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RE: 2 year Anniversary post // Steem has changed :(

in #steem4 years ago

Ahh, the smell of @adsactly bullshit on Steem every day during those times. Where is @velimir now? Looks like he is long gone, picked up his money and cleared the area. Good for him, but bad for everyone who ever gave him more than a dollar in upvotes. That cult is still here, I still don't know why, their credibility is long gone.


Oh Velimir... He packed up his bags and left a long time ago. I remember he was making like 100k HRK a month at one point. A CEOs paycheck in Croatia lol. Ni Emil Tedeschi mu nije bia ravan a on posta slike po netu. lol.

The cult kind of slowly withered away imo. They lost the mistery of what happens if you get into the inner circle. What happens behind the scene. They had this mistery about them. Turned out it was just a elaborate circle jerk. Although ill give them props, they did support some interesting outside projects.

on je bio jedan od prvih likova na koje sam naleteo kad sam se registrovao na steem, i nista mi nije bilo jasno, cifre na blogovima su bile prilicno neverovatne, i znam da sam pomislio, ako on sa ovim fotkama ovako zaradjuje, sledece godine u ovo vreme ja cu biti milioner :D

Haha. Jesmo svi krivo mislili. Stvari su malo drugacije funkcionirale.

You see what happens when you upvote high-quality posts. They cash out and eventually leave. I rather circlejerk with people who I know will power up and stick around.

I'm sure you meant "high quality" posts. I never considered anything from velimir to be of high quality. Shitposts at best.

Kind of unfair to people who make high quality posts though.

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