their only motivation are the rewards? My feeling is no, yet would love to hear in the comments if you think differently.

Are we doing new recruits a favor by expecting them to be their own bank with its own security when many of them cannot remember a password unless their browser remembers it for them? Would steem end up being a frustration for them? It may be a good learning curve for some.

If they can find the place then they can expect my support. However in fairness, AOL still has a user base. 😎

Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty free at last. Well in 28 more days...

Previous Episodes

Part 1
Part 2


Good call! Stay offa there unless it's meeting some specific need not met anywhere else!

About 16 days to go and FB will be a thing of the past in my life. 😎

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