Addiction to Steem Syndrome
Do you or a friend suffer from A.S.S?
Addiction to Steem Syndrome is a serious illness that carries risks if left untreated.
Symptoms include the following:
- VWD (Voting While Driving)
- Constant need to #IntroduceYourself to everyone
- Voting 25 hours a day
But, there is a hope now for a cure! Vote now, and you will improve yourself by:
- Increased Steem Power
- Increased speed reading capabilitie
- Enlighten others to the risk
Together, we can solve this illness
Other than the while driving thing, this sounds like the recipe for a successful project.
Addicted? No.
что то смысла я в этом посте вижу мало о какой зависимости вообще речь
Для удовольствия и смеха . Не каждый пост должен быть серьезным . Я хочу, чтобы мои посты , чтобы быть сочетание серьезной и весело .
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