How does Steemit Inc. fare? A Look at the Top 20 Reasons Startups Fail

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

I stumbled across this infographic earlier. The original article is here which I'll use to refer to some points a bit more in detail.

Showing the top reasons startups fail, I find it quite interesting to reflect it onto Steemit inc. as well as our own project, SteemSTEM and indeed any others. Take a look and see what you think:

1 - No market need

I'm not sure about this. On the surface, it seems there is a market need. But at the same time, there's very little interest in general and a lot of skepticism. By and large, the view of Steemit from the rest of the world that hears about it is scam, ponzi, disaster, 70% layoffs and so on. The only good thing you hear which is also untrue, is 'easy money'.

So although I do think there's a potential want for steemit, there's not necessarily a need. The problem that Steemit is trying to solve is one that most people aren't really concerned about. Steem has of course many potential applications, but we're talking Steemit, which is limited to the market of 'uncensored but kind of censored content where you can earn 1 cent for 6 hours' work and not be recognized or noticed for your contribution'.

You can also argue steemit inc. itself has some SMT thing or whatever but... nah.

2 - Ran out of cash


3 - Not the right team.

I'm just gonna keep quiet on this one...

This brings me back to the underlying problem I didn’t have a partner to balance me out and provide sanity checks for business and technology decisions made

A diverse team with different skill sets was often cited as being critical to the success of a company.

I don't know about the inner workings of Steemit inc. But the outside perspective of the team is seemingly not all so positive.

4 - Get outcompeted

This hasn't happened yet, but with things moving forward so incredibly slowly without taking into account major considerations from the public, this is a high-risk scenario. Right now, Steemit is exceptionally lucky that there is not much out there taking its place, because in today's current Steemit climate, this would otherwise have been the sudden death of the company as we all migrated to the alternative.

There are already alternatives. We may complain and call them scams or whatever, too, but everybody says that aboutt Steemit also. There's Narratiive, Whaleshares, Yoyow, Sphere, and a whole host popping up almost daily. Some disappear just as quickly as they arrive, some are still kicking about, built on other blockchains or the same.

But the more this happens in the time Steemit focusses on sinking its own ship, the higher chance one comes along that works. And when one works, there's no coming back from 7 cents Steem.

5 - Pricing/cost issue

Again this is something most of us are probably already concerning about, so moving on...

6 - User un-friendly product.

Multi-week sign up process. 'nuff said.

But I'll say more. This feature alone is enough to destroy the entire blockchain. But that's not the only issue. The website itself functions, but the search is abysmal, the organization of posts is chaotic, the Trending is famously a disaster which is the first - and last - thing 99.9% of people see when visiting, and the whole concept of needing to scroll infinitely back in time through hundreds or thousands of posts to find the good stuff from years ago, is absurd.

Add all this to the insanely steep learning curve which goes against the whole mantra of appealing to the layman, and you have yourself a very unfriendly product indeed.

7 - Product without a business model.

Well... I guess they had one. It broke. I know very little of this stuff myself but it seems they focussed a lot more on scalability and functionality in ways that nobody can actually perceive without taking into consideration that neither of those things will matter if your business collapses.

8 - Poor marketing

Ned is not the man you want appearing on Bloomberg. There's little choice here given he's the CEO, and I'm not dissing him for it, but some people have a personality and a way with words that bring people in, and Ned is not one of them. Neither am I. In his position I would be 20x the disaster, but Andrarchy would be preferred to me, or any representative. Even @berniesanders would be pretty great face of Steemit, if you really think about it.

To add to this, there seems to be, well... no marketing whatsoever. None that i've ever seen. That's not a sign of good marketing. Steemit has for too long allowed a dominant flow of negative press, presumably under the guise of 'freedom of speech', without actually making any defense for themselves. Even if this wasn't the case, the fact that most users can't even get an account makes marketing irrelevant.

9 - Ignore customers

We spent way too much time building it for ourselves and not getting feedback from prospects — it’s easy to get tunnel vision. I’d recommend not going more than two or three months from the initial start to getting in the hands of prospects that are truly objective.

We didn’t spend enough time talking with customers and were rolling out features that I thought were great, but we didn’t gather enough input from clients. We didn’t realize it until it was too late. It’s easy to get tricked into thinking your thing is cool. You have to pay attention to your customers and adapt to their needs.

Need I say more?

From 10-20 I'll just cruise through more briefly the ones that I think apply.

11 - Lose focus

Ned himself has admitted that the team has taken on far too much at once, the burden resulting in, well, disaster.

I'm not sure what they have been telling investors if any, but it seems like there is a loss of direction other than blindly chanting 'SMT...SMT...SMT'. Perhaps this new found focus is a good thing, but there are still a lot of loose ends and un-done promises.

12 - Disharmony among team

Well, I'd more say among the team and the people, the witnesses. That's a complex issue, though.

