Its the same fucking shit everywhere and why steemit is no exception

in #steem9 years ago (edited)

Nomatter where you come these days you are always confronted with the same fucking unjust Bullshit.

Either its McDonalds and Coca Cola that are selling products that will kill you- medicinal proven

you watch the same program on TV produced by the same fucking Jews all day like CNN, BBC, FOX and all the other shit TV Stations.

Than you try to communicate with other People yet you back in the hands of the same fucking Jews that already own all the other fucking crap

Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit

Than something like Bitcoin comes up were you think, wow finally something that will bring some justice into all that mess that is caused by banks run by guess who? the same fucking Jews that already own everything else.

Bitcoin had a tremendous success looking back and im honestly still more or less positive about it.

But right when you think everythign will work at the end out than steemit comes around which represents and copies the whole same bullshit all those fuckign Jews created.

So how can Steemit be any better than all that above shit will all say we sick of, when steemit implements the exact same reward system as all the other Bullshit we hate so much.

I gurantee you that most people voting up those fuckign dumb posts you see on the front page not even read this shit.

Steemit uses exact the sme system that will feed the world only with complete unjust Bullshit.

The only new thing of steemit is that it runs of the blockchain, which is not a reason to call this great, because the reward system is still the same fuckign shit as youare faced with in real ife everyday.

Whales will get bigger and bigger for having to do less and less while new people coming in having to pay more and more for less.

So fuck steemit and fuck your unjust rewards system because as of right now you not representing anything different than those fucking stealing, lying bullshit selling jewish owned companys, you all say you want to be so different off


i dont see how you think a post like this is going to get you the proper attention you say that it the same fucking shit everywhere but look at what you are doing . if we the people want to take responsibility or ourselves and make the world a better place for all of us to live we have to put and end to talk like this. superiority and inferiority complexes between the races and nationality must come to and end or there will always be war ,poverty , and injustice

there will be poverty, war, injustice regardless because aslong as we implement the same reward system we will always have the same outcome. And there are different races thats a fact and the jewish race is the shadest of all of them and responisble for most of the unjustice, poverty and war in the world, so what you saying makes no sense to be honest

I hear you! I did the same thing you did when I work up. Just pure outrage.

you try to communicate with other People yet you back in the hands of the same

I had every friend and family member I knew either pissed off or concerned about me. This was a valuable thing too only because I realized we were actually causing these issues. I'm glad it happened that way. Everyone knows this crap does not play well with me I want to address real issues. I managed to get rid of virtually every stupid conditioned suppressive response simply by thinking about a very simple rational argument against it then using it on that person. And I made many new friends. I use to get crap about 100% of the time from people when I said something real. Now it is almost never.

People will always respond initially with their media-encoded conditioning. They just need to learn better. Also, remember just because they are still sheep it does not mean that everything they say is still stupid. They are giving you valuable information about how your acting comes off with other people. There is no right or wrong here, you just need to consider what effect you have on others so you can learn to expect how they might react. You'll do better if you do that. Also you can pick and choose how you act as to most effectively get through to them.

I also realized that even though I fought the irrational stupid stuff in our society all my life, it did take a huge tole. I thought I was doing well but wow was I mistaken. It was after learning what you learned did I realize this. I went going through the same stages of acceptance you are experiencing now. I made a HUGE step forward for me and everyone who still admits to knowing me. I eventually became more level headed and because of that I make less mistakes and can get through to more people. Mistakes are setbacks. And you do want this to get better right? In a hurry!

Look at what I have been sharing under @jsc. To be most effective you need to work through you anger but don't rush it; explore it. Anger is not bad, it serves a purpose. Channel it to keep you motivated for the long run.

all those fuckign Jews created

You better learn fast.. It is not all the jews.. Never make this mistake ever. It will set you back. That is the last thing you want. This is not progress it is a set back.

dumb posts you see on the front page

Well ok, only because we have huge issues and the dump posts outnumber the real post. The dump posts are not dumb, some of those people are just as awake as you and I. I know because I post like you do and they respond. I find a great deal of relief knowing this. Consider though, when you get happy with the progress with those around this is something you will want to enjoy too. Just not right now. Don't be selfish, realize that people have many dimensions. But, what we really need to do is get the real posts promoted we need to change this world.

Did you know that I will be a whale one day maybe soon? I have some development funds for working on Steemit. I will be spending them on people to promote the material you mentioned above and looking for the most professional presentation that will reach the most people. This only matters if Steemit does well in the meantime. So, I will look forward to seeing people make things real. This adds long term value..

I went along for months and did not want to hear anything whatsoever other than the issues we face. I hated the idea that people would share anything other than this. Today I don't hate it, I enjoy it but only for a very limited time. I spend my time looking for posts like yours. This is what I want Steemit to be. A wake up platform. But I am not angry at those things, those things like I use to be. They are normal even for people who are fully awake just like yourself. It is how much time we allocate to them that matters and that varies from person to person. They just are not normal when someone is just waking up.

Good luck, you're on the right track. I think that after you pull through this you might want to scrap this account and start a new one... LOL I look forward to seeing how you develop your blogging skills. You need to reach many people in a positive way.

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