Steem Blockchain Is A Proof That Technology Should Not Kill Humanity, Human Rights, Freedom, And Democracy

in #steem6 years ago

What is happening today is beyond my believe. We already in the era where technology is very important and it was meant to help human to have a better life, but in reality, we are facing the truth that the usage of technology kill ourselves as human being. We lost our privacy, we have to face with the continuation of manipulations and lies, we are even treated like we are not human, we are just robots of the ambitions of power and greediness of money. But, I am glad that Steem Blockchain is doing the opposite. Steem blockchain, in fact, is trying to help us to be as human as possible that still believe in humanity, human rights, freedom, and democracy. In Steemit, we have a great opportunity to do whatever we can do, with the consequences that we, ourselves who have to be responsible for it. The more we behave as "human" as possible, sharing, keep the norms and ethics, giving, and bring values for all, we can survive and develop together.

I was amazed by Jack Ma, the owner and founder of Alibaba, talked about how we should teach our children. I do agree with what he said, that we should change the way we educate our children. We suppose to give them freedom to choose and to develop themselves, instead of telling them what to do. But then, I realized that there is something wrong with it. What happened to Moslem in Uyghur, China, as well as to the Christians and Catholic are really upsetting me. They are not allowed to choose their own religions, killed, jailed, and they had to be the communist instead of being themselves. While Jack Ma is the member of Communist Party in China and Alibaba is also get involved with the China's grading citizen grading system, I wonder what is in his mind about all of this? What is the purpose of technology development if it is only used to make people have to satisfy certain people, institutions, an government only? Is that true that we should eliminate humanity, human rights, freedom, and democracy just to be that advance in technology? If Jack Ma really meant what he said, he supposed to ask his government from killing people who just want to go to pray, who just want to celebrate Christmas!

I feel so lucky the moment I realize that Steem Blockchain is trying to endorse a new economic system which based on transparency and democracy that also respect our freedom and choices. It does not matter who you are, what you are, and where you are, as long as we have respect each other and try to do the best we can for all, we can do a lot of great things together on Steem Blockchain. We do not have to afraid of being forced to do what we do not want to do. We are allowed to be ourselves, and in fact we are encourage to be ourselves in here. That is the way we can survive and how we can be better, how we can help this world to have a better life and future.


Though Steem Blockchain and perhaps most of the Steem Community are apolitical, or even hates politics, but what we are doing in here could change the way we see, think, and behave in terms of politics. Whether we admit it or not, all of us in here are really wishing and hoping very much to have a better world and future with Steem Blockchain technology. We might not have a chance to develop or even to express ourselves in another place, but we can do it in here. Trying to change the economic system from centralized to decentralized system is politics, and I agree with what we are doing in here, we can start from doing the right thing and change our mind as well as our attitudes.

I love technology so much, but I do not want to become the victims of technology. I am human being and I deserve to be treated as human being. I am not robots, I have feelings and though I am not smarter than AI robots, but I have rights of freedom. I have rights to choose not to be programmed. I still want my privacy, and I do not want to lost my humanity. That's why I think we should promote Steem Blockchain as much as possible to the world. We have to tell everybody that we have Steem Blockchain technology which already proven that technology should not kill humanity, human rights, freedom, and democracy just to get a better life and future. Steem blockchain also teach us that the more we share the more we get. Though a lot of people out there still have doubts about steem blockchain, but for me, to be success we have to dare to swim against the flow. We already have the place, it is time for us to build it. Let's do it!

Bandung, December 20th 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


Keren kak. Sllu melihat dan mengulas blockchain dari sisi yang berbeda. Keren kak

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Kita juga bisa belajar dari riwayat hidup Jack MA (Alibaba), bila sedang berada dalam kondisi terpuruk. Tulisan yang mendongkrak semangat kita anak-anak Steemian. Ayo mbak bersama kita lakukan untuk menuju sukses.

Salam hangat selalu mbak @mariska.lubis😊

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