Do you want me to add you to my voting bot? Let me know! I'm adding 5 people to my list. Why? Because I want to!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)


So a couple days ago, I finally started playing with Steemvoter. I have a healthy set of folks that I feel contribute to the community on my list at the moment and there's plenty of room for more! I always vote at 100% voting power as well, and my votes are worth a decent little chunk :-).

So I'm going to offer up 5 free positions in my voting bot to the first 5 people that answer the following question:

Q: What got you involved in crypto-economics, why do you believe in it, and how do you think that you can get more people involved?

Have fun with it, but more importantly, be honest!



All slots have been filled as well as a few extra slots! Thanks everyone for answering! I may do this again with a different question in the near future!


This is probably wnat you do not want to hear but it's all I have to offer for the time being. I am new to this cryto-curreny world.
What got you involved in crypto-economics?
I heard Steemit was for creative minded people and they offered cyrpto-currency as a reward for good content. I fell into crypto-economics with no idea what it was.
*Why do you believe in it?
I believe in steemit community and haven't figured the other stuff out yet.
How do you think that you can get more people involved?
I'm an artist and do not have a crypto-currency mindset > yet > but neither do my creative friends. For now I get people involved from my excitement for Steemit, the HQ Content, recognition, rewards and the potential to learn about crypto-economics.

The only thing that I want to hear is realness, and that's what you gave me! Thank you for that! I'm putting you on my bot now! You're 2 of 5 so far, thanks for the reply! Also, if you'd like to help get this to 5 people, resteem it if you wouldn't mind. If you can't or do not want to, no worries!

Thanks for participating! Always try to get your friends and colleagues involved. The more people that participate, the more powerful that this platform becomes. Without people, blockchains are nothing.

YES I can resteem you. Glad to do so. Thank you. I always post HQ content and when you vote for me I assure you I will make your vote worth it.
You seem very smart about a lot of things could you post on how you create automatic bots? I have creative steemians who have HQ Content I miss at times. If you do a post please dumb it down as much as you can so I can get it through my brain. THANK YOU!. I am following.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Currently, I'm using the service over at So far it's working like a charm. It's very well designed and easy to understand. If you have trouble getting setup or figuring it out, they have a channel on and are super cool and helpful folks. Cryptomancer helped me get setup when I was having issues and seems to be an all around solid and friendly dude.

But yeah, if I can help, let me know and I'll do my best!

Goodluck, and thanks!

Thank you. You are very helpful.

You're very welcome, glad I could be of some assistance :-). Keep up the great content!

Hhhh cool 😎

I saw a post on Reddit about Gridcoin.

I believe in it because I see the abuses of power every day in my own country and others. Decentralization is key.

I can get more people involved by pushing out my UIA soon!

Thanks for doing this!

Nice answers! Thanks for participating! I'm adding you to my bot rules right now. Anything that you post from here on out should be auto-upvoted by me. I hope that it helps and inspires you to post more! If you feel like it, resteem this post to get more folks on board!

Thanks again!

Very kind of you @matt-a. Followed you already and resteeming now!

Nothing else to be in life than kind. Life is short, lead by example and hope for the best, ya know? Thanks for the resteem!

PS Followed you back!

I agree with you, good on ya.

Thanks @barrydutton! Same to you.

I discovered crypto land when Litecoin has started ! i believe in crypto because crypto projects are talking and marketcap numbers agrees with them ^^ more people will come over time thats for sure, steem is a good way to introduce someone to cryptos...! Blog and get paid! boom! :) upped , followed resteemed!

Nice, a Greek person! I was just talking the other day with some other investor friends about how Greece should focus on and adopt a blockchain. They're in the perfect position to really put it to the test and potentially truly thrive from it.

