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RE: @Whales, @Witnesses, We have to talk!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

What do you consider 'reward pool rape'? Original content shared exclusively on perhaps?

11 of my original writing blogs have been flagged because I'm making too much?

Is there a way of working out exactly what I'm allowed to earn from my writing so I can avoid getting flagged like this?

What other factors are taken into consideration? For example, a piece of furniture nailed together and not finished so you get splinters in your arse whenever you sit down would not fetch as much money as a planed and sanded seat with dovetail joints and varnished surfaces.

The apprenticeship and time served must surely be taken into consideration?

I've been writing for more than two decades and have honed my skills, taking courses on editing and proofreading (paid for from my own pocket, not steem) and therefore, I've invested time and money into my apprenticeship.

So, when I write a blog post, not only do I put in hours of writing, decades of writing experience and many more decades of my life-experiences from which I get my writing, you also get a little piece of me and my skill as a writer and storyteller.

@transisto has flagged 11 posts this past couple of days and I'm getting the feeling that it's not just because he/she believes I've been over-paid.


Have you asked Transisto why he’s downvoting your posts?

Yes. I'm still waiting for replies on the few media I've used for now ( and chat).

It looks like the lack of views could be part of the reason but that's not taking into account that and esteem etc all have ways of viewing posts that are not counted on

As one writer among the thousands here on, I suppose it's a paradox that I've been noticed by a whale account only to be seen as earning too much for the substantial skill and experience I'm adding to the platform (yes, I am aware that statement sounds arrogant and I have to say it's taken a long time for me to get over my self-confidence issues and actually lay claim to my talent as a writer).

It's a shame @transisto has only just noticed me and my mega-earnings and didn't have time to find my posts when I was earning the vast sums of fuck-all and give me a bit of a boost to encourage a burgeoning writer on a brand new platform.

There's not much point in building an account as a writer on if the only thing that happens is your posts get flagged to oblivion if one person deems you're earning too much for their liking.

My writing may not appeal to @transisto but they do appeal to some voters on the platform.

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