Win 300 liquid STEEM today

in #steem6 years ago

people deserve respect, ideas do not

Please criticise my #SEVEN77 Twitter Movement for our Blockchain in the comments section below

Only negative feedbacks accepted and the person who leave a valuable feedback get full 300 liquid STEEM in 24 hours


I can see the idea behind it meant well. It is actually a fun one, one that would potentially create some curiosity about #steem to the outside world and they might want to come knocking at our doors. At the same time, it can be kinda confusing as to what they end goal is. Is it to show people we are a fun having, united platform? Is it to encourage people to join STEEM or to Simply check Out @actifit? Or to encourage a healthy lifestyle by working out?

The tag #seven77 doesn't make much sense from an outsiders perspective, I'd have gone with sth like #The7SteemPushUpchallenge or something in that line.

Other than that, did you consider some people may not be able to do push ups? I would in all honesty like to take part, but I seriously cannot lift myself. What about those who have health issues or back pains? What can they do to participate? I only watch and engage when I can.

I like how you're always trying to do better. Looking forward to how you'll adjust after this post.

Check out what I've been doing on twitter for the last 3 days @elsiekjay as I literally slipped a disc 4 days ago and couldn't get out of bed for 2 days until I got prescription pain killers delivered. I had to change from doing push ups to creative alternatives. There are many people with health issues who are doing 7 alternatives to push ups each day like @snook & @prettynicevideo 🙂

I do agree that the tag Seven77 is most probably a little confusing to people from outside steem though.

I will be sure to check it out. What is your twitter handle?
Sorry about your back, quick recovery 😁❤

No worries hun. These things happen in life :(

My twitter handle is: @ rowanj808


Oh! okay!!!! I know who you are! haha

Lol, I'm not sure I do😄

I had been seeing rowanj808 in twitter and just put that name and raj808 together! Sorry.

I also recognize your name. You do nice work on your posts. I really enjoy them.

I think it’s a fun way to grow a community and an easy way to promote #steem and #actifit.

I had no idea that you were being criticized for the #seven77 challenge.

Haters always hate my brother. #SteemOnDude!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was feeling lost here, Glad to found you😊

Posted using Partiko Android


This is completely meant in a constructive way but I've think the biggest negative criticism I have is the fact that you state the project as unknown.

In a recent tweet:

You say:

I’ve already started raising angel funds for my unknown project Seven77

And I honestly think that the biggest problem in attracting investment is this unknown factor. Some investors may be looking to invest in the person; looking at how they operate and what they've achieved etc. But a huge percentage of angel investors and venture capitalists won't consider putting money into something without a solid idea as the foundation for the risk/reward on their capital. This is what I see as the next step for you to secure meaningful funding to bring substantial investment into steem. A defined idea with a structured time frame for development.

I remember chatting to you on WhatsApp a while ago and offering to help put together a professional written proposal or infographic, and the offer is still there m8ty. I used to work in marketing and would be happy to spend time talking over 'trashmango' or any other complete idea you may have so that we can build a defined written pitch for investors. I think the time is right to pull things together like this and have a proposal to put forward as the Seven77 movement has momentum and the push-up challenge has even attracted steem influencers like @andrarchy and @theycallmedan. We can show that we have a movement, momentum and a dedicated community behind us willing to market a product/project... but can we show an investor exactly what their money will be helping to build? What they will have equity in?

Seven77 has the momentum, now is the time to pitch something solid. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you have an idea of the project you want to build and strategy to achieve it. I'm just offering to help clearly defined it in writing. I know you've said in the past that verbal communication is your strong suit rather than written documents etc. Even if the pitch is simply the steem Blockchain (to get investors to buy Steem to build there own businesses/projects), I have a number of thoughts about how we could sell the potential of steem for business or altruistic investment. In my honest opinion it is a clearly defined idea, with a professional pitch, that will catapult this to the next stage, hopefully win investment and maybe build that kilker dapp that creates mainstream awareness/adoption.

