The end of bitcoin will be the start of crypto.

in #steem6 years ago

I loved bitcoin; so much. I still do.
Its more a reverent gratitude than the all-consuming obsession it was, but the love is definitely there.
I loved it because it was the most useful form of money ever devised.
Instant, permissionless and elegant.
I believed it was going to take over the world, because I was comparing it to the established alternatives and found them all wanting.
I also imagined that considering bitcoin's massive first mover advantage and its ability to destroy any new contender with a 51% attack, any future coin trying to get a foothold would only survive by staying small enough to avoid the Eye of Sauron.

Time went by, and I learned about Steem and DPOS.
Since mining on DPOS is by invitation only, bitcoin miners can't just wreck it with a sudden tidal wave of hashpower.
The efficiency gain of removing POW from the wider crypto concept also left us some promising distribution possibilities which Steem was using to great effect.
I concluded that Steem was more useful than bitcoin, by a wide margin.

Utility is a funny concept.
If you live on a farm, a horse is useful until you save up and buy a tractor. The tractor undermines the utility of the horse because utility is relative.

By this time, bitcoin's only real advantage was its long reputation as a secure store of value.
A safe harbour from the volatility and scams in the open crypto ocean.
If your value is found not in your relative usefulness but in your value, then you have only one job; staying valuable.

My boy Fletch, while @o07 spreads SM awareness in the foodcourt behind him.

If BTC and STEEM both drop 10%, bitcoin has dropped harder. People don't use this chain because its a safe store of value, they use it because its so incredibly useful, and a price drop doesn't make it less so.
Steemmonsters gameplay doesn't get 10% worse when the price drops. Steempeak doesn't lose 10% of its features.
Actifit doesn't reject every tenth step.


By the time you read this, more than half of the 1.2 million early (alpha and beta) Steemmonsters packs will have been snapped up.

You can only put money into bitcoin, but you can put money and time into Steem; and you can only withdraw the money, which leaves all the time everyone's spent and will continue to spend, still firmly invested.
The incredible coding work of devs like @smooth, @asgarth and @yabapmatt, design work of @nateaguila, music by @isaria et al; its done and won't be undone.
This puts a hard and rising floor under the usefulness and therefore value of Steem irrespective of its price; but I don't just want to talk about the size of the pie, lets talk about my slice.
The relationships I've developed and the reputation I've established don't decline by 10%.
My previous posts and comments don't lose every tenth word. I spent less than $50 on a stuffed cockatoo (including some aftermarket modifications); which has been around the world and made a heap of friends.

Thanks, @shaidon for the image.

@rustle hasn't lost 10% of his popularity or his ability to pull people together for a meetup.

The friends I've made here are asking me how to buy in.
A month from now I'll know twice as many dolphins as I did a month ago, people who know my name, like me and want to see me succeed.

It's never been easier to win the attention and affection of people with a bright future than it is right here, right now.
How many people do I know on bitcoin? Silly question, right?
The entire crypto world is in crisis. This is a massive, prolonged dump; and real people are suffering real consequences and most of them are alone, because bitcoin isn't a community, its just a money.

I believe bitcoin is over.

It'll still be bought and sold, and maybe the hype train can get it back above it's ATH at some point, but its dominance will soon be a thing of the past.
It stopped doing the one thing it's meant to do, which is to hold its value.
Where to from here?
Nobody buys shares in 'Car'.
Honda, Mazda, BMW, they each have their own product and their own share price. We're going to see fewer red and green walls on CMC, and more jostling for position in the top 50, the top 20 and the top 5, as each coin is bought and sold on its own merits, ironically perhaps this is exactly the level of decentralisation Satoshi was hoping to achieve.
People buy and sell across their entire portfolio because history tells them that coins move up and down together; but in the long term the real money is made by people who invest based on knowledge, rather than sentiment.

We're in the middle of a massive wealth transfer event; where the genuine value is moving from those who don't understand what's being built here, to those who do. Which category are you in?

As long as I follow @the-canary, you'll know I'm posting freely.


Wow awesome post!

Deep thought my friend. Bitcoin has fallen so badly but i believe it will get back to normal even as other smaller cryptocurrency build strength and becomes independent of bitcoin.

Although the fall of bitcoin will make people scared of investing into any other cryptocurrency with high prices. People may be forced to either stop investing or take up cryptos that are community-based like steem, whaleshares etc.

So i am with steem and that is why i post although not getting reasonable payout but that i have made writing my way of relaxing.

Thanks for the mention and the thanks. It actually took several hours to create that image, editing it from several sources. I didn't know that Steem Monsters was actually going to make physical cards. That would be a whole other level. I still think it would be cool for there to be a physical copy of the card I designed, even if the stats were changed, etc.
It's taken me a long time to realise that the people who complain about the price of crypto, do so because they still have one foot in FIAT. Ie, their intention was always going to be to sell it for real world benefits: A car, a house, investment properties, etc. (and who wouldn't want those things?) whereas I always saw the two as separate.

