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RE: What if we used the SBDs created every day in the DAO to buy and burn STEEM?

in #steemlast year (edited)

I followed the discussion with interest and did a little research.
It certainly sounds like an interesting way to positively influence the price.

But there are the following points to consider beyond what has been discussed so far:

  • upvu and rme together have only around 39.5 M owned/proxied SP, which are included in the proposal votes. This means that dev365 can be outbid, but there are still around 7 M SP missing.
  • To increase the trust in the proposal, the account through which the payouts, market orders and transfers to null are to be made must not be controlled by the largest proposal voters (especially not the accounts mentioned in the first point). Unless it is a multi-sign account.
  • The internal market should not be overestimated. It is questionable whether the SBD available with the proposal can even find a buyer and thus influence the external market. On some days, not even a tiny fraction of the daily budget is traded.

Despite all the euphoria, this should be examined in more detail by market experts.
The technical side of implementing the project would certainly not be a problem (even for me :-) ).

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