@berniesanders is a bullysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

This piece is not about how I feel about somebody and whether I like them or not, this piece will focus on facts of how a specific user is acting on steemit and bullying new users. The user in discussion is @berniesanders.

It all started with...
A post by @berniesanders which you can find here:

A specific comment caught my eye:

A user was merely stating their opinion and @berniesanders didn't like what they had to say, @berniesanders also replied with:
"See your reputation go bye bye! Piss off donkey fucker lover!"
This is what happened to the user after merely expressing his opinion:
That's not even that bad yet, look what followed, in a very short amount of time this user's reputation went from something like 25 to 5. The worst of all is that @berniesanders upvotes his own comments.
Steemit is starting to remind me of working in corporate. It seems kissing ass can get you very far if you want to climb the blockchain ladder:(Congrats on your 17 cents)
I don't like bullies and I obviously don't like @berniesanders for that reason, so I decided to write a comment of my own to show my support for @mattjack, what followed was ugly for my steemit reputation:
Take note of the people that downvoted me, the list is very similar to this list of downvotes:
What I love about this user @mattjack is he just didn't back down, here is another very well articulated comment:
My powerlevel is also no longer 9000. @berniesanders and fellow ass kissers destroyed me:
And another screenshot:
It really doesn't get better:
@berniesanders went and downvoted any posts on my blog just to show that he has a big guy. Wow you are really tiny if this gives you kicks, but don't worry I also got some downvotes in even though it won't affect bernie much:
What do you think of @berniesanders's behavior towards new users or users with opinions on steemit? Do you think what he is doing is right?


We are excited to see you join us here! Steemit is a remarkable platform that is built to reward users for creating quality content. Its a logic called proof of brain.

As for TechChat, think of us as DJs that create tech content instead of music. We create content by looking for the most shocking, interesting, and exciting breakthroughs in the tech space. Basically - we do all the research so you dont have to.

We hope to hear your opinion on TechChat’s content! We always love to hear from our community.

Happy Steeming 🚀

My rep was actually 36 :)
thank you for reacting to something you didnt feel was right rather than "not my problem"
If BS was a standard user his vile racist comments not only to myself would be to say at least inapropriate
A witness trying to bring nazi censorship to our beloved platform of free speech!
Action Must be Taken
Thank you for your attention

Tried adding you on discord but had probs finding uou just dtarted using ut so prob messed up smthng thee as vouldnt find you
Will try again tomorrow.
Had few things on my head that needed sorting
Sorryfor delay
And thanks again for standing up for me!

My discord username is: netscape101#5832

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