Steem for Steemit projects:

A whale upvoted one of my videos and it went to $55 in potential payout. It depreciated to around $30 by the time it came to pay out. But it inspired me to become a Minnow (a combination of affordable Steem and some expendable FIAT made it possible). In powering up, I can now delegate that power to various other projects (dapps that pay me for using them) and maybe occasionally make small donations to help school kids in Laos buy school books and pens (or whatever it is they need).

When Steem was at $5, it would have taken $2500 to become a Minnow. It was largely unthinkable, but it was a longer term goal.

Now I am here.

Having a form of money resistant to change in general is valuable. The issue with DPOS chains is that they tie in governance into the foundation of the coin. The problem with governance in an asset is that it adds fragility to the underlying asset. Granted, proof-of-work coins do have forms of governance and consensus over protocol changes, but overtime, changes are harder and harder to make.

One may argue the pros of governance, but frankly I see echoes of the fiat system in those systems that are more reliant on governance processes than stable protocol rules. Bitcoin is boring, but it's secure and elegant. There's value there. Just because it sucks at being as a means of transaction doesn't mean it isn't useful.

Overall, DPOS chains and Bitcoin aren't really doing the same thing. The two function at different levels. I think that eventually a crypto protocol stack will eventually evolve out of this current period of development. As chains begin to fail, more developers will move to building this stack rather than trying to reinvent the wheel every time they start a new cryptocurrency.

Wonder and intelligent post. I enjoyed reading!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I don't know about Bitcoin except that it is incredibly boring to own. Steem is an investment in myself and everything I achieve here is a milestone that I carry around forever. Like you said, it is all about the connections we make here.

I don't own bitcoin. Never did at any stage but I do see it holding a price as it will be used as a reserve system almost in my opinion. It's not really suitable for anything else and all the forks make it a piece of shit really.

STEEM however has the possibility of being the new type of ecosystem. An online ecosystem that links your online activity and pays you for the time and effort that you put in online. A blockchain that can take the profit generated by the various apps coming on stream and distribute that between the people who have added that value there in the first place. My argument has always been that as any app user would you rather see the CEO earn another billion off your back or would you like to use one that spreads $100 to the ten million users who give the app is value??

This is what STEEM offers us. Different apps that will spread the revenue between it's active users. It isn't there yet and we will need external money, advertising revenue etc... But all existing apps can be replaced by this system. What is Instagram other than some photo's. That can be replaced. It all depends on getting the people to change their mentality. If a lot of your friends use an app the chances are that you will download it too to be in the same groups and social circle as them.

Momentum is huge and if we have the system there that will allow people to transition smoothly and easily to the blockchain then they will. Who wouldn't want to earn money for what they are currently doing for free. Every day of every week. It will happen when people can join without ever touching the blockchain, just having a simple wallet and steemconnect to join apps instantly and easily. The process is far too complicated right now but we have seen the improvements over the last year so if we keep moving in that direction it will get there.

It would be nice to be free of the old chain and ball called BTC. They got greedy and where unwilling to adapt. I got some dust somewhere I cant even send it serves as a novelty at this point if I even kept that wallet.

Long live the new coin Rustle may he moon soon by being on every continent before being sent into space! #putrustleonthemoon

I'd love to send rustle to the moon. It'd freak him right out though.

I think we don't need to worry anymore. For me within months I see bitcoin at a whole new different level. My prediction for bitcoin price within a month or 2 will be something around 12,000$.

Buddy whales are loosing their shortening strength and they have to do long now, minimum downfall we can see till 3,000$ not below that because whales know that below 3,000$ will be very harmful for them.
As this manipulation has been made for bakkt and I think bakkt to has started taking entries :)

Have a great day 😊 @mattclarke


It's me chilling while making a video on bitcoin by the way I'm 16 years old :)

I’m really supposed to be working, but I keep editing my post thanks to mistakes and now responding to this. Excuse me if this is going to be badly written.

This is a great post, Matt. Often, I get annoyed with the optimism on Steem regarding the recent dump, or just the general decline. They always feel a little disingenuous to me in a bid to rally the troops. But I appreciated this one. Also nice you gave @actifit a mention because I continue to feel it is overlooked a little. I don’t have the greatest perception of this blockchain myself, so it does continue to make me wonder, if I feel this way, won’t others. But I remain hopeful, and I’ll continue to hang around to see how things go. I think diversifying into a bit of Steemmonster will keep me interested too.

Anyway, thanks for shooting the occasional upvote my way. It’s noticed and much appreciated in that in doesn’t feel to have strings attached. It would be an odd comment, but it means something to me. Thank you also for supporting the Aussies on this platform. ❤️ I should make more efforts myself.

Lovely to see your son enjoying the cards, I have to manage my girls’ expectations on the playing. But eventually I can outsource the playing to them. Like I have with my Pokémon Go account! 😂

Rustle should definitely have his own card! Lol

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