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RE: I Gave Away Rewards Worth ~4000 STEEM Between Xmas and New Year.

in #steem5 years ago

I cannot understand why people don't reply, is there a catch? or we reach low user interactivity, as I haven't been around in the last year, please explain if not too much trouble.
Also, I'm quite happy to see giveaways and a good heart between our community.
Let's make steam home again :D


no idea. people are so lazy they dont want free money? yet they ask for free upvotes worth a lot less all time... wth ;)

Idk I'm too lazy to comment usually, also I would comment on content that I enjoy watching/reading. I don't really find enjoyable content on this page, but I still hang around here because I have learned to love the community

fair enough ;)

Don't get me wrong, I respect the content you all make (I actually make the same content on this website). But the content I actually enjoy watching on the internet comes from Youtube / Reddit / Twitter, because there is such a big variety of creators, and there are topic about stuff I like more (Like video game clips or funny memes)

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