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RE: The Steem Blockchain Can Not Be Censored.

in #steem6 years ago

I agree, we don't yet have any true "dApps" on Steem (or really anywhere else). @anyx has a great post going into details on that here: What Makes a 'dApp' a 'dApp'?

That said, I'm not too concerned about this specific example. Extortion for profit and lolz isn't exactly something a voluntary society should be happily supporting, so I acknowledge and respect the right of each individual owner of a Steem blockchain viewer project to make their own decisions. These are very difficult decisions, and I do not envy those who have to make them. The threats of government are often serious and few are willing to go up against that Leviathan.

I think we're always have an uncensorable underground. It may be a little harder to get to in some situations, but ultimately, the content is there and can not be taken down. The code is open source so anyone can fire up their own version of it and run it locally.

If governments start coming after block producers individually and force them to exclude certain blocks from the chain, well that could be a real challenge.


Thank you for the link from @anyx, I will get to it later today. Sure, the @thedarkoverlord is not really representing anything I personally stand for because of the ransom request. Smells more like a psy-op, that will not reveal any substantial information about 9/11.

But it is beside the point we want to make here, right? How can we achieve true censorship-resistance in a Steem frontend reader? Is that even possible? I guess I have to dive into the article you linked above to understand that better.

If governments start coming after block producers individually and force them to exclude certain blocks from the chain, well that could be a real challenge.

Wow, would that be possible to manipulate information on the blockchain when you have access to one single block producer? I thought they have to reach some form of consensus with other witnesses.

No, but single block producers could be pressured to exclude content (which means the next block producer in line would add the content to the chain). You'd have to control all the witnesses to really censor anything or you'd have to get consensus (2/3 + 1) to fork the code which obviously... be obvious. :)

Yeah that won't be too easy for govt to censor, maybe we can get laws past in the usa to protect these blockchains and freedom of speech. Everyone can always run full nodes in their own homes with pitbulls to protect them. Hehe . I am ready for changes in steem. Change is a good thing. Removing things like 90day power downs encourages investments coming in. Moving towards user end dapps vs server end dapps. Thousands of solid dapps will exist one day. To replace Uber, Facebook, and imdb for example. People will have to choose centralization vs having less features. This is the reality of the blockchain dapp ecosystem from my perspective.

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