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RE: Value served through relationships

in #steem5 years ago

Haha, I recognized myself too many times to feel comfortable about it. Then again, screw comfort ;)

You might remember me saying "still learning, still learning...". Which is also awkward when it has gone for so long. I mean mostly considering myself learning and not acting enough with that excuse in mind.

See? Time goes by, a year is a year and not a joke, and one has to act. Upon what? Upon what Media has provided as a map of Reality. I might be lucky with the media I currently choose, which consists of mostly thoughtful posts here, as well as few but selected lectures and books offline.

And by now I know I will always be able to see only a fraction of a fraction of a ... fraction of Reality. So finding the healthy fractions upon which to actturns out to be quite paramount.


screw comfort

This is what the designers of my bed thought.

Which is also awkward when it has gone for so long. I mean mostly considering myself learning and not acting enough with that excuse in mind.

It never ends I assume, there is always more. On steem this is a pretty cool component as due to the way it operates, it is always changing and even those who know a great deal, might have to start again post-hardfork.

Finding the fractions of life that are important is difficult in the sea of sludge that makes it through the filters, but there is plenty out there and once a few are identified, spotting more gets easier, as well as spotting a fake.

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