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RE: Steem Patrons

in #steem8 years ago

It's an interesting idea, but no, it doesn't solve the problem. We want payments tied to real value, based on the performance of a piece of content, not a handout. It's the same as selling a story, but in increments. There have been revenue sharing sites that did it for years. This is not a bad idea, but not a solution to this particular issue, IMO, but this would not require any permission from anyone to build and implement. There is already a mechanism for voluntary payments, so it just need to be automated.


real value [...] not a handout

I don't see why you would see it as necessarily a hand out. While it could be used for hand outs as I suggested, Patreon is largely used to support people who create things of value. As an arbitrary example, CGPgrey gets $15,000 per video. I would be shocked if people were backing him out of pure charity, he creates videos that provide value to people so they use a mechanism to support him doing so.

The reason I suggest this is because it would simply be in combination to the rewards that the system already provides to creators, and both kinds of creators would be encouraged to support this platform.

If it was tied to production, I would be fine with it. But, I would really rather see this as an added thing, not to replace longer term payouts. Small incremental payments from content, off of writing pieces would come from new traffic generated.

Patreon can be tied to production, as in X amount per blog post, or a monthly thing.

I like this idea. What people do with their money after they earn it is their business and outside the purview of the algorithms.

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