Could Steem be the Next Bitcoin?

in #steem8 years ago

I have been involved time as a crypto-currency trader for the since February, 2013. After my buddy |”Big Kahuna” Brad gave a talk to me and about 20 of my friends at a meeting, I was immediately very interested. It only took me a short while to acquire some Bitcoins to be able to start trading with. I went to and found someone who would sell me Bitcoins. Actually it wasn’t that easy. I emailed one person through the localbitcoins system, waited a couple days, no answer. I messaged another person, again no answer, then a third person, no answer, forth person, no answer. Finally the 5th person messaged me back! I was getting concerned, as there wasn’t anyone else to connect with to buy them from.

I get messaged back by a guy named Salty Dog. I thought this is great, it’s like being a secret agent, these people don’t even use their legal fiction names. I had been going by Morpheus for a while, kinda tongue in cheek, so I set up my localbitcoins account as Morpheus, so that is what he knew me as. I set up a time with Salty to meet at Denny’s in a crappy part of town. He sounded a little nervous about meeting there because of the neighborhood. It was convenient to meet there for both of us, so we agreed to meet there. I met with him and we ended up talking for about 2 hours. Much of the time he was almost wanting to talk me out of doing the deal. We ended up doing the deal and I had some bitcoins. I got started with $600 and the price of the coins was $38 with his markup.

When I was leaving the Denny’s and paying the bill for both of us of $6.66 Now that threw me back somewhat, I still believe it’s a sign, I just don’t know what the “sign” says. I do remember thinking, “I am going to make a fucking million dollars doing this.” Now three and half years later I have no idea how much money I have made. However I don’t have a Job, I date two beautiful women, Everything I have is paid for, and I do whatever I want to do and I NEVER think about money, in terms of how am I going to pay for this or that. I don’t go on trips around the world, but I do everything I want to do. The two attributes that value very much is my free time and my privacy.

These are two values that most people have no idea what they are. This is most peoples lives: Get up, get ready to go to work, drive car in insane traffic, work all day doing some mind bending task. Drive home in more insane traffic, some recreation, some time with family, do tasks around home, hygiene, go to bed and repeat. This is how the overlords want us living our lives. How do I know this? Because this is how most people live. 95% of the people are on the 40/40/40 plan. 40 years, at 40 hours a week, to retire on 40% of what you couldn’t live on when you were working.

When people ask me how much money do I make, I describe my lifestyle and say I live like a millionaire without the Ferrari or the headaches. I have lived that lifestyle, yes without the Ferrari and with the headaches, when I had a direct mail company. There was the pressure of running the business; as well as, the responsibility for employees finances and indirectly their families lives is a bit much. As the owner, I used to call my self the head cook and bottle washer, because if it needed to get done, I would do it. From negotiating the lease, the painting the office with my x-wife of 3 coats, because the paint sucked. Getting the phone lines brought into the office and purchasing a phone system. Buying and building cubicles and endless trips for computers, printers and office supplies. Setting up computer networks and throwing Ethernet cables across the false ceiling. Writing employee handbooks, hiring and firing. Signing forms for all the appropriate government agencies. Negotiating contracts for trade shows and other advertisers including logo on the window. Website design. Working with the salespeople. Scheduling their time off, Selling, Bookkeeping, CPA’s, Attorneys, Cleaning the floors and bathrooms. It’s a lot! Yea, The money is great, it’s just a lot of responsibility.

Now with Bitcoin I feel like I have my life back. Its mine! I love that feeling. I am not responsible for all that stuff anymore and I have all the money I need to do the things I want to do, when I want to do them. No customer service after the sale and I use a building someone else pays for to conduct business at and their headaches, I mean employees serve me food or drinks, clean the bathrooms etc. So apart from the gas to get there or any food I order, when I do a bitcoin deal every penny of money I make is MINE! I love that feeling!

What I didn’t realize, when I first got started with Bitcoin, is that not everyone I explained Bitcoin to was going to “get it”. Somehow, I was able to escape the school system with some semblance of critical thinking. Either that or God must love morons. BTW how do you know God loves morons? He made so many of them! Many people have told me the way I present Bitcoin is one of the best unfortunately, even as good as I am, Bitcoin has still not taken over the world. Enter Steem.

Steem is a platform that rewards the content providers for providing content for the network. Right now Facebook is valued at 337.32 BILLION dollars. Now I know bunches of people that spend a great deal of time on Facebook promoting the content they want their friend to see and none of those people ever get anything from Facebook for providing the content. We have seen how new business like, and have flattened existing industries. These business models have made things more efficient and cheaper for the consumer. Plus the owners of some of these business have made BILLIONS!

By combining crypto-currency with Social networking, Steem is positioning itself as the,,, killer. Now you can post on steem and when your posts get up voted you make money. Just today, I got a call from a friend who wanted to buy bitcoins and he started talking about Steem. He was going to use the Bitcoins to buy Steem on Immediately after receiving his overview and looking at the pricing on I went to and bought .5 bitcoins worth. I had to drive 1 hour to meet my friend in the time it took to get to the Dennys ironically the price had gone from 3.68 to almost $6. It has settled down now to $3.20 however the point is that this crypto-currency could be how we get the masses into this new protocol. This could be the next Bitcoin!

In the industrial age the way to success was to be bigger. Bigger means economy of scale and that means more profit. In the digital age the way to success is to be faster or smarter. When you see something that looks like it might work time to get on board the train before it leaves the station.

People want to be able to share their likes and what is wrong with the world with their friends. Now with Steem they can get paid for doing so. How much trouble is it going to be to get them to come over? Steem gives them the financial incentive to put their toe in the water. Oh, the water is nice and clear! Wow and they pay me too! F-U Facebook!

Here is the link to the Steem Whitepaper love to hear your thoughts on it.


What excites me the most is how much the devs who build websites around steem are getting rewarded. Dang! Why develop on ANY other platform?

I know. Also the scope is massive. Imagine a music platform that rivals spotify by integrating Steem upvoting directly into the listening experience. The artists would get paid properly and the charts would be more accurate. That's just one thought!

STEEM will be more then bitcoin. STEEM's a unstoppable vehicle!

I look at it like this if you find yourself at the horse track and Secretariat is running against Sea Biscuit what do you do? Bet on them BOTH!

Can Bitcoin be the harbinger of Steem? :D

I feel STEEM has great potential. Tying down a cryptocurrency to a social media makes the world of cryptocurrency friendly, which IMO is a big problem for beginners who don't understand crypto.

Will it be bigger then btc? only time will tell...


I feel you. Just having any money in bitcoin/crypto is an amazing feeling. But is something else, its the killer blockchain app.

Looking forward to seeing how much STEEM disrupts the traditional social media platforms and in what ways.

Oh wait... will people not then realise then that Facebook and Twitter shares are massively overpriced? Will people then realise how many other stocks and shares are massively overvalued? Could the lust for STEEM (as of writing, one unit being worth 4x as much as the USD) end up causing such a dramatic fall in share prices that the shockwaves cause a stock market crash, ushering in the new age of crypto? ;)

Only joking... or maybe not...

Either way... I'm in!

Just like uber and lyft disrupted the taxi business, I believe that steem will disrupt the social media business. Maybe even the entire advertising business too! Phuk trump and hillary, vote crypto!

It makes thing clear, and Im starting to see the bigger picture thanks, morpheustitania

Does Steem have a supply cap? I think Bitcoin's 21 million supply cap will keep interest invested for decades. As of now, cryptos seem to have to work with Bitcoin for a path to success.

Interesting article

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