
Im sorry @sircorck for the flags, hate to be in that position but i kind of enjoy seeing this. Not in a drama loving, popcorn eating kind of way but rather its nice to see the guy "running" the place actually show a genuine emotional response.

Ned decided not to upvote anything on the platform, nor do i see him making many comments on other posts (id bet he has some other account for that) that arent Steem related.

That creates this feeling of absence and dissociation. And its not that hes busy. We all are busy...

Ned is a bit bland when it comes to his interaction with the community. Everything he writes is measured or a service announcement....

So when i say its nice to see him act, even like this, im saying that its nice to see that hes actually human and not some "service announcement bot".

And to Ned... I know a lot is expected of you and there are so many people begging you for delegation. Some of them act high and mighty when a plankton asks them for an upvote but yet they will beg you like they are dying of hunger.
I know that must annoy you,but that or anything related, should not be a reason for you not to step on down a bit.

Im telling you, having honest, casual human interactions with users on the blockchain helps maintain stability and user satisfaction.
Tell that guy that painted a nice picture that it was cool. That you liked how this other girl sings.... That goes a long way and you yourself will feel better that you made some plantkon or minnow feel good. And thats without using any upvotes.
Have a nice day.

Yes ¡we! do.

Somebody's triggered! and isn't me :D I must have struck a nerve.

Petulant tantrum is petulant.

And "I" is self-aggrandizing.

And "trolling" is when the assertion is "wrong."

Thanks for the notoriety though. Guess your own notoriety after the population saw your response to @dan's EOS post didn't teach you any lessons at all.

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