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RE: Hard Fork 20 Has Been Reversed Due To Bugs - Back to Hard Fork 19!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Ok, so if the Steemit site goes down or the data on the github becomes corrupted, anyone could take-down Steemit. Just hack two web-sites or hack the code on github and poof the entire block-chain goes down. How is that distributed block-chain truly and not centralized?

Steemit promises a faster transactions per second then other block-chain but uses Amazon servers to host data. Amazon is controlled by The Clowns. How is that guaranteeing any kind of true privacy to a block-chain that depends on a githut code to be stable and operational and depends on a clown server to host the data of the main server operational functions?


Ok, so if the Steemit site goes down or the data on the github becomes corrupted, anyone could take-down Steemit's code (called 'condenser') is open source and is already being run by many people on their own versions of Steemit (some are highly edited and don't look like steemit). If the version on Github gets corrupted, there are other versions that are independent of that version and older versions exist anyway that can be used prior to the date of the corruption. Changes cannot be made to Steemit without the coders of steemit agreeing to them. In any case though, Steem and Steemit are NOT the same thing. If completely crashed and burned and could not be recovered, the Steem blockchain would carry on because it is a separate project.

Just hack two web-sites or hack the code on github and poof the entire block-chain goes down. How is that distributed block-chain truly and not centralized?

There are many people viewing the code on github and in all the years of me working on github code, I cannot recall a single example of repositories being hacked in a way that came to light and caused problems. Whether code is centralised or decentralised it can still be hacked - I think perhaps you have some gaps in understanding regarding how the software creation and distribution process takes place.

Steemit promises a faster transactions per second then other block-chain but uses Amazon servers to host data.

No, it is Steem that promises fast transactions - Steemit isn't a blockchain, it is a website that uses a blockchain.

Steem is not Steemit. Steemit is not Steem.

The data used by Steemit, including the content of yours and my posts here are stored in Steem and not in Steemit. These posts are not stored on Amazon by Steemit inc. - these posts are stored on over 100 different servers operated by members of the public (including me) - some of whom may use Amazon and some of whom may not (I don't). The system is designed so that if one node operates out of sync with the others, then the others will know.

How is that guaranteeing any kind of true privacy to a block-chain

The data on the Steem blockchain is mostly public, with the exception of encrypted memo fields and passwords. The idea is that by having code open source (available on github) it is transparent and able to be examined by others who can look in it for errors, holes and nefarious intentions. If the code is closed source, you have something like Facebook which is rife with exploitations and only a presentation of privacy with no real privacy. On balance, having a project like this open source is infinitely better for privacy and end users.

Bitcoin Lies Exposed


14lou, our experts say that this is a useful myth meme pushed out by Goldman Sachs and Jamie Dimon.

Bitcoin is not a magical, self-regulating mechanism as they want you to believe.

There is a master profile on a SINGLE set of servers managing all these “distributed databases” that you contend are backups. No! There is no other way to maintain it other than a centralized numbering system run by unscrupulous humans. It is essentially a social networking profile gathering transaction data only and named Bitcoin instead of Facebook Credits, Microsoft Money, etc. Remember, John McAfee and all cryto proponents are alphabet agents, no matter what they say. Once a liar, always a liar.

So if nothing of what I said took place, how did Steemit go down for 9 hours then? The entire site was down. I added a comment to a new post I just made also. Thanks.

So if nothing of what I said took place, how did Steemit go down for 9 hours then? The entire site was down. I added a comment to a new post I just made also. Thanks.

I have already explained most of the surface details as to why Steemit went down. Steemit gets its data from Steem (the blockchain) and Steem (the blockchain) was down because the many servers that keep it running were upgraded to code that had bugs in it. You can review the discussion threads and bug fixes for the exact software involved in github here:

Ok. So if the code had a bug, why did you not revert immediately to the previous code instead of leaving the main server down for 9 hours? You said github cannot be hacked yet you yourselves placed a bug into the code and it took you 9 hours to remove the bug?

? You have made many judgements here that are not the truth and for which no evidence exists.

i. you yourselves placed a bug into the code and it took you 9 hours to remove the bug?

No, I did not place a bug anywhere - I have never made more than the most basic change to the code for Steem on Github (months ago). The bug was not 'placed' in there deliberately. Bugs are, by their nature, mistakes or oversights in the complex code that runs a system. Sometimes it is not a simple matter to locate the error and fix it. Sometimes millions of lines of code are involved. Imagine a maths equation that spans millions of lines - how will you find the error when it doesn't give you the desired result? 9 hours is not such a bad turn around given the situation.

ii. You said github cannot be hacked yet

I never stated that github cannot be hacked, but it is true that the many people involved with the code would be quite likely to detect that the hack had taken place since they often have copies of the code at home and would see that the code had been tampered with. 'Hacking a site maliciously' and 'code having an error in it' are not the same thing at all.

iii. why did you not revert immediately to the previous code instead of leaving the main server down for 9 hours

Some witnesses did revert to the earlier code and some hadn't yet upgraded to the new code. However, even some of those who had not upgraded to the new code found that they were unable to process blocks and eventually the entire chain was locked due to errors. The blockchain had to be reactivated once the bugs were fixed and it took several hours to locate and fix the bugs.

Ok. Thanks for the answers. So there is no test mechanism to test a code before it goes live to make sure it will not mal-function? There is no unified communication among witnesses to give them instructions as a unit on procedures to take when a bug causes a failure? It seems that if all were on the same page, all would implement the same procedures as a unit and a block, rather then scattered actions all conflicting with each other...and a code updated in some places and reverted back to the previous code in other places..that does not seem to make sense to me....

The decentralised and uncontrolled nature of the blockchain is the cause of some of what you are describing - each individual operates from their own volition and logic - hence not everyone takes the same action. The top 20 witnesses do have a 'secret' chat space where they communicate to co-ordinate such things among themselves - since they process most of the blocks.

Tests are built in to the coding process, I am sure - but it is very common for testing to be undervalued in software projects unfortunately and sometimes bugs get through.

In this case though, it made little difference what witnesses did since the blockchain froze and nothing could be done until patched code was available. everyone could not as a block just revert back to the previous code? It all depends upon the github everyone accessing that code could technically just adopt the original code until the new code is would be easy for everyone to agree to this....

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