Steemit; Co-Write - Sharing the "rewards" equally.

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit Community,

Since last Tuesday, I tried to read in to the workings, and available information of Steemit as much as I could as a new member. Since a friend (@beervangeer) of mine introduced me to this platform we quickly started to share information and ideas of what we could bring to this community together.

One of the things that I was missing and introduced to the discussion was a collaboration function. (Which is maybe already submitted as an idea and therefore maybe is included in a future update)


cowrite (ˈkəʊˌraɪt)
vb (tr) , -writes, -writing, -wrote or -written
(Journalism & Publishing) to write (something) in collaboration with another writer


A function that would make different uses / party's be able to:
Submit , edit or post as a group or credit and share its "rewards" equally.

Example of the idea

An idea rises within a group of people on Steemit to write a stories together and start a "publication" group to bond there strength to write better articles. Therefore giving better and more consistent information about certain subjects to the community.

Now this would now meen that they would communicate trough other channels to create the (final) story. Then at the end one of these people will then submit the article to Steem it and get al the "rewards".

Now lets change this situation described in the two italic sentences above, by implementing the two options of the idea.

Option 1: Incidental collaborations / crediting.

Standard submit post form, only you are able to post, edit, delete the things you have submitted. Basically nothing changes except for an extra option that would include an option to credit (the original author or someone that you worked on the article with) and share "rewards" that are created (partly) by his or here content .

1.) Steemit Users are allowed to credit a user to a publication that they write.
2.) They can select a % of the "rewards" to be send to the credited person(s)
3.) Mail verification with the credited person and % of the rewards.
*credited users will automatically be "rewarded" accordingly to the settings. Once the credits and % are verified by clicking a url in the mail they can not be changed.

Everthing else in the submit post would stay the same, you can just like now just write your article the only extra option would be to include the original author / idea to share your "rewards" that are created (partly) by his or here content .

Option 2: Publication groups:

Now the group can start to co-write on a co-writing page like google docs and write the complete story. If all are finished a submission request can be send to all users and if all accepted it will be published.

Now if after the publication the article will get "rewards" these rewards will be equally shared trough out all members in this publication group.

1.) Steemit Users are allowed to start a there own "publication group" by a submission / creation form.
1a.) A publication name is picked
1b.) A Small description is added
1c.) Publication keywords are added
1d.) Other Co-writers of the group are invited.
2.) An e-mail is send out to do the verification for the channel.
3.) All users will recieve an e-mail and need to verify there collaboration with "the publication"
4.) When all users are invited and accepted the collaboration only then "the publication will be created"
*If a new person needs to be added or deleted to "The Publication" all other existing need to confirm this process.


You would maybe say well since you are friends you could just submit a post on ether one of your accounts. Yes, this is true and maybe not such a big problem when two people that know another use this solution. But I think its important to look further than this

For example as for two friends or publishers or authors that know another it could work without problems as long as one trusts anther. But when a group of people want to collaborate that is maybe bigger then two it might get more tricky.

How do you make sure that everyone gets their fare share of STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS? And how do you make sure someone from this group does not "run away" with the rewards or account.

Some Questions I have related to the Voting power and Individual accounts:
The biggest question here is are you combining the STEEM POWER of all accounts? (Since this would also make it maybe to powerfull) Or will this power be averaged? And how will the payout occur? Is everyone getting a share related to there STEEM POWER or how would this be divided?

Maybe I forgot some essential information that already coverd this, or information that would make this request a imposable? or maybe a security risk?

Either way I would kindly ask you to help to start a discussion by giving your opinion on the matter, and if you think this would be a great addition to Steemit. Hopefully this idea is something that has a need by more groups and members in the community. If so lets see if this is something that can be achieved together in the (near) future.


I think these are good ideas for a smart contracts to run on the Steem blockchain. I think the peertracks/MUSE guys had been working on something like this but I am not sure where they are at or whether the code would be applicable for Steem.

Thanks for informing me with this information.

A great feature for Steem would be if one could split the payout of the post among other accounts. Would make a lot of things easier for collaborations, crowdfunding, etc.

Whatever option it gets to share the "rewards" when collaboration doing a crowdfunding or for other things would be great. If that would mean split the payout among other accounts so be it. Hope some other Steemit Users could maybe elaborate on this more.

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