Let me know what you think Nathan. I hope this constructive criticism is of help and I'm here if you need me 🙂 DM or video call me on WhatsApp if you want to take this further.

Let take this thing to the next level 😎

P.s. thanks for all you do in promoting our amazing Blockchain

I read your feedback fully and please listen to Masayoshi Son

We’ll talk soon mate :)

I'm reading your comments buddy, I think @raj808 is making sense, I think you both can come up with something very solid @nathanmars

That's a really interesting interview thanks for sharing it with me. But... Masayoshi San talks about 2 investments in that interview. The first is in Jack Ma who created Ali Baba, Masayoshi San says it was because of his spirit and leadership etc that he invested in Jack. So I see what you mean, he invested in the person in that case. But the second investment he talks about is in Amazon when it was really small. Now in that second case there must have been some defined business model because there was a small company running already. In that case maybe it was the concept that attracted the investment. What I'm saying is that it's limiting to only pitch yourself and the Seven77 movement as the reason to invest in steem if a concept can be shown. If we can put together some type of proof of concept then you double the chances of investment 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, why not 300 liquid steem for people supporting the project. That's my criticism lol.

Rather than have random people talk about a project they may not care about. I would rather have a team that reviews this movement and brainstorms on different ways to move it forward. It's basically a new project, it cannot be perfect. We should manage our expectation. I think we are doing good--but it can be better. Personally, I think most steemians are all talked and no action and I don't want random people jinxing this project. Everyone has their own opinion on what to do best, but no one does anything but pokes those who take action. As they say, it is easier said than done. There is a lot in play that we might not be aware of. So that is why there is a need for constant review. Having a team of people with bright minds who can actively contribute to this project is what this project needs. If anyone needs any reward it does who are actually contributing to this project.

Actually, ideas also deserve respect. One doesn't have to agree with them. It's how one engages with them without descending into petty and often snide personal attacks.

Constructive criticism?

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not born a critic. Even a decomposed pumpkin is a good thing to me. Means there is life out there. I will fail this. Lol.

To me, any movement is not a movement if there is no movement. Whether #Seven77 at Twitter will work or not, we will only find out when time comes. But what I know is it does bring movement. If people are skeptical, but at least they know about #Steem. Means the river of Steem is moving, not stale. So it is good.

We try. We evolve. We get better.

Why #Seven77? Some asked. Simple. Seven pushups for 77 days lah dude.

I am for this - let's try. No harm trying. We are not doing sth illegal here. Nor are we robbing the banks. Haha. Just saying.

Let us see who get the 300 steem.

I know we need constructive feedback in order to be better too. Let the good negative feedback win this time!

P/s: you don't need to reward ppl everytime. Try next round to mobilise ppl to get together do sth together or answer you sth like this, no delegation, no prize. Some are for the money. Some are for you. Some are for Steem. Some are for you and steem. Some are for all.

P/s/s: I admire your long-haul commitment and dedication.

I think you should stop rewarding people with money. The reward should the growth of the awareness about Steem and the subsequent appreciation of the price of Steem.

Then you can be sure you will have people doing things not for the money directly, but instead for real passion for this blockchain.

Giving away money for people's tasks it's too much a tactic of populist governments.

Let's find the true lovers of steem

Posted using Partiko Android

What's to criticize? I can't find my own entry point but that's because of me being a slow adopter of apps and techs and I can't spread thinner than I already have.

But I think creating such activity is good and Not Revealing All There Is To Reveal Immediately... that's also good strategy. Who can tell? Are there results? Is there curiosity? Do people do stuff because of your initiative? Then those are steps in the right direction. Cannot criticize people for not stepping even quicker than that. It's just not an initiative for every mindset. Some of us will be slow to join or will skip altogether. Can't help that.

No links to anything in 90%+ of the videos.

Complete waste of a tweet, and damages the twitter rep of the tweeter at the same time.

Lose, lose.

Meaningless hashtag.

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