Project Update: Get a 67,000SP Upvote from Memehub

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

In this post Memehub will layout how to get an upvote from our acct in addition to an update of the progress of the project this past week

So firstly, what you really want to know about... Until Memehub goes live on the steem blockchain, we will be manually handing out upvotes. How do I get that 67,000SP upvote from memehub? Well there are a couple different ways. If you dont know what the Memehub project is, here is a link to the announcement post: Memehub announcement

  1. Using the Memehub Platform:Our URL is
    On the plaform users gain LULz for meme-ing, so If you post a screenshot in the comments section of this post of your LULz table from the website with LULz earned along with the name or email you use on the platform (the number of LULz for which we will give an upvote will adjust as more people start using the platform and posting screenshots) then Memehub will give you a 67,000SP upvote. We will be checking to ensure that the user didnt spam or commit abuse to gain the LULz. The same user can post multiple screenshots as long as they have gained enough LULz since the last screenshot to be worthy of the upvote. EDIT:We are raising the minimum number of LULz to recieve the upvote from whats given so far. Upvoting/downvoting memes on the plaform will be given high priority. Comments will be given lower priority. We have Learned that adjusts need to be made to the number of points given for certain actions on the site and plan to do so next week. We need steemians to use the site so more of these needed adjustments come to light.

  2. Content Creators:
    If you are a content creator and write a review of Memehub on steem then post a link in the comments and we will upvote it and potentially add you to our fanbase to reiceve upvotes from us in the future until we go live on steem. The post must be of acceptable quality meeting steem post standards.
  3. Interview:
    If you are a credible Steemian and conduct an interview of us, then we will upvote the post with the interview and add you to our fanbase to recieve upvotes on your future posts. We want to do interviews and we want to be asked the hard questions that the community has for this project. You can contact us on our discord to arrange the interview Memehub Discord

Project Update

The majority of the inital deployment bugs have been worked out in this past week. HTTPS is now enabled with auto direct. FB and Gmail login/signup is now enable. These are some of the more major progresses; there have been many other minor bug fixes. Currently we are working on deploying the mobile apps for both android and for iOS. We are continuously working on this project and will be posting weekly updates. Here is the top meme of the week on the Platform posted by the user Rim Zim.

My entry:

Email used for registering: [email protected]
Lulz screenshot:

Don't know if the contest if ongoing but I'll give it a shot :)

later edit: forgot to put the link and user name:{%22aggregated%22:true} Calatorul Miop

gained some more lulz and reported some issues on discord (username on memehub: Calatorul Miop):
Cheers !

gathered some more lulz (user name: Calatorul Miop ):

Fresh meme off the press. Probably going to post this to /r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt later to vent my professional frustration.


I wish steem's price could give me this many lulz on the way to the bank:

latest lulz harvest ( username Calatorul Miop )

UserName :Raju Gautam



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