in #steem7 years ago

Welcome fellow steemians
If freedom of speech and lack of censorship are among the reasons of you being here please read and reesteem theese are facts take actions as you seem just.

As a newbie market trader i find it a good idea to read up on info from many different sources including @haejin posts sometimes, annoyed one day after having to click throught a wall of image hidden due to low ratings signs just to have a look at a graph i wrote this bellow one of Bernie Sanders post and got a reply

Isnt your reputation an indicator that your actions arent really wanted here?
Live and let live!
Unless you want censorship brought to the platform because thats what u are trying to do!

17 votes
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berniesanders (-17) · 4 hours ago
See your reputation go bye bye! Piss of donkey fucker lover!

17 votes
mattjack (10) · 32 minutes ago
Im not even one of his fanatic followers I just dont like the idea of censorship.
Shows a lot about you though if namecalling and vicious attacks are the only ways you are capable of communicating and showing your point!

17 votes
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And further just wiped my reputation to near nothing.
I dont realy care about my reputation that much but what Bernie Sanders is doing is ugly CENSORSHIP do you realy want such a vile creature to be allowed to be a STEEM WITNESS
Somebody whos existence and actions on the platform speak against the very ideas on which its creation was based!


flags is how we fight the abuse, did you even read the whitepaper?

you and most of the people here will let the abuse go rampant before even address it, probably because of fear of loosing your rep, not making your steem money etc.

just like in real life , you do not raise your voice. bunch of cowards and hypocrites looking to the other side like nothing is happening

do your own research and see it yourself

Destroying peoples accounts because you dont like what they are saying BS started verbal abuse as an answer to a fair question.and you are a dumb uneducated piece of shit like the retarded prick you are so much defending!

wow @matjack talking about starting verbal abuse? and you start by calling me a dumb uneducated piece of shit like the retarded prick....

nice one dude

i understand saying hypocrites and cowards in the way i used it could sound irritating, but i did not wanted to insult no one

i do excuse to you or anyone else if they feel insulted. did not mean to :)

U got the insults because at the time your answer sounded like comming from one of bs bot accounts

I have read the whitepaper not now when i first signed up

Im not even attacking the downvote part its the racist slander being posted on posts by BS and his goon squad and the censorship je is trying to bring to the platform!

And please except my sincere apologies for lashing out at you like that at the time i thought im dealing with one of BS brainless goons or one of his many accounts


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