Random thoughts on the futile quest of spammy comments

in #steem6 years ago (edited)
It's not as bad for on my blog as it is on others. Specially because I'm not a whale by any stretch of the imagination. However big SP holders usually see their comment section filled with insincere flattery, sometimes completely disconnected from the content of the post itself.

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Can I understand the reason why they do it? Of course I can, it actually makes a lot of sense. In the mind of these people, the fake flattery is a sure way to win some upvotes. The better question would be - Does it work? - Of this, I'm not entirely sure. I happen to ignore them, but If most did, then the behavior should not continue to reign supreme as it does today.

I won't lie, I sometimes laugh because the comments can be comedic gold, even though they never intended to be anything of the sort. Like the people from @burnpost complimenting a poor representation of fire, or the hilarious users who beg for @buildawhale to add them to their blacklist. I'm sure you've seen it too.

Should it anger us?

Not really, I don't think so. If people want to be fake, I say let them. It's their choice to chip away at a column of air thinking they are sculpting an economic future. However, it's not entirely wrong to try to educate them every now and then. In other words, we could be asking them questions. If we assume lack of knowledge and not "scammer" we might be able to tilt the needle in the right direction a little more. That is, if we want to of course.

I started doing something funny with some of the spammers that show up on my blogs. Specially if I see that they've been warned, that their rep score has been hit, but they've chosen to continue the behavior. If I'm convinced the tiny prank is warranted.

˙unɟ oslɐ sʇᴉ ˙˙˙pu∀ ˙looʇ uoᴉʇɐlsuɐɹʇ ɐ ǝsn oʇ ʎʇᴉlᴉqɐ ɹᴉǝɥʇ ʎɐʍɐ sǝʞɐʇ uʍop ǝpᴉsdn ƃuᴉʎldǝɹ

If you want to learn how to do this, reach out to me on discord. As I'm afraid that if I share my dark secret it could be countered using the same website.

Now...To my spammy friends

If you just so happened to arrive upon this post know that I hold no agenda against you. However, also know that you are basically working for free. If you are not willing to put some effort, to read the content of the post, ask a valid question, add an opinion, just don't say anything. It will be much more effective, you can have your free time to do anything else you want, and there is absolutely no chance of you catching flags.

If you can't understand why it's something frowned upon, ask yourself. Do people like being lied to? I certainly don't appreciate it, it doesn't anger me, especially coming from strangers. But, there is absolutely no way it makes me feel great about the interaction and it certainly does not motivate me to support you back.

So, take my words, take this somewhat short advice as me saving you some times. Don't waste it, it's precious. You can't get a refund for the three hours you spend everyday fake flattering people for 0.00 payouts and flags. I'm being serious too.

Other posts by yours truly

• Steem Abuse - Finding Patient 0
• Another way to look at it - HODLing assistance series
• The Advantage of Steem - HODLing Assistance Series
• Distorted Wisdom - A sure approach to burning out
• helpienaut Meeting 7/16/2018


¡ɹǝƃƃɐןɟ ǝɥʇ ɯɐds

all good points, but let's take it a level higher. i had a comment this morning on my post, a guy i never really interact with or noticed much, but his name was familiar. he left a comment, but what really struck me is he not only left a relevant comment but noticed my edgy mood and asked if i was ok. the difference here? personal connection. relatability. sincerity. caring. that person is now on my radar.

That's the goal right? To make connections with other people, develop your network...

but no seriously how do you write upside down? :P maybe some people read the post upside down and get to the comments before the content...

@torico if u get to know how to write upside down then please tell me too bro

why dont you read the post and leave a relevant comment to what you read?

@meno intresting post. It's really a fun replying upside down but i am not able to write like you upside down

hahahah its really fun... maybe one day i will give away my trick...

@meno can you give it now

your is good content very nice. add my to your blacklist sir. upvote and resteem I always earn a lot of mooney on steemit reading your post.

hahahahha great impression... i know you meant to exaggerate, but you are not too far.

I'm glad you liked it :)

lmfao i hope this is sarcastic humor but not sure. its actually quite funny :D

No, I was totally serious, mate ;)

a lot of these are people from my land (India)...I feel bad for them as I know most of these are hapless poor folks...

I try to give them clues but it gets tiring... don't really know what can be done to educate them


@meno it's really a very nice thought for our common life.

ʇᴉ ʇqnop ʎlsnoᴉɹǝs I ¿ʇsod ǝɥʇ pɐǝɹ uǝʌǝ noʎ pᴉp

You got a 26.13% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @meno!

˙˙˙sɹǝʇǝʞɹɐɯǝןǝʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıssǝɯ uɐɥʇ ƃuıuıɐʇɹǝʇuǝ ǝɹoɯ uǝʌǝ ǝq oʇ ǝʌoɹd pןnoɔ sıɥ⊥ ¡ɹıs ɐǝpı ʇuǝןןǝɔxƎ

hahahaha you got muh trick!!!

I couldn't let you have all the fun!

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