in #steem5 years ago

Foccus Group Discussion ( FGD ) yang di gelar oleh Kesbangpol Kota Langsa mengambil tema " Mediasi Dalam Peradilan Adat Aceh " merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting mengingat banyaknya kasus sosial yang terjadi di tengah - tengah masyarakat . image
The Foccus Group Discussion (FGD), which was held by the Kesbangpol Kota Langsa, took the theme "Mediation in the Aceh Traditional Court" is a very important activity considering the many social cases that occur in the midst of the community. image
Kegiatan yang dihadiri oleh baragam peserta Dimulai dari Geuchik, Tuha peut , Camat, Tokoh Pemuda, Tokoh Perempuan , MPU, MAA, FKDM, FPU dan Kepolisian serta KODIM juga turut hadir sebagai narasumber Direktur eksekutif Katahati Institute, Raihal Fajri membuat suasana forum lebih fokus dengan paparan yang di sampaikan baik dari narasumber dan peserta yang hadir. image
Activities attended by a variety of participants. Starting from Geuchik, Tuha peut, Camat, Youth Leaders, Women Leaders, MPU, MAA, FKDM, FPU and the Police and KODIM were also present as a guest speaker Executive Director of the Katahati Institute, Raihal Fajri made the forum atmosphere more focused with the presentation delivered both from the speakers and participants present. image
Berbagai kendala dan hambatan yang selama ini terjadi menjadi pembahasan dalam forum diskusi terarah tsb, Sehingga peradilan adat Aceh belum berjalan dengan sepenuhnya di Kota Langsa.
Various obstacles and obstacles that have been happening have been discussed in the focused discussion forum, so that the Aceh traditional justice system has not been fully implemented in Langsa City.
Bahwa penting bagi tiap gampong memberdayakan pogram peradilan Adat sehinga persoalan kasus- kasus tipiring dapat terselesaikan di tingkat gampong melalui tekhis musyawarah .
That it is important for each village to empower the Customary justice program so that the problem of tipiring cases can be resolved at the village level through a deliberative technique. image
Banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan antara lain dengan melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terkait adanya qanun peradilan Adat di tingkat gampong , menumbuh kembangkan kepercayaan masyarakat agar mau melaporkan kasus sosial yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitar kepada aparat pemerintahan gampong, Pelibatan perempuan dalam peradilan adat agar keputusan yang diambil sensitive terhadap perempuan, mendorong adanya juknis terkait peradilan adat dan lain - lain (fitrie76)
Many things can be done, among others, by conducting socialization to the community related to the existence of a customary court qanun at the gampong level, fostering community trust so that they want to report social cases that occur in the surrounding environment to the gampong government apparatus, Involving women in customary justice so that decisions taken are sensitive against women, encouraging technical guidelines related to traditional justice and others (fitrie76)



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