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RE: PewDiePie Picks DLive as Exclusive Live-Streaming Platform

in #steem5 years ago

I don’t have an issue with the wallet being separated, my issue is it doesn’t work properly. It literally logs you out if you just click on a different tab or refresh the page. They confirmed that wasn’t the proper functionality so its a bug. A bug that’s still hanging out over a week later.

I use Steempeak too, this is more about the fact that I feel like things like this hinder the growth of STEEM. Steemit is still far and away the most used frontend of them all so if Steemit has a bad UX, then STEEM has a bad UX for the vast majority of new users.


That sounds painful. And I don't even know how they could have a logout bug like that so I'm just going to pretend/assume it's some weird blockchain thing that I don't understand (because even I could do sessions at one stage and I hate coding even that far down, just don't ask me how to do it now coz I can't remember XD).

Enough people linking to their favourite front ends will change that. I'm nowhere near popular but anyone that is following steem links from wherever I happen to link from end up at SteemPeak.

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