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RE: Opinion: STEEM is Better than Bitcoin

in #steem7 years ago

Definitely! I think one of the biggest factors that is stunting the growth of STEEM right now is account registration.

I don't know about others, but Steemit Inc's account creation tool is a train wreck right now. It took me two weeks to get an account, and most people aren't even willing to wait a day. Utopian is planning to roll out a new account registration feature on STEEM allowing for faster-made accounts :)

Hopefully once Steemit fixes some bugs and adds a few more features, Steem will be rising to the top!


I'll sell ya one...lololol.

Due to major profile issues/blocked accounts, when i first joined up, I ended up having 3, - unintentionally.

just sitting there.....waiting to be bought by a rich sugar daddy....someone....anyone... lol

How many of these new accounts are bots, though? - It will make a difference to how the platform grows

3 accounts? Wow :)

Once you do get your first account on STEEM and earn enough cryptocurrency, making accounts becomes much easier through services such as @jesta's Vessel and more.

I only intended the one! lol

True. I hear this a lot about the registration. It only took a day for me. I forsee the complexity of award payouts and bots being a stumbling block for many. Comparing Steemit to facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or other well known social media platforms is a great sell but Steemit is so much more intricate. Once one does indeed get passed setting up the account, they've basically gotta go thru a learning course to truly get the full use out of it. I personally love it, but I can also see that being a challenge for more casual, less enthusiastic users.

I'm glad it took you just a day :) I still think registration should be much faster if Steem wants to even be compared with other cryptocurrencies.

With Bitcoin (cryptocurrency), "registration" (address creation) is instant and unlimited.

With Facebook (social network), registration is almost instant, takes minutes. Reddit: the same thing.

I'm sure they'll streamline the process in due time. For now, we shall enjoy the exclusivity :-).

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