Why don't crypto-devs understand the concept of documentation?
When it comes to cryptocurrency development, most documentation is out of date and incomplete if it even exists. Trying to get into developing apps for these blockchains is incredibly frustrating and annoying. Most guides/tutorials simply don't work. I feel like a sewer maintenance worker with the amount of shit I've waded through over the past couple of days.
Here's a tutorial for making a cup of tea.
- Fill the kettle with enough water to make a mug of tea.
- Turn the kettle on to boil the water
- Put a new tea bag in a mug.
- Wait for kettle to boil
- Fill mug with water leaving enough room for milk.
- Let it brew for a minute or two.
- Remove teabag
- Add sugar if required.
- Add milk.
- Stir well.
Here's how crypto-devs would write such a tutorial:
- Boil some water in a mug.
- Put in a tbag
- Add milk
- Stir well
People following the latter guide are not going to end up with a nice cuppa, they're going to end up a vile monstrosity that's probably been heated up in a microwave with milk added while the tea bag is still in the cup!
If you're creating guides and tutorials, you need to be making them step by step and keeping them up to date. It seems like the only way to set up a node is using docker as none of the other guides worked for me and @someone123 has created the following up-to-date guide to help with that, "Your guide to setting up a Witness Server (STEEM-in-a-box HF19). How do I use docker to interact with the blockchain though when I've never even heard of docker before? That's not explained at all.
I also came across the following article, List of Public Steem Full API Nodes, and Example Usage
which provided an example of how to use them:
curl --silent https://steemd.steemit.com --data '{"method": "call", "params": ["login_api", "get_version", []], "id": 0}' | jq
Surprise, surprise though, the example doesn't actually work and it returns errors. The people running those "Full API Nodes" need to provide actual useful documentation on how to use those nodes, with example code in various popular languages for all the API calls. Why are you just assuming that people know how to do this stuff already (Hey @xeroc and @jesta , how about adding some working example code to your status page to explain how to actually use those APs instead of assuming that it's common knowledge?)
Here's an example of how documentation should be. As you can see, it describes what the method does, its syntax, its exceptions and even provides a small sample program to demonstrate how that method works.
I can make bitcoin and namecoin wallets yet can't even get data from the steem blockchain. That's how pathetic the documentation is. If you want cryptocurrency to be a success, create some useful documentation and help new developers to make it a success rather than obstructing them at every turn.
Keep up all the good work developing but for crying out loud, provide some decent documentation too! Rant over and out.