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RE: Petition to Demand Steem be made fully Open Source

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

We have witnessses. We pay them a lot. They produce blocks.. but also they decide in the name of the community whether particular hardfork should be accepted.

Because only people from Steemit Inc. can merge changes to main repository, and no one can legally create a fork, witnesses actually cannot fully decide about direction of development, therefore community do not have a way to change direction of development.

Currently witnesses can only accept new hardfork or they will be left behind.

If someone would like to introduce changes to the code, which would be great for whole community but bad for Steemit Inc, then those changes will never be actually merged to main repository which belongs to Steemit Inc.


Anyone can fork the repository and make releases if they wish. Anyone can convince witnesses to run those releases. The only restriction in the code means that you have to run the code on this chain, produced by the witnesses, who are voted in by the stakeholders.

Emphasis on control of the repo is irrelevant — Steemit has no privileged position in the scheme.

Where "this chain" is the chain where the rules are decided by Steemit Inc. Any violation of those rules would mean you end up on a different chain, disallowed by Steemit Inc.

where the rules are decided by Steemit Inc

The consensus rules are applied by the witnesses who produce blocks, not us.

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