
thanks for the kind words... i think im too wordy and too bad at marketing to be a really successful poster here. Im sure sooner or later someone will take my content, put some animated giffs of a dude in makeup in it, and make $20K
Its all good though im making plenty of money investing in steem, i don't have any illusions of being the next @guerint... im just posting more to write and get my thoughts down than anything else.

Just keep posting, that's what i'm doing. I too am not the best at some aspects of writing, but i believe with passion and perseverance people will eventually take notice of us minnows :P

i think the real key to standing out is photos and pictures, if you need tips for your next post don't hesitate to ask me, i might not be the best person for the job but willing to help :)

I'm not really a terribly attractive person. So if there are photos of me, theyll probably do more harm than good.

In a wider sense though, theres so much empty-calorie clickbait doing so well right now, i would rather dress in ashes and sackcloth, and get people interested in my ideas, just for my ideas. Just to maybe show that it can be done.

Incidentally, when i posted the above i assumed that i wasnt going to get any significant blogging reward for my post. Thanks mainly to @dantheman i made like $500 on the post and one of the comments. And i got 119 likes, which is pretty cool... my first decent blogging reward

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