I found some money in my coins.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


For those unaware, the largest coin visibile here, slightly wider and lighter than the others, is #1448 of the 1500 Steem branded 2017 1 oz .999 silver rounds.
The other shiny discs are Australian currency, made from near worthless quantities of copper, nickel and aluminium. (Here we pronounce it 'aluminium'.)

Interestingly, only one of them is actually mine.
If I were to upload footage of myself cutting them all in half, there's only one I wouldn't go to jail for.

It is a criminal offence under the Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 (Cth) to deface or destroy current Australian currency coins. It is also an offence to sell or possess current coins that have been defaced. Defacing a coin includes coating the surface of the money with any sort of material. The penalty for defacing coins, or selling or possessing money that has been defaced, is $5,000 or imprisonment for two years...

If you can't destroy it without being arrested, then it isn't actually yours.

Silver is money everywhere and everywhen.
Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, thousands of miles away, thousands of years ago.

But these new coins have only been valuable since 1966 and only on 5% of the world's dry land.
They're only useful to 0.32% of the world's population, but when friends and family ask me if I can trade my steem for 'real money', this is what they're referring to.

Why are copper coins coloured silver and gold?
Why aren't they blue and green, or orange and yellow like the notes?
Who's really counterfeiting here?

So yes I do trade in some of my steem for real money.

I've just done so again; ordering some of the 2018 silver rounds, beautifully designed by @welshstacker and produced by @sevinwilson. I even paid directly with steem, avoiding fiat entirely.
They'll be worth more every year I hold them.
That handful of Aussie coins on the other hand, is the most valuable it will ever be; right now.

As always, have a fantastic day


I find this post informative and interesting
And the photo is so lovely.

Thankyou :)

some numismatists can be crazy looking at this photo:)
and most of steemians would like to have steemian coins for sure)

the girl is just a sweety white angel! so pretty one!

Thankyou :)
The coins aren't all mine, I did a group buy for South Australia. Many of them were destined for other owners.
Evelyn's all mine though :)

Matt - most people don't know the difference between fiat currency and money -

silver price.PNG

current value of one ounce of silver from usa debt clock - $605 per ounce - once the market manipulation ends, the current cost will seek true market value and probably more - i see silver hitting $1000 per ounce in the near future - you are a wise man to stack.

Handsome too. Don't forget handsome ;)

Haha. Very nicely done. That steem round just looks so innocuous amongst all the fiat coins.

You're absolutely right about which one is counterfeit money. There is no other reason for our $1 and $2 to be gold coloured....other than to masquerade as gold. It seems so normal these days for the masses to be convinced black is white and white is black.

PS - Stay out of jail please :)

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Good insights. If they can bust down your door for defacing government currency, it doesn't belong to you. It belongs to them. Crypto is real money that we really own. It's just so hard for people to break out of the paradigm of government fiat. I'll admit that it's sometimes difficult for me to think of my crypto as "real money".

Now I want to order a Steem silver round! I wish I hadn't just emptied my wallet into Bittrex last night. Now I'll have to wait a few days to replenish my holdings. But I'm excited to make my first real-world purchase with Steem :D


Thanks, Seth :)
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
If we use their money, maybe we should be paying tax for the privilege.
Seems like a good reason to use an alternative.

I've been making an effort lately to actually start using my crypto as money. I don't know of any local retailers in my area who accept crypto, but I use it online whenever I can. I'm thinking about getting a Bitcoin debit card too.

Baby steps. I hope to one day be totally free of government fiat.

Doesnt hurt to ask. They might be keen, but unsure if there's demand.

I never thought they were that cheap but then again I’m not a stacker so I really had no idea. That is tempting.

This is at least a better habit than the people here in the states collecting old pennies hoping to one day be legally allowed to melt them down. Once you start adding up all the money they spend on the equipment to “sort and find,” the cost of hauling them back and forth between banks, storage containers, and how much space they take up. On top of that the melting costs and transportation costs to a seller who naturally would be buying at a discount in bulk. I can’t help but think those people are just loons and should get into silver and gold instead. Why I’m not even sure they will break even when all is said and done. You start to question their sanity when they say things like “these 80k in pennies is my retirement fund I just have to wait to legally melt them down.” I somehow don’t see their future going very well.

I didn't know that was a thing.
I know people pick through old coins looking for ones before certain dates, as they have higher precious metal content, but pennies don't sound lucrative.

I was thinking this morning about writing a topic on that actually. I need to do some more research but I think the copper content of our old 1c and 2c coins is worth more than face value of those coins now. I think even our 5c coins cost more to produce than face value too so they are bound to be phased out soon.

I saw somebody did their floor in pennies, then covered them with resin. Worked out cheaper than tiles.

Dude, bought with steem??? I didn't get some!

Hey Imma :)
Window's still open; other payment methods available too xx

Let me ask welshstacker thanks mattie!!

Thanks, very informative. I didn't know about the 2018 silver rounds! I must have at least a few of those just because.
I never thought about it that way, but it's true, if you can't destroy it without facing penalty then it's not really yours! Silver does seem to be the safest, with real value. You should ask them when are they gonna trade their fake money for real money!

Silver and gold are old money, crypto is new money; and fiat's just the piggy in the middle.

It will be awesome to melt down the coins and make them into bars. Although keeping to the coins is cool too as , "junk" silver usually coins come with a premium. Scrap Metal companies make a fortune for a reason, they basically have monopoly though. I find it impressive that you can purchase PM using crypto, especially a Steem. Cutting out the middle man.

@pit-bullion pours some great silver pieces.
Check out steemit.com/trending/steemsilvergold

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