13 - Pivot gone bad

Well if by pivot we mean 'hardfork' in this case then... yeah.

Pivoting for pivoting’s sake is worthless. It should be a calculated affair, where changes to the business model are made, hypotheses are tested, and results are measured. Otherwise, you can’t learn anything

So there you have it.

Not only could Steemit fail due to the Number One most common reason startups fail, but they check the boxes of almost every single one of the top 20. One could argue, if they wanted, that either 0 or all 20 apply, but it's a safe statement to say, is not exactly thriving.

So, what about SteemSTEM?

Well, we're not exactly a business or startup or whatever so much as just a group built atop one. But as we grow to become our own independent entity, one that has functioned consistently despite lack of any finance and little to no support for over 2 years... i'm interested in ripping us apart with the same top 20, see where we stand compared.

I'll leave that for a second post, though.


Fuuuuuuuck! But not really unexpected, anyway. STEEM developers have to grow up fast and take over the development of the blockchain itself. Right now, I fear that Steemit is "too big to fail" for us.

$rewarding 100% 14min

I think, and I hope, the recent destruction of pride and joy is a big enough kick in the teeth that some reshuffling will lead to some greater success. But... we'll see

$rewarding 100% 14min

OMG I can't wait!

@mobbs, you can upvote the parent comment/post now.

You can give rewarding the posting authory for an automatic upvote (steemconnect).

20 reasons, and Ned's company can be related to... 15 if I''m counting well

Possibly more if we knew more the inner workings of the secret slack and the company itself!

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Damn ! Unfortunately, despite the incredible potential of this blockchain, all you've said is true, can't argue with that :(
@ned and Stinc need to recognize and try to fix these flaws before it's too late,maybe you need to think about giving this post a boost for extra-visibility.

Eh i'm not too interested in causing the big controversy at the cost of my owl wallet lol, and as we said, it's not like they'd listen anyway. I think given that massive recent collapse they will either kick into gear or feature another one of the above posts:: Burnout. Up to them which way they go. We clearly can do nothing to help!

other than blindly chanting 'SMT...SMT...SMT'.

Lol. This is my favorite quote!

I have been on Steemit for almost 6 months now and to be honest, I still don't know the platform at all. I learn about it by accident - reading a comment or stumbling upon a post. For example, just recently I read a comment to another user's post and discovered that I can power up my SBD. Lol. I don't know, it's either Steemit user-unfriendliness (omg, is there such an expression in English?!) or I am too slow. Well, I must admit, the latter is definitely true :D

I don't feel attached to, but to the communities on it. I think this is the great value that come with Steemit. If the communities migrate, I will migrate with them and will contribute to them... you know, because I feel part of the communities now.

With that said, I am looking forward to your next analysis :)


That's pretty much what most regular folk end up saying; I still don't get it - and me too! Sure we don't have to understand certain things but in that case, why is the steem team and ned constantly posting complicated jargon updates? And when they write it in a way to appeal to the layman, why does it still make no sense to many?

Even the simple fact that its on the blockchain isn't simply explained. I often spent more than a few minutes trying to answer the classic 'where does the money come from' question and people don't get it and thus don't trust it.

I'll probably stick to steem for the near future cause i dont like switching around all the time, but if it collapses i won't be too sad =D

Steemit Inc. purposefully ignored the users and suggestions to improve the site to make it more user friendly. They had an idiot called sneak who said he didn't care about the bloggers and current users, he's working towards the next 100 million. Big fail.

I vaguely remember the sneak guy but either way, the fact anyone allowed such things to perpetuate is a pretty bad sign and reflects badly for investors who know exactly what they want =/

The trending is famously a disaster

I think it has already reached the notoriously stage.

For #10, read a little about “Lean Methodology”. It will be a revelation and will help your project tremendously.

But it doesn’t necessarily apply for everything. For example, it isn’t a de facto fit for blockchain development (see my recent post about misunderstanding decentralization, and the one linked in the intro of that post).

Posted using Partiko iOS

Got this lean methodology open but first glance implies its some kind of actual product being sold, rather than an actual methodology in itself. Will peruse shortly.

I think it has already reached the notoriously stage.

I suppose it depends on how you view it. A regime is only a government your government doesn't like, after all. I personally get a lot of joy watching the drama unravel!

About the selling, it’s actually sufficient in the product validation (design) when people say they would pay for it.

This is a different platform but the whole development of your community and platform can happen on a totally lean method. Eric Ries’ book is the “base”, I would also suggest reading Ash Maurya.

I actually think Steemit Inc. has a business plan and they’re on track to make that happen. But the platform isn’t fully developed for that yet. But if you think and (especially the VIP at min $50k/month) then you’re thinking the right direction. Consultant, and also investor, and dev of “Platform as a Service” for SMTs.

a wise man once said :

I'm just gonna keep quiet on this one...

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