Be's the time.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Am I the only one around who thinks that, even though prices have bottomed(?) and we are in an endless downtrend for a whole year, that still, exciting times are ahead?

No. I can't just be me. Otherwise my feed would have been completely empty. This means that since many of you are still here and keep posting, there are many more believers around.

be active.png

Image Source

Now I know...steem's price isn't exactly attractive the last few months and as a result lots of users have either stopped trying and blogging or just powered down and got the hell out of here. And that last group is exactly the ones we don't need around...WHY? Because they were here just to take in the first place.

Don't get me wrong here. Obviously we are all here for the rewards and whoever claims to be around just for the fun of it he / she lies. - Don't pretend to be saints guys... - But being here while steem was sitting at 5$ is one thing while being around now where steem is around .30$ and even a well written post ( people are delusional that these sort of posts are the ones that deserve big payouts) may have a dollar or two as pending payout is another.

Being around now is a perfect opportunity for much stronger bonds with the community which on the long run will create a much bigger network of followers thus higher payouts on future posts.

It is also a great opportunity for investment and distribution!!! What? No? OF COURSE IT IS!!! Let's be honest here shall we? Exactly 12 months back, with steem sitting at 5$ - 6$ how much steem tokens could someone purchase if he was about to spend 100$? Well do the math and then multiply the result x15 or x20, because that's how many can someone purchase today with the same amount.

You know that saying about ...."when there is blood on the streets...bla bla? Or you need a reminding?

Apart from investors, bloggers, vloggers and so on, we are also miners. And since the only way for steem to be mined is through uploading stuff, now it's the time to post more. Now it's the time to try harder...

Whenever you hit this button ^ new steem tokens are printed and it's your call who is gonna take them. Steem needs to be distributed and the best case scenario would be after distribution to be powered up. So don't be afraid to use your SP. Go out there and be an active member. Upvote authors you like their content, drop useful comments. Just be active. It doesn't matter how fat your wallet is. Steem needs every individual! to fly high.

Because when the bull wakes up, you will be grateful you were around at those hard times...

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below and thank you for your time!!

Don't forget to register here and earn portions of BTC every hour!!!

Same story here for Doge lovers register here and earn portions of Doge every hour!!!


I'm in tune with your vision. A matter of fact I am blogging for almost a year having a $10 Steem in my head. Every $1 post is actually $10 for me. That's my ideal price and that's how I kept myself motivated. Moreover I earned much more during these times than when it was $3 or more.
Steem on and keep up with the good work!

Thanks @acesontop

Steem, like a few other projects too have the potential to climb really high on the list. It might take time, to evolve and become known but Rome wasn't built in a day... right?

Exactly! I was referred to this website by a level 65 steemer, and from thereon off, persistence is the key! ;-)

Persistence is always the key

My problem in the past was more about things like developers doing stupid shit breaking exchanges and putting steem into freefall in the first place. As soon as poloniex was broken from arbitrary changes they made I knew it was downhill from there. That, and nobody understood how ads would make everything 100x better. Now I return excited to hear about ads actually coming only to realize they still don't get it, and they are just Google ads, so like... fml I guess, idk.

I still have faith in blockchain and steem, but it is kinda janky still and I haven't had time for it lately.

In terms of the money... there is no normal social media that is going to pay you just for posting or comments or even for voting (unless you're doing something shady, I guess), so that part is really cool. There is also no blog that is going to pay you for comments, so that is cool too. But for people actually publishing the post, if it is an SEO blog post, there are plenty of ways to write a good post and make money online... so that isn't really anything new. Additional to that, if it's some epic post that ranks #1 on google search for some 500k/m keyword and gains infinite traffic forever you probably still just get the few dollars or whatever the payout was before that happened, as opposed to having a website where you benefit from it in multiple ways you choose and modify it after that happens. So I don't understand why people want to blog on here exactly, but I do understand why people want to post on here and use it similar to social media. I also find it good for ranting ✌

I absolutely agree with you my dear, Greek friend
I have been dealing with some issues that do not allow me to post on a daily basis, as I wish to, but at least I try to be here.
Today was a very sudden drop, any idea why?

Because of this.
2019-01-10 11_53_32-3,717.61 _ BTC_USDT _ Buy Bitcoin _ Binance.png
This is BTC's chart. And as you see 3 hours ago some powerful players decided to sell, get their profits (since BTC had even reached 3260$ the last few days) and buy back in at a lower price. And because almost every coin is following BTC's behavior since there are few direct pairs with USD, that's what we'll keep seeing when BTC decides to move either way. if you find a few spare minutes I describe everything in this post ;)

It wouldn't bother me even if Steem hits the 0.20 mark(which might hit).
I would keep posting,commenting and upvoting no matter what.I mean it's the perfect time to mine some Steem right now.Plus as you mentioned,there are a lot less active users in a daily basis soall these true Steem warriors get the attention they deserve.The payouts might be low in the eye but in my last post I had a payout around 8 Steem and I got paid 13 Steem due to low Steem price.You stack coins much more easier this time and that feels great.
I consider buying some Steem too if it touches the 0.25 mark but it's hard times here in Greece in terms of FIAT.
Great and motivational blog @mindtrap , thanks.

I consider buying some Steem too if it touches the 0.25 mark

We are almost there as of today's prices.
If you need help let me know
And thanks for the resteem!

Thank you @mindtrap.
Fuck,I left the Steem price at 0.29 some hours ago.
Almost there for real.
Time to get my hand dirty.

Well said. Now is the time to act and set things right.

Exactly that!

I'm with ya. The whole bottoming out of the market has driven away quite a bit of spam, and made mining on GPUs for PoW coins much easier. Maybe not profitable now, but as prices rise...

You get the idea. Regardless, I'm still making my usual blog posts, streaming on @vimm, and answering @musing questions. The payouts are still coming, even if they're only a little bit of steem at a time. But those posts do add up! I've earned almost 50 Steem since the beginning of December. I could not have done that last year!

I could not have done that last year!

None of us could actually. This commitment and effort will eventually pay off

Totally agree as this is the time to make the difference and grow. Quiet times are good for all of us that are still here.

I wonder why people are so blind to see that. At times I wish this bear market to move sideways a few more months...needless to say why right?

What we can get money form this?

I thought it was all monopoly money that we were being given. If I had known that I would be on here every day writing and being active.

Hehe. If only they knew mate....

Nice! lovely seeing someone bringing some motivation to the table. Clap clap :-)

Even if it motivates a single person it’s a good thing.

it's the golden recipe! and as usual the more active someone is the more the rewards he gonna earn at the end of the day

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