Thanks for the reply, the resteem, and the follow! Adding you to the bot now! Thank you very much! And get your friends, family, colleagues, etc involved! The more people that are involved, the more powerful we all are as free human beings!

im really trying to spread the word here but everyone is skeptic ! for example i was hyping Bitcoin last September to some friends of mine only 1 bought some, now he is happy!
But ill tell you this im happy with blockchain because its my Plan B , Plan C ,Plan D :)
Steem is so far is the best case scenario to get someone part of this eco-system !
Last but not list a big Thank you for adding me in your bot list !
I want to follow your lead anytime soon!

I like steemvoter so far, but I only have 10 rules available. My little account can't afford to get the premium version just yet. Haha I believe I'm on your list and I am thankful for that.

You're one of the first people that I put on my list, of course! I put my vote timing at 1 minute too so when I vote on your posts, I get practically nothing at all for it and you get all of the rewards for yourself, I wanna see you do good on here! So far, you're killing it, I like seeing that.

As you accumulate more Steem Power, your rule allowance will also increase. There's a table somewhere illustrating the ranges of SP you have to have for the corresponding amount of rules you can set. You can also pay $3 SBD a month for the allowance of 500 rules, but you don't need that right now. Also, just as an example, I'm allowed 200 rules at the moment due to my SP level.

POST MORE, DAMN YE!!! I've missed your stuff lately. Also, you might wanna start posting your stuff more during the day time and posting it in the post promotion channel on

Thank ya thank ya. I didn't know that the rules corresponded with Steem Power! That's good to know. Also, I didn't know I could post in the Steem chat, is the promotion channel free?

You're most welcome, man! Yeah, there's timing rules. If I were you, I'd set your rules to roughly 30 minutes. That's what I've heard is currently optimal, at least. Who knows, I may be wrong? But it seems to be working fine at that rate so far, although I'm just a couple days in.

But yeah, there are TONS of different channels in I think the one that you can freely post your blogs in is #postpromotion


Yeah I had seen something about the timing so I set mine at like 26 mins. I'm gonna have to start messing around with steemit chat. Thanks for the info!

You're welcome! If I were you, I'd have all 10 of your rules set following the most active and consistently highly paid authors that you can find so that you can get you a good start rolling. If you want, I might be able to lend you a little Steem so you can power it up for a while and use that to curate some content. Then you can power it down and send it back? I dunno, if you're interested, we can talk about it! I wanna see you thrive here and do well for yourself.

I finally just started getting curation rewards like this week, I'm getting multiple per day now, its just they are low payouts. I guess where my steem power has got higher, and I'm starting to get in tune with what to vote on.

That would be awfully generous of you. If that did take place, your Steem would be safe with me.

I gotta pass out now though, I'll hit ya up in the morning while I'm at work and we'll talk about it some more. If you aren't up, I'll catch up with ya when you get up! Just message me when you wake up or something. NIGHT!!!

Hi @matt-a, good post here!

I was first aware of cryptocurrency through watching bitcoin back in 2010/2011, sadly did not invest at any point but found the whole thing fascinating. Steemit was what really pulled me into the cryptocurrency world - there's such a dense wealth of information and good people here!

I believe in it because it seems to further democratize the nature of money and put more power into the hands of the people. It also feels like a good opportunity to get involved now while it's the early days.

I am hoping to get more people involved through my own evangelizing and writing about the subject, also I'm going to link people from my mailing list to my steemit articles quite regularly so that could get some new people to join.

Awesome reply! I like what I'm seeing. I've seen you around and definitely like your approach to this platform. It's most definitely inspiring to folks, and that truly matters. Big time. Adding you now! Keep up the great content and killer attitude!

Thank you :-)

Most welcome, dude!

Hmm, good questions!
What got you involved in crypto-economics
It was steemit, plain and simple. I had vaguely heard of crypto the way others have but didn't really have a clue about it beyond knowing sort of what a bitcoin was. Then I joined steemit. After earning some SBD I withdrew to an exchange and suddenly found myself in a sea of other cryptos!!

I had no idea what half of them were. So I asked around in here and got some leads to follow up on news of other coins and projects. Now it's almost an obsession!

