Is this the start of New New Steem ? If the world were due to end tomorrow, could @taskmaster4450 put a positive spin on it? and other important questions......

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

It's 5am here in Thailand and I'm awake due to the news that Justin Sun has bought Steem. Inc........or the wife's friend has just turned up because her bus from Songkhla arrived early, Whatever the reason, no matter, there are huge upvotes to be had by writing about this.......

a) Super exciting news
b) Terrible news

*delete as appropriate .........

So I have a few questions and thoughts from a simple users perspective.

Firstly, I'm trying to decide whether I should actually care. I read stuff. Always had, will the freat writers here suddenly bugger off back to blogging on other platforms? I doubt it. They still ain't going to earn anything for posting on their Wordpress blogs, or Medium and so unless Steemit or any other interface to the Steem or Tron blockchain ceases to exist then I will still be able read the stuff I've always read.....unless it's from @justineh who I love to read but is already powering down and buggering idea where, but that's a shame. She might be powering down, but she might as well add the $40 rewards to the kitty before she goes and I don't blame her one bit after all her hard work.

@justineh . Great post and I really do understand but I wish you'd hang around a little to see what's really going to happen when the dust settles a little. I will miss your posts and level-headed, yet passive-aggressive diatribes!

So what exactly is going to happen to the Steem blockchain if all the DApps get transferred to Tron as is suggested in the Justin Sun?

Will it all suddenly disappear? Will the witnesses refuse to turn off their servers and stop producing blocks? Isn't Steem an open-source blockchain? What exactly has Justin Sun just bought exactly?

Surely, if we want Steem to continue, then its in the hands of us users and especially the technically gifted ones, ie the witnesses. The Steem blockchain has no need to just go away. but my next question would be; How can Tron turn Steem tokens into some mutated combination token? What if I just refused to sell my Steem or accept its change? Would they just disappear in a puff of smoke....or steam?

Can he actually do this??? and if someone had actually invested FIAT for Steem, have they just lost everything?

I am already not liking this Justin Sun fella for what he seems to have already adopted is Steem Inc's methodology of keeping the community informed by feeding us snippets rather than giving full explanations. He has every right to do this of course as he owns everything now.

I'm still not getting how this actually increases decentralisation though......I'd like that explained or perhaps Steem was just an experiment in making money after all and in reality, no one actually gives a monkey's chuff about all that ideology of a peer to peer decentralised world of exchanging tokens to replace the current biased and controlled financial systems.

What I do know is that I need to start reading up about Tron and their goals and ideals, or maybe I can't be arsed. Perhaps I am already jaded by the way that Steem has shifted away from being a chain that could help re-balance the world and create a fairer more equal society to one where its just 'an investment', where ROI is king and where no one is here for any other reason than to make money and those who have most, have power. The power of Steem is much greater than shitposts and investment, well for me it was anyway.

I do have to ask though, were certain top witnesses and DApp owners aware of this news already? Did they know what was coming?

I will look forward to the AMA, to try and get answers and after that, I will be back to my usual shit-posting but in answer to my own question. No, I shouldn't actually care about all this as I have zero say in the matter and if you can't beat 'em, join ' I will just be happy that the Steem price has risen and look upon all this from an investment perspective. Show me the money......before everyone pulls their Steem out and sells it and the price dumps to nothing.

Decentralisation. World-changing.......LOL. Pie in the fucking sky bollocks. And as usual, NOTHING from Steem Inc.

@ned , you're a sellout.


The dapps can move to whatever blockchain they want to, it doesn't have to be Tron. They could choose to keep Steem going too. I didn't like Tron before this but the way we were informed makes it worse.

Deals must have been done already , this whole thing is shady as hell. Why would anyone buy Steem Inc if they could simply persuade the DApps to migrate to Tron anyway?

They're after the steemit users, thinking they will have an instant well used social media platform and people that will use Tron apps? EOS Voice is launching soon, Tron wanted something to rival that?

Perhaps so mate, but any users who are genuinely here because of the decentralised nature and censorship resistance are not going to be taken in by the Tron blockchain I'd have thought.
We will see, but I just can't help thinking this is the beginning of the end and so many people have put in so much hard work. A bit sad this moring

I do have to ask though, were certain top witnesses and DApp owners aware of this news already? Did they know what was coming?


could @taskmaster4450 put a positive spin on it?

Yes, he could spin a turd to the positive

Fuck it, lets roll!

The news has been leaking around the internet for a while, those paying attention or interest could have seen it coming.

They are not moving the chain they are moving the token.. exactly how remains to be seen.

Why wouldn't ned sell out... He didn't like or want the job and he didn't seem that good at it.

. He didn't like or want the job...

Yeah, particularly after after there was talk of forking Inc's silent stake out. Not a single word since then, but actions have always spoken louder.

He didn't seem comfortable even before that, but yeah other than the fake out for the foundation...

That was pretty much the end of his activity

News leaking is no more than rumour, now we have fact but who had this 'fact' before everyone else? At least one or two 'top' witnesses I have no doubt. As usual, the money men win, Ned makes a fortune in cold hard FIAT, I bet he isn't getting paid in Tron!!
Its all about the money.

Without the witnesses, there is no chain, and as at least some of them are all for this move, then that more than likely means dead chain time. As Justin said in his quote, moving the DApps, except the ones that are already there of course....ready, in advance of the announcement. Also interesting to note who were the ones against the shorter powerdown period...any correlation?

Eli has stated that every thing said today was an idea, not a plan regarding where the partnership goes.

They met with Tron today.

Ned sold his stake. Justin appears to have bought it, that's where we are.

Where did she say it? What did I miss? (Aside from all the confused the sky is falling posts).

I hadn't read that @whatsup , has she posted and I missed it? Sorry, but where we are at is that Tron are migrating the Steemit platform onto the Tron blockchain, that comes from Justin Sun on his well-documented posting.

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