Steemit Tip Compendium for a Beginner like me!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear Steemit users!

First of all I have to mention that english is not my native language, so please don't mutilate my poor self for not being able to transfer my thoughts in a proper and grammatical way.
I am trying!

Let's cut to the point.

It takes just a short glimpse to realise that I am a total newbie when it comes to Steemit.
I've been here and there, heard this and that and I didn't hesitate a minute to create an account.
Every sign around me shouts one simple sentence "You can make a living of your creativity and contribution!" - heck who would not want to join such community?

Truth be told the system might seem a bit overwhelming for a new user. I am trying to get into it, gather some information from videos and create my own sense of understanding the platform but there are still many questions in my head.

This is how I came up with my first post.
Before I get to the whole point, please let me briefly tell you what have I been doing in the internet pre steemit.
(And no I am not thinking about browsing some adult sites, stop it!)
I still actually am a youtube content creator. My channel is mostly devoted to gaming (yeah I know, nothing spectacular) but in my opinion it is pretty successful.
I am close to that 50K sub mark and that is a huge milestone to me.

Why am I mentioning that?
Specifically because it means that I am able to create content in form of videos for example.

Now to the point (For real this time I am not joking, I promise)
I have created this post to ask you personally... you, yes you!
The reader! to give me some tips and feedback about this awesome platform.
Here's how I see it:

Now that you've read what I wrote here you should ask yourself a question:
"Am I a good person who wants to contribute to the community?"
If the answer is "Yes" or even "cowabunga" then do this:

  • Think of some tips that you would give to yourself from the past (if you could of course) if you met yourself as a beginner steemit user. What could be useful to know?
  • Think of anything that would help us understand the platform
  • Gather those things
  • Drink something good and get yourself comfortable
  • See some cute kitties in the google graphics section
  • And finally comment this post with your feedback.

Help us - New users understand everything!

Based on the comments I will gather all the information and create a video that wrap up everything and try to educate those beginners like me!

For the good cause!
And by the way it's great to be here with you guys.
Cheers Steem users!


@noseynosey, I gave you an upvote on your first post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return!

Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.

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