Why do you believe in it
I believe in it because the current financial system is rotten. The bankers control finance and through that the world. That makes me sound a little alarming but it's so frustrating seeing the problems that the current banking system cause and have caused. Some of the crypto coins look to be like a genuine answer to a lot of the rottenness we see. Things like DASH give me real hope although I have recently fallen for PIVX!

How do you think that you can get more people involved?
I have gotten others into it and intend to get more. I spread the word on Twitter but more importantly I tell my friends, I tell my colleagues at work and anyone who will listen. I answer their questions and tell them it's not all a scam. I try and point them in the right directions for further resources and news.

Phew, hope I haven't rabbited on to much!!

You haven't rambled too much at all! I encourage it, actually haha. I love to converse, share ideas, etc. It's how we grow intellectually.

This is my favorite response so far, though! Thank you so much for the reply! I'm adding you to my rule set right now. Keep up the great attitude!

Why thank you very much, they were great questions!! They made me think about the why of crypto which is really easy to forget when you are deep into it!

Have a good week Meester. I commented here about you and that is my sincere feeling, as you know, have a good week!

@meesterboom is a genuine good sort. Always helping and encouraging people here various ways!!

Well thank you kindly Barry!!


Me too! I don't play this 5%, 20% game. I go all out!

☺️🌷 It's kind of funny to get those 1% in . Hey, I'm sorry I didn't answer your question. I'm in my smartyass phone . Have fun with the steemvoters

My answer may come in late but I will answer still as I would like you to here the input of some who really does know much about crypto economics. My best knowledge so far on this topic is steemit and if I am already in the world of crypto-economics then steemit made that happen. Since steemit I have found myself peering deeper into the world of crypto. As per trading or exchanges etc, my best experience so far has still been with the steemit internal market. All along, I have been hoping to raise my steem power so I can truly influence people. My steemit journey has always involved the bigger picture, thus I have created the giving factory, unmean-stweets that give encouragement in the comments and @steemgigs that is going to help us exaust fully the depth of are existing community if great minds to strengthen us and paint steemit more beautiful on the outside bring about steemit growth. This has gone along with giving out tiny steem gifts daily to highlight the giving and receiving aspect of steem technology and touching people somehow. Since I missed the chance to buy steem when it was around 0.07, I was novice and I didn't have much money, so I was hoping it will go down a bit more so I can have some more steem power but then the price rose drasticly to around 0.15 and kept staying there. So I used that time to try to grow my SBD and gradually using the internal market only, it has really grown, may be by close to 100 SBD more. I just keep it there and grow it, till I am able to use it for steem power. For my experience on the outside not much. I have read stuff and have bought small number of new coins like pivx, nem and bit share using only steem but really really small quantity. Recently, I have been reading about @vivacoin and this is a whole new learning process. I mentioned them here as they be a new school of study if you need one.

Thanks for the input! Stick with it and you may be able to trade yourself into a nice crypto nest egg to sit on. It can be done!

Definitely, i see that coming! Thank you again!

Actually, I came to your page specifically to thank you for your comments this weekend and the votes.

  • It stuck with me since you wrote them, and I wanted to come find you and say thanks again, I appreciate it.

Signing off -- have a good week Matt.

You're welcome! You always add some solid content on a consistent basis and you engage the community well. People like you are who will make this platform succeed.

You have a good week, yourself! Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the kind words today and the comments on my post while I was out all day dealing with some life stuff.

I was run over 15 mths ago by a car, the file is being buried, it nearly killed me and the gov't related agencies do not like my very public activism and calling out the corruption and police state vocally for years.

Just a bit about me you did not know. You can search my name if you get time, you will see what I mean LOL.

Some stuff down my feed you can scan too, even my "living in a shipping container" or some activist posts from things I have been involved in.

TY so much again, you have encouraged me lately, and we all need that. I do not have a good situation here in my life these days and I am doing my best.

ahaha! My dolphin superpowers just pushed you over the $2 mark with my few pennies lol

w00t! Thanks, man!

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