# Daily Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD) Price Report - 2017-12-03

in #steem7 years ago

Daily Steem and Steem dollars (SBD) price Report - 2017-12-03



Price in Bitcoin: 0.00010794 BTC
Price in USD: 1.17979 USD
24 Hour Volume: 5256420.0 USD
Market Capacity: 291353366.0 USD
Available Supply: 246953582.0 STEEM
Total Supply: 263927676.0 STEEM
Price Change in 1 Hours: -1.74 %
Price Change in 24 Hours: 5.8 %
Price Change in 7 Days: 8.1 %

Steem Dollars (SBD)

Price in Bitcoin: 0.00020492 BTC
Price in USD: 2.23981 USD
24 Hour Volume: 3610610.0 USD
Market Capacity: 7810383.0 USD
Available Supply: 3487074.0 SBD
Total Supply: 3487074.0 SBD
Price Change in 1 Hours: -3.02 %
Price Change in 24 Hours: 2.46 %
Price Change in 7 Days: 36.88 %

Price and Data Source: coinmarketcap.com
Image Source: cryptocoinview.com

This Report will be updated Daily in this time.

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What is the world is going on with SBD freakin cra cra you think steem would be going up in value not SBD

@mahdiyari Best wishes :)

Hello @mahdiyari
i think there are a bug while opening (manual following) in steemfollower

what is that?

dalay while opening it
sometimes gives an error

Sbd good price

Tnx fr update

@mahdiyari, I registered with your steemauto and sent the Steem but when I tried to log in with the right username and password, it tells me to check username and password. They are correct but I can't log in. I wrote to support contact, but no reply. So what do I do next?

that was a little problem,
Already Answered in Email.

With a delay, he read. Thanks.

Price is looking good! Thanks!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 66544.05
ETH 3487.85
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.72