
Yes i believe in the future of Steemit and the whole crypto space. Steemit is one of the rare occasions where a complex system is already working product in the blockchain with hundreds of thousands accounts and about 30,000 active users currently i guess. From my point of view that has huge potential to grow. Thank you!

I think that we are at the start of something huge. Even if it is not steemit, the potential for people to benifit from the time and content that they produce is massive. Compare that to one of the main social media sites facebook youtube or instagram where a few hundred people get massively rich of the backs of millions. This is the future.

Yes, i agree, it makes no sense to pile up billions of $ on one person and then thinking that's the best solution. A network of value for value with many people is much more effective in my point of view and can create much more value overall! I can just encourage people to use the opportunity, the freedom of choice!

Absolutely. The fact that so few people have so much of the wealth in the world makes no sense. If there was more of a spread throughout the population so much more could be achieved. I can only hope that the blockchain is the start of a better distribution away from the 1 